SAP Transaction VF02 - Change Billing Document

Related Notes
1026406SAPSQL_ARRAY_INSERT_DUPREC for FAGL_SPLNFO with neg. posting
148085Performance of billing document processing
420167VFX3: Error message F1105 / VF02: Error message F5869
146827Partial cancellation: Conditions are missing
189455VF02 tax code space in procedure xx invalid (FF704)
320559Termination drng item cancellation of billing document
80559VF02 : Rebate conditions are lost
930891Unable to create,change,release to accounting - Billing doc
145468Missing check for closed posting period
724778Missing check for profit center document
813067Missing check of transaction code
308387VF01 GP line not split & different condion types
142368Segment VBUK missing in billing document
194207No call of the external tax determination in VF02
192623Cancellation of dependent billing items incorrect
407426No billing document print due to missing foreign trade data
84936Duplicated documents in accounting
168008Accounting release and unvollst. Foreign trade data
498880VF050 when releasing billing document
594511BR:SD ICMS Rounding Problems in the Billing Process
175341Multiple updating income when changing customer billing doc
117271Pricing error in billing with header conditions
1180467IS-M/AM: Poor performance in document flow VA03/VF03
515047FF759 with release of billing document to accounting
419468Loss of NF data during new pricing in billing document
358389Item cancellatn: Bill doc can be cancelled sev times
182617Error when cancelling items with down payments
442477Incorrect error handling in RV_ACCOUNTING_DOCUMENT_CREATE
354509Name of partners displayd incorrectly in billng doc
1386609Cancellation of intercompany invoices
509372Billing: NF data change for intercompany billing
186019Performance of billing update
79234Incorrect statistics update in the billing document
836986Payer address format
33615SD-FI: Calculation of the terms of payment
357057Item cancellation: New account determination during release
571687Incorrect D/C indicated in external tax system
768184Online splitter: SD billing documents only with tax tems
213495Billing document:Texts w/ incorrct default language
149647FF704: down payment clearing from SD
143327Upgr.3.1I:Release of canclltn.returns message KI235
215389No automatic clearing for cancelled credit memos
82968Incorrect update of condition values
428095FF753 in case of pure tax docs with rounding differences
139660Interval scales in the billing document
149435Cancellation/credit memo in revenue report
582437No FI transfer for tax rounding differences
495424SAPSQL_ARRAY_INSERT_DUPREC after new pricing
459738Message F5725 during release to accounting (1)
144809Customer material number is not diplayed in invoice
456269NF screen displayed after selecting billing item twice
132947AFS Linegroup is not available in billing
1145112F5 693 when you transfer billing document
374440Runtime error RAISE_EXCEPTION in Transaction VF02
174537Performance of billing (partners)
215848VFX3: no message if successful
202765KI100 during release of intercompany billing
174699CUSTOMER-FUNCTION '008' without processed docNo.
208613V0110 on pymt card detail scrn aft.'Cancel'/'Exit'
445004Incorrect tax jurisdiction code in export billing document
38774Incorrect baseline date for instalment payment
974991SD Invoice/credit memo:Termination or incorrect update
38252VF03, display document flow, abnormal termination
523522/NFM/TNES_SELECT: Type conflict /NFM/TNESTX
162321Down payment clearing in SIS (as of Release 4.0x)
71456Error releasing a cancellation document
196902Blocked billing doc.: New authorizatn not possible
1166340 Performance during release to Accounting
216974Error F5670 during release to accounting
208784Item cancellation: Billing document item disappears
139510Performance of sales doc. processing (billing doc.)
303857Error F5 355 during posting to cash settlement
306809Cancellation docum w/o billing type in interface
686031VFX3: Return to selection list
188719Display error in billing document (line-entry)
113512VF051 "Doc. & saved (error in accnt determination)"
119074Unsorted partner table XVBPA
674967Message VF050 when releasing billing document
46187Exch.rate diff. to bill.document when cancelling
961245VF01/VF02: Error message F5 735 (Hungary) (3)
206352Short dump when leaving the condition screen
370293Runtime error CONVT_NO_NUMBER in Transaction VF11
312072Transfer price KW00 is not transferred
305613Billing document: Payer address not updated
176166Address numbers of general billing interface
366024Error FF747 due to rounding difference comparison
80371SD/FI: termination 00015 in SAPLTAX1 screen 0300
513305Intercompany billing: NF billing block due to date = 0
160153VF01/VF02 predecessor not order/delivery: ERW003
166898Tax jurisdiction level is not transferred
664711SG105 with billing document release
627091Message FF749 with billing data transfer
338126Faster processing of different tables
352706Double accounting documents for billing documents
208121TABLE_INVALID_INDEX in AFS billing document
87750 SD FI tax statement lines with too high base amount
1345671Tax data with zero base amount in the original input message
94579No error message for unauthorized status change
400780Negative billing item w/ down payment clearing of same amnt