178040 | SY-TCODE not supplied during settlement |
138036 | Display of information messages M878x is incomplete |
23295 | Status NAKL not set in production order |
64048 | CO88: settlement by order groups |
172325 | RKOO7400 no longer exists as of Release 4.0 |
322831 | Mill OC: Short dump in Transaction CO88 |
509328 | Error C+099 with order settlement |
126803 | MAT_ORDER_SETTLEMENT_CREATE: Runtime error |
188510 | CO02:Missing authorizatn checks w/ Call transaction |
377354 | KK87: Variances are not settled |
364427 | Settlement of costing to billing elements |
412397 | MLCCS013 for order settlement |
612635 | Settlement PKOSA: Lock on table AUFK |
494583 | Variances: Derivation of characteristics with system date |
377664 | Poor performance with settlement |
388122 | KD503 with product cost collector settlement |
392918 | KK87: Delivery quantity not settled into CO-PA |
596233 | Settl.fixed-price co-products after change of fiscal year |
322874 | RSQL error 13 in settlement via order groups |
303234 | CO88: Performance with settlement via order groups |
495374 | KD023 when settling fixed price co-product |
373685 | Information: Previous settlements |
362311 | CO88: dialog box w/ warning message KD315 |
49900 | Final delivery and delivery date for qty = zero |
143529 | Settlement Prod. Order: Valution type not set |
1079126 | Performance probl. in CO-PC-OBJ per-end closing: Oracle Hint |
308524 | KD021 'Default rule VAD does not exist' |
209319 | KD074, KD260 when settling production order/network |
526863 | ProdCostCollector: Not settled to PRP although no GR |
371153 | KD562 with product cost collector settlement |
390127 | Order settlement: MLCCS013 or performance problem |
587278 | Performance problems in overhead calculation and settlement |
515421 | MLCCS013 in Transaction CO88, but not in KO88 |
67641 | Settl. ignores spec. periods in shortend fisc. year |
149823 | Update of statistical moving average prices |
165650 | KO01: Reference has invalid order category |
441435 | Changes from Note 188510 are not implemented currently |
203203 | Hierarchy numbers in the collective order |
445984 | KO88 with standard price 0: MLCCS013 |
356324 | Settlement via order group: message KO003 |
367602 | Error message MLCCS099 for order settlement |
99508 | CO88: Settlement of order groups |
42137 | Order sel. f. settlement or actual overheads |
161981 | KO88: Error M8782 |
147761 | Negat. stat. moving avrge price after order settlmt |
407188 | Long runtimes for order settlement (MLAUF) |
380251 | MLCCS013 when changing profit center or company code |
38285 | KD206 when settl.in spec.period of short.fisc.year |
403790 | Error KD202 or KD205 for order settlement |
166725 | No display of the accrued values in settlement |
806953 | SETTLEMENT: Results are posted to special periods |
380669 | Profit center change incorrectly determined |
1524874 | Settlement: Determining settlement info from AUAK at runtime |
36978 | Settlement to CO-PA --> KD270 / missing variances |
424139 | Cross-year settlement |
363750 | Poor performance during order settlement |
655537 | Settlement: double list of delimited values in spool |
49821 | Delivery date missing in order from collect. order |
502668 | Error when splitting fixed-price co-product |
109910 | Neg. price for order sttlmt posted to prior pd KO88 |
197561 | Information on settlemet: Messages despite zero balance |
26502 | Read accesses to COSP, COSS under ADABAS or MSSQL |
426592 | MLCCS013 after dynamic creation of order history |
209904 | Performance/period-end closing for prod.orders & COH |
184919 | Information: Status update during settlement |
740626 | Cost Object Controlling: Performance Objectselection |
104192 | Incrrct stock vlue i.Invntry Controllng acco.t.KO88 |
322564 | Different document numbers required for settlement |
50979 | Actual delivery date after autom.GR with quantity 0 |
586673 | Incorrct WIP settlemnt for 'Full settlement' processing type |
398631 | INFO: CO-PC-OBJ (settlement) |
1349601 | Individual batch valuation: Valuation type in order |
651714 | Error with period-end closing selection |
338172 | Error message settlement M8147 |
406005 | Error MLCCS013 with order settlement |
413198 | Order settlement to material in special period |
330035 | Settlement of variances for MTS, not for MTO |
355063 | Order history: Unnecessary entries in order settlement |
547758 | PKOSA with planning plant: Settlement to PRP |
49894 | CO88: material stock accounts have incorrect status |
522944 | Error C+099 when reversing order settlement |
505738 | Termination I_LOGNR_INVALID with settlement reversal |
65895 | KQ152 or KQ153 w. settlement WIP/results analysis |
186753 | Settlement on sales order/project |
150605 | Ord.stlmt CK426 for material w/single batch valuatn |
412708 | MLCCS013 with order settlement with full settlement |
23147 | Settlement: several errors w/ settlement by cost element |
442038 | Order settlement reversal after cost component split startup |
384079 | MLCCS013 due to 'Material origin' |
166564 | Error KOSA007 in KK_F_PKOSA_DYNAMIC_RULE_FILL |
202047 | KD285 or KD298 for KO88 or CO88 |
322154 | Performance w/period close manufacturng orders/COC hierarchy |
86447 | RWIN: Incomplete documents |
623701 | Int error in the ord settl w/ actual cost component split |
130745 | Settlement: missing fields in FI and SL document |
158987 | KD285 for no valid reason for overdelivery |
370979 | KD211: Program error: 001 VB |
641199 | Set. price differences: Acct assignment cost est. segment |
215107 | 'Check transaction data' after upgrade to Release 4.5 or hig |