1080116 | Report ZZVF44HN |
877121 | Incorrect account determination for unbilled revenues |
526455 | Revenue Recognition Conversion: Type 'D' corrections |
560306 | Total of the revenue lines is not the revenue amount |
813067 | Missing check of transaction code |
590640 | Revenues in VF45 displayed incorrectly |
784827 | Missing accounts in VBREVK for new condition |
531102 | Revenue Recognition Conversion: Type 'D' Modifications |
862593 | Release finds accruals accounts other than contract |
797528 | Coordination report for accruals accounts (VF48) |
504440 | Revenue recognition conversion prior to technical upgrade |
819805 | Lock logic, reversal, status, posting date (5.00) |
798033 | Lock logic, cancellation, status, posting date (4.6C) |
811045 | Lock logic, cancellation, status, posting date (4.70) |
568227 | Account changes cause data inconsistencies |
780126 | New DDIC fields in revenue recognition |