SAP Transactions

Transaction Text
S_KK4_96000157 IS-H: Delete Cncld Non-Trnsfd Svces
S_KK4_96000158 IS-H: Evaluate Transfer Information
S_KK4_96000159 IS-HCO: Overview Svce to Be Transfrd
S_KK4_96000161 IS-H: BPflV 1995 L 1- Occupancy Data
S_KK4_96000162 IS-H: BPflV 1995 L 3 - Occup. Data
S_KK4_96000163 IS-H: BPflV 1995 L4 - Diagnosis Stat
S_KK4_96000164 IS-H: BPflV 1995 L 5- Surg. Stats
S_KK4_96000167 IS-H: KHStatV SA 91 -
S_KK4_96000168 IS-H: KHStatV SA 10
S_KK4_96000169 IS-H: KHStatV SA 11
S_KK4_96000170 IS-H: KHStatV SA 12
S_KK4_96000171 IS-H: KHStatV SA 13 - Stat. Beds
S_KK4_96000172 IS-H: KHStatV SA 20 - Sick Beds;
S_KK4_96000173 IS-H: KHStatV SA 40 - Dschgd DayPats
S_KK4_96000174 IS-H: KHStatV SA 50 - Deliveries
S_KK4_96000175 IS-H ES: CMBD and CMA Statistics
S_KK4_96000176 IS-H: Midnight Census Statistics
S_KK4_96000177 IS-H: Midnight Census Stats- Row Vrs
S_KK4_96000178 IS-H: Midnight Census Stats - Indiv.
S_KK4_96000179 IS-H: Geographical Area Statistics
S_KK4_96000180 IS-H: Service Statistics
S_KK4_96000189 IS-H: Service and Billing Statistics
S_KK4_96000190 IS-H: Org. Unit Occupancy Data
S_KK4_96000191 IS-H: Org. Unit Occupancy Data
S_KK4_96000192 IS-H: Evaluate ICPM/ICD Combination
S_KK4_96000193 IS-H: List Material Requested
S_KK4_96000194 IS-HCM: Format Messages
S_KK4_96000195 IS-HCM: Generate all S* Messages
S_KK4_96000196 IS-HCM: Generate all CUSTOMER Msgs
S_KK4_96000197 IS-HCM: Get Case-Related Services
S_KK4_96000198 IS-HCM: Get Diagnoses from Part.Syst
S_KK4_96000199 IS-HCM: Get Surgical Data from Part
S_KK4_96000200 IS-HCM: Get Med. Service Data from
S_KK4_96000201 IS-HCM: Selective Message Dispatch
S_KK4_96000202 IS-HCM: Display Report for Status
S_KK4_96000203 IS-HCM: System Monitoring
S_KK4_96000204 IS-HCM: Delete all old Status Msgs
S_KK4_96000205 IS-HCM: Part.Syst. Installation Chk
S_KK4_96000206 IS-HCM List Parameter System Setting
S_KK4_96000207 IS-HCM Message Standards
S_KK4_96000208 IS-HCM Message Types (Composition)
S_KK4_96000209 IS-HCM Message Segments (Compostion)
S_KK4_96000210 IS-HCM: Message Fields
S_KK4_96000211 IS-HCM Display Msgs Ready to Send
S_KK4_96000212 IS-HCM: Create a Message Type Copy
S_KK4_96000213 IS-HCM Create a Segment Copy
S_KK4_96000214 IS-HCM: Display Dispatch Logs
S_KK4_96000215 IS-HCM: Delete Dispatch Logs
S_KK4_96000216 IS-HCM Test Program: Simulate CM-r
S_KK4_96000217 IS-HCM Select Customer Msg Parts
S_KK4_96000218 IS-HCM: Simulate and Send Adm.Rcrd
S_KK4_96000219 IS-HCM Display Inbound Messages
S_KK4_96000220 IS-HCM: Delete Receipt Logs
S_KK4_96000221 IS-HCM Errored Inbound Messages
S_KK4_96000222 IS-HCM Errored Inbound Messages
S_KK4_96000223 IS-HCM Evaluations for Hosp.Communic
S_KK4_96000224 IS-HCM Messages from Log File
S_KK4_96000225 IS-HCM: Create HCM Partner System
S_KK4_96000226 IS-HCM: Delete Partner System
S_KK4_96000227 IS-HCM NC02 SAP-HCM Mssge Fieldwise
S_KK4_96000228 IS-HCM: All HCM Trace Entries in
S_KK4_96000229 IS-HCM: All Entries in Table
S_KK4_96000230 IS-HCM: All Entries in Table
S_KK4_96000231 IS-H EDI Overview of Partner Systems
S_KK4_96000232 IS-H EDI: Message Structure Tree
S_KK4_96000233 IS-HCM: Get OU-Related Services
S_KK4_96000234 IS-HCM: Communic. Acknow. Handling
S_KK4_96000235 IS-HCM: Check File Usability
S_KK4_96000236 IS-HCM: Copy IS-H Report Control
S_KK4_96000237 IS-H EDI: Order Processing
S_KK4_96000238 IS-H EDI: Create Message File
S_KK4_96000239 IS-H EDI Create File, Single Process
S_KK4_96000240 IS-H SG: EDI Trans.Pgrm for Express
S_KK4_96000241 IS-H EDI Import Program (File on
S_KK4_96000242 IS-H EDI Message Receipt. Automatic
S_KK4_96000243 IS-H EDI Message Receipt, Manual
S_KK4_96000244 IS-H EDI: Message Structure Tree
S_KK4_96000245 IS-H: EDI Assign Data Cllct Point to
S_KK4_96000246 IS-H EDI: Evaluate Messsage Dispatch
S_KK4_96000247 IS-H EDI: File Overview
S_KK4_96000248 IS-H EDI Display Msg Field by Field
S_KK4_96000249 IS-H EDI Seq. Number of DCP
S_KK4_96000250 IS-H EDI File/Message Processing
S_KK4_96000251 IS-H EDI Transfer System Files
S_KK4_96000252 IS-H EDI: List all Cases w/o EDI Msg
S_KK4_96000253 IS-H EDI Edit Individual Messages
S_KK4_96000254 IS-H EDI Delete Tab. NC30 Manually
S_KK4_96000255 IS-H EDI Assign New Data Cllct.Point
S_KK4_96000256 IS-H EDI: Case Analysis
S_KK4_96000257 IS-H D: EDI Compare Data Cllct Point
S_KK4_96000258 IS-H EDI Basics of Procedure Custom
S_KK4_96000259 IS-H: List all Setting for Work Org
S_KK4_96000260 IS-H: Delete of Change Entries
S_KK4_96000261 IS-H: Cllctv. Print of Admiss/Dschg
S_KK4_96000262 IS-H: Program for Deleting Form Logs
S_KK4_96000263 IS-H: Utility for Converting
S_KK4_96000268 IS-H: Trans. Data to Create Customer
S_KK4_96000269 IS-H: Trans. Data Quick Svce Entry
S_KK4_96000270 IS-H: Maintain Svce by Svce Pair
S_KK4_96000272 IS-H: Trans. Data to Create ISHCust
Lines 82301 to 82400 of 91333 entries
1 822 823 824 825 826 914