553598 | CO10 with template: WBS element missing in collective order |
122054 | Termination when creating prod. order by copying |
210031 | CO01 with reference: FORM_PARAMETER_TOO_SHORT |
106555 | WEUNB in spite of valuated special stock |
313230 | Operation release possible although WBS created |
167170 | Prod. order release possible although WBS created |
594765 | Create with template:Account assgnmnt of co-prodcts incorrct |
677735 | Create with ref.: Dialog box, changed master data on saving |
607089 | Valuated goods receipt for nonvaluated material |
165178 | Create order with reference: termination CO888 |
532665 | Dump COMPUTE_FLOAT_ZERODIVIDE in the availability check |
301987 | Extend subnetwork:Ind. 'Valuated sales order stock' |
1538846 | Long texts disappear when you jump to other transactions |
1432630 | Value update from wrong valuation area |
457518 | "Select all" function remains ineffective |
883064 | Status after you change special stock indicator |
1473733 | Order settlement: Error KI 344 |
157357 | Periodic settlement: order with project reference |
1303136 | Alternative unit of measure: Order header quantity |
757942 | Create by copying: directly produced assembly and batch |
536513 | ATP: delivery proposal screen for one component only |
156597 | Joint production and sales order/project reference |
1362114 | Simple discontinuation: Reqmt too high before effect.out dte |
860094 | Reading master data: no automatic release |
175431 | CO01,02:Manuf.of co-prod. & engineer-to-order prod. |
536534 | Dump COMPUTE_BCD_OVERFLOW for availability check |
1361216 | ATP check: Runtime error COMPUTE_BCD_OVERFLOW |
524487 | Order not yet created is locked |
532324 | Termination CO901, CO888, C7135 after Note 217660 implementd |
509420 | Change Net quantity - operation quantities adjustment |
167063 | Creating prod. order by copying:settlement rule |
456764 | Batch assignment and availability check |
300641 | Termination CO901, CO888, C7135 after implem. of Note 217660 |
456777 | Order numbers for internal number assignment |
546160 | Order creation - storage locations are deleted |
46625 | SHD0: Different execution of variant transactions |
912598 | System messages when deleting material component |