SAP Transaction VI12 - List shipment costs: Settlement

Related Notes
137188TD Refresh function at SCD worklist
207609VI11, VI12: Selection of TD shipments don't work properly
137211TD Selection of shipment cost documents
501619VY002: Dump in Transaction VI02 or VI12
103318TD Corrections in program ROIGVALV
896098VI12: Shipment cost document created twice
137168TD Collective Note for IS-Oil release 1.0D
899633MIRO: Long runtime for 'Transportation Service Agent'
376296Expensive SQL statement on table VFKP
842299Transport planning point authorization check 'V_VTTK_TDS'
210204IS-OIL: Additional Info - LCP 31-38 incl. 4.0B
210205IS-OIL: Additional Info - SPs 31-38 incl. 4.0B
801419Performance problems in shipment (cost) processing
640455VI02/VI03: Termination with inconsistent shpt cost documents