Transaction | Text |
S_KK4_96000045 | IS-H: Quick Admissions |
S_KK4_96000046 | IS-H: Emergency Admissions |
S_KK4_96000047 | IS-H: Outpatient Waiting List |
S_KK4_96000048 | IS-H: Inpatient Emergency Cases |
S_KK4_96000049 | IS-H: Evaluate Treatment Certificate |
S_KK4_96000050 | IS-H: Case Monitor |
S_KK4_96000051 | IS-H: Outpatient Visits (with Phys.) |
S_KK4_96000052 | IS-H: Missing Outpat. Treatm.Certif. |
S_KK4_96000053 | IS-H: Treatment End for Outpat. Case |
S_KK4_96000054 | IS-H: Movement Lists |
S_KK4_96000055 | IS-H: Evaluation Report for Assigned |
S_KK4_96000056 | IS-H: Evaluation Report for Case |
S_KK4_96000057 | IS-H: Religious List |
S_KK4_96000058 | IS-H: Public List Dialog |
S_KK4_96000059 | IS-H: Public List |
S_KK4_96000060 | IS-H: Case Monitor |
S_KK4_96000061 | IS-H: List of Newborn Deliveries |
S_KK4_96000062 | IS-H: List Inpatient Birthdays |
S_KK4_96000063 | IS-H: List Referring/Post-Dschg.Phys |
S_KK4_96000064 | IS-H: Enhanced Waiting List |
S_KK4_96000065 | IS-H: Patient Traffic List |
S_KK4_96000066 | RNUAPP01 |
S_KK4_96000067 | IS-H: Reorganize Provisional Appts |
S_KK4_96000068 | IS-H: Outpat.Clinic Mgmt: Appt List |
S_KK4_96000069 | IS-H: List Planning Objects |
S_KK4_96000070 | IS-H: Eval. Report for Diagnoses |
S_KK4_96000071 | IS-H: Evaluation Report for Diagnos |
S_KK4_96000072 | IS-H: Evaluations acc to FRH |
S_KK4_96000073 | IS-H: Case List By Ins. Provider |
S_KK4_96000074 | IS-H: Service List |
S_KK4_96000075 | IS-H: Case/Svce Evaluaton for DayPat |
S_KK4_96000076 | IS-H: Case/Service Evaluation for |
S_KK4_96000077 | IS-H: Adjust Services for Absence |
S_KK4_96000086 | IS-H: Service and Billing Statistics |
S_KK4_96000088 | IS-H: Extended Service with AltScvce |
S_KK4_96000089 | IS-H: Determine Data for Quality |
S_KK4_96000090 | IS-H: Discharges to Ext. Hospital |
S_KK4_96000091 | IS-H: Print IV Requests |
S_KK4_96000092 | IS-H: Print IV Requests |
S_KK4_96000093 | IS-H: Create IV Request Reminder |
S_KK4_96000094 | IS-H: Extend IV Request |
S_KK4_96000095 | IS-H: IV Status Tracking |
S_KK4_96000096 | IS-H: Monitor Insurance Verification |
S_KK4_96000097 | IS-H: Generate IV Request |
S_KK4_96000098 | IS-H: Generate IV Request |
S_KK4_96000099 | IS-H: Generate Copayment Request |
S_KK4_96000100 | IS-H: Post Back Dunned Copayment |
S_KK4_96000101 | IS-H: Dunned Copayment Request |
S_KK4_96000102 | IS-H: Repost Copayment to Ins.Prov. |
S_KK4_96000103 | IS-H: Display Copayment Request |
S_KK4_96000104 | IS-H: Down Payments Final Blld Cases |
S_KK4_96000106 | IS-H: Evaluation Mat./Admin.Costs |
S_KK4_96000107 | IS-H: Evaluation Cost Reimbursement |
S_KK4_96000108 | IS-H: Evaluation Report Dept OU/Svce |
S_KK4_96000109 | IS-H: Check Charges |
S_KK4_96000110 | IS-H: Propose Charges |
S_KK4_96000111 | IS-H: Case Monitor |
S_KK4_96000112 | IS-H: Patient Billing |
S_KK4_96000113 | IS-H: Bill. Doc. Mass Print Program |
S_KK4_96000114 | IS-H: Billing - Process Messages |
S_KK4_96000115 | IS-H: Billing - Case Selection |
S_KK4_96000116 | IS-H: Case Selection via Patient Nam |
S_KK4_96000117 | IS-H: Billing: Case Selection |
S_KK4_96000118 | IS-H: Billing: Case Selection |
S_KK4_96000119 | IS-H: Billing - Case Selection |
S_KK4_96000120 | IS-K: Billing - Copy Case Selection |
S_KK4_96000121 | IS-H: Cancel Bill. Document for |
S_KK4_96000122 | IS-H: Cancel Bill. Document for |
S_KK4_96000123 | IS-H: Cancel Invoice Items per |
S_KK4_96000124 | IS-H: Invoice Overview |
S_KK4_96000125 | IS-H: Invoice Stats for Blld Svces |
S_KK4_96000126 | IS-H: Invoice Statistics Billed |
S_KK4_96000127 | IS-H: Billing Indicator for a Case |
S_KK4_96000128 | IS-H: Billing Status Inpatient |
S_KK4_96000129 | IS-H: Case-Related Invoice Overview |
S_KK4_96000130 | IS-H: Cases w/o Billable Services |
S_KK4_96000131 | IS-H: Billing Block via Conditions |
S_KK4_96000132 | IS-H: Billing Block via Conditions |
S_KK4_96000133 | IS-H: Determine Cost Portions when |
S_KK4_96000134 | IS-H: Outpatient Cases w/o Services |
S_KK4_96000135 | IS-H: Revenue Accounts and Conditio |
S_KK4_96000136 | IS-H: Cancel Provisional Invoice |
S_KK4_96000137 | IS-H: Adjust Services with End Date |
S_KK4_96000138 | IS-H: Set Main Code Automatically |
S_KK4_96000139 | IS-H: Set 'Relevant for |
S_KK4_96000140 | IS-H: Delete NLKZ for Canceled NK |
S_KK4_96000141 | IS-H: Retroactive Price Change |
S_KK4_96000142 | IS-H: Copy Utility for NLAZ Maint. |
S_KK4_96000143 | IS-HCO: Transfer Services to |
S_KK4_96000144 | IS-H: Delete Cncld Non-Trnsfd Svces |
S_KK4_96000145 | IS-HCO Calculate & Transfer Inpat. |
S_KK4_96000146 | IS-HCO Calculate & Transfer Inpat. |
S_KK4_96000147 | IS-HCO Calculate & Transfer Inpat. |
S_KK4_96000148 | IS-HCO: Overview Svce to Be Transfrd |
S_KK4_96000149 | IS-H: Evaluate Transfer Information |
S_KK4_96000152 | IS-HCO: Create Orders |
S_KK4_96000153 | IS-HCO: Track Order Status |
S_KK4_96000154 | IS-HCO: Prel. Costing for Case Order |
S_KK4_96000155 | IS-HCO: Classify Case-Based Orders |
S_KK4_96000156 | IS-HCO: Transfer Services to |