Transaction | Text |
TF04 | Settle Forward Securities Transactn |
TF05 | Deliver Forward Securities Transactn |
TF06 | Reverse Forward Securities Transactn |
TF07 | Roll Over Forward Securities Trans. |
TF08 | History of Forward Securities Trans. |
TF09 | FST: Advance Maturity |
TF10 | FST: Display Activity |
TF11 | FST: Dividend Adjustment |
TFBWD | Customizing Table TFBWD |
TFBWE | Customizing Table TFBWE |
TFCP | Coll. Processing: Forward Sec.Trans. |
TFL00 | Collective Processing - Forward Loan |
TFL01 | Create Forward Loan Transaction |
TFL02 | Change Forward Loan transaction |
TFL03 | Display Forward Loan Transaction |
TFL04 | Settle Forward Loan transaction |
TFL05 | Delivery Forward Loan transaction |
TFL06 | Reversal of Forward Loan transaction |
TFL08 | History of Forward Loan transaction |
TFL10 | Display activity of Forward Loan |
TFMN | Cash Flow |
TFSCD_ACTIVATE_OPORD | Classification Key and Direct Input |
TFWB | Maintain Mini-Templates |
TFWCLEANUP | Cleanup the database |
TFWFEAT | Maintain features for rating |
TFWKEYGEN | Generate Table for Key Values |
TFWPRED | Maintain tag predicates |
TF_01 | Create Forward |
TF_02 | Change Forward |
TF_03 | Display Forward |
TF_04 | Reverse Forward |
TF_05 | Settle Forward |
TF_06 | Fixing Forward |
TF_07 | Fixing Settle Forward |
TF_08 | Terminate Forward |
TF_09 | Settle Termination Forward |
TF_10 | History Forward |
TF_10H | History Forward |
TF_15 | Settle Contract Forward |
TF_76 | Forward - History |
TF_WS453012160001 | Query About a Flight Booking |
TF_WS700004380001 | AbsenceRequestCreate |
TF_WS770001350001 | Leave request |
TGANL | Create Separation Allowance |
TGANZ | Display Separation Allowance Event |
TGMOD | Change Separation Allowance |
TGPER | Edit Separation Allowance |
THIPAA | For checking past certificates |
THM10 | Exposure Expiration |
THM11 | Reverse Exposure Expiration |
THM12 | Hedge Plan Expiration |
THM14 | Hedging Relationship Dedesignation |
THM15 | Reverse HR dedesignations |
THM30 | Define NPVs on Inception Date |
THM35 | Adjustment of the interest rates |
THM50 | Transfer Prospect. Effect.Assessment |
THM51 | Reverse Trans. Prospect.Eff.Assess. |
THM52 | Retrospective Assessment |
THM53 | Reverse Retrospective Eff. Ass. |
THM54 | Manual OCI Reclassification |
THM55 | Reverse Manual OCI Reclassification |
THM56 | Fair value changes to be posted |
THM57 | Reverse FV Changes to be Posted |
THM58 | Automatic EC Reclassification |
THM59 | Reversal of Automatic EC Reclass. |
THM80 | Effectiveness test |
THM81 | OCI per hedging relationship |
THM82 | Hedge plan overview |
THM83 | Hedging Relationships per Derivative |
THM84 | Prematurely Reclassified OCI |
THM85 | Change Documents for E-HA |
THM86 | Hedge Relationship Documentation |
THM87 | Reverse Regression Assessment |
THMEX | E-Hedge Accounting |
THMFLOWT_DER | FX-Flow Types E-Hedge Accounting |
THMFLOWT_FX | DER-Flow Types E-Hedge Accounting |
THMMM | Exposure Upload from Money Market |
THMR1 | Reverse single HR dedesignation |
THMR2 | Reverse single HR dissolve |
THMRO | Exposure Upload From External Source |
THMST | Hedging Relationship Status Overview |
THM_COCO_SETTING | Number range for hedges |
THM_COCO_SETTING1 | Number range for hedging rel.ships |
THM_COCO_SETTING2 | Valuation Area Settings for E-HA |
THM_NR_HEDGE | Define number ranges for hedges |
THM_NR_HR | Define number ranges for HR |
THM_NR_PLAN | Number range maintenance: THM_PLAN |
THM_NR_TRANS | Number range maintenance: THM_TRANS |
TI-3 | Display Currency Option |
TI00 | Collective Processing for Futures |
TI10 | Create Interest Rate Adjustment |
TI11 | Change Interest Rate Adjustment |
TI12 | Display Interest Rate Adjustment |
TI35 | Collect.Processing: Listed Options |
TI37 | Reverse Interest Rate Adjustment |
TI40 | Currency Option Fast Entry |
TI49 | Change Currency Option |
TI4A | Forex Fast Entry |
TI4B | Currency Option Entry - Spread |
TI55 | Create Future Master Record |