SAP Transactions

Transaction Text
CK11N Create Material Cost Estimate
CK13 Display Product Cost Estimate
CK13N Display Material Cost Estimate
CK22 Organizational Measure
CK24 Price Update with Cost Estimate
CK31 Print Log of Costing Run
CK32 CK BATCH: Print logs
CK33 Comparison of Itemizations
CK40N Edit Costing Run
CK40N_STAT Analyze Statistics for Costing Run
CK41 Create Costing Run
CK42 Change Costing Run
CK43 Display Costing Run
CK44 Delete Costing Run
CK45 Delete Costing Run in Background
CK51 Create Order BOM Cost Estimate
CK51N Create Order BOM Cost Estimate
CK53 Display Order BOM Cost Estimate
CK53N Display Order BOM Cost Estimate
CK55 Mass Costing - Sales Documents
CK60 Preselection for Material/Plant
CK61 CK Batch Processing
CK62 Find Structure: BOM Explosion
CK63 CK Batch Processing
CK64 Run: Cost Estimate of Objects
CK65 CK Batch Processing
CK66 Mark Run for Release
CK68 Release Costing Run
CK74 Create Additive Costs
CK74N Create Additive Costs
CK75 Change Additive Costs
CK75N Change Additive Costs
CK76 Display Additive Costs
CK76N Display Additive Costs
CK77N Create Additive Costs
CK79_99 Material: Itemization Comparison
CK80 Flexible Cost Component Report
CK80_99 Material: Cost Components
CK81 Overview of Reports
CK82 Select Cost Estimates
CK83 Print Cost Estimates in Background
CK84 Line Items in Cost Est for Product
CK84_99 Material: Itemization
CK84_99_COST_ELEMENT Cost Elements
CK85 Line Items in Cost Est for Order
CK85_99 Sales Document: Itemization
CK85_99_COST_ELEMENT Cost Elements
CK86 Costed Multilevel BOM
CK86_99 Material: Multilevel BOM
CK87 Costed BOM Sales Orders
CK87_99 Sales Document: Multilevel BOM
CK88 Partner Cost Component Split
CK88_99 Material: Partner Cost Comp. Split
CK89 Flexible Cost Comp. Report SaleOrder
CK89_99 Sales Document: Cost Components
CK90 Mixed Costing
CK91 Create Procurement Alternatives
CK91N Edit Procurement Alternatives
CK92 Change Procurement Alternatives
CK93 Display Procurement Alternatives
CK94 Change Mixing Ratio
CK95 Display Mixing Ratios
CKA1 Std Cost Est to Profitability Anal.
CKAPP01 Materials To Be Costed
CKAPP03 Sales Order Item to be Costed
CKAV Check availability
CKC1 Check Costing Variant
CKCM Costing Model
CKECP Ad Hoc Cost Estimate
CKECP1 Easy Cost Planning: Central Access
CKECPCP Ad Hoc Cost Estimate for cProjects
CKECPCP_DIR Ad Hoc Cost Est cProjects (Direct)
CKECPEWT Ad Hoc Cost Estimate
CKECPINT Easy Cost Planning
CKECP_AR Write Archive
CKFA Split Display for Production Order
CKM3 Material Price Analysis
CKM3N Material Price Analysis
CKM3OLD Material Price Analysis
CKM3VERYOLD Display Material Ledger Data
CKM9 Show Customizing Settings for Plant
CKMACD Value Flow Display f. Activity Types
CKMADJUST Reconcil. with Bal. Sheet Acct in FI
CKMARCHBEL Archive Document
CKMARCHDAT Archive Period Records
CKMARCHIDX Archive Index Entries
CKMARCHRUN Archive Period Records
CKMARCHSPL Archiving Actl Cost Comp. Split Recs
CKMARCHWIP Archive WIP for Actual Costs
CKMATCON Selection List Maintenance Dialog
CKMATSEL Selection List
CKMB Display Material Ledger Document
CKMB_RUN Create Basic List for Costing Run
CKMC Consistency Check for a Material
CKMCCC Manual Change: Act. Cost Comp. Split
CKMCCD ManChang: Display Actual CC Split
CKMCCS Display Actual Cost Component Split
CKMC_RUN Set Costing Sequence
CKMD Transactions for a Material
CKMDISPACT Technical Activity Type View
Lines 6801 to 6900 of 91333 entries
1 67 68 69 70 71 914