Transaction | Text |
CK11N | Create Material Cost Estimate |
CK13 | Display Product Cost Estimate |
CK13N | Display Material Cost Estimate |
CK22 | Organizational Measure |
CK24 | Price Update with Cost Estimate |
CK31 | Print Log of Costing Run |
CK32 | CK BATCH: Print logs |
CK33 | Comparison of Itemizations |
CK40N | Edit Costing Run |
CK40N_STAT | Analyze Statistics for Costing Run |
CK41 | Create Costing Run |
CK42 | Change Costing Run |
CK43 | Display Costing Run |
CK44 | Delete Costing Run |
CK45 | Delete Costing Run in Background |
CK51 | Create Order BOM Cost Estimate |
CK51N | Create Order BOM Cost Estimate |
CK53 | Display Order BOM Cost Estimate |
CK53N | Display Order BOM Cost Estimate |
CK55 | Mass Costing - Sales Documents |
CK60 | Preselection for Material/Plant |
CK61 | CK Batch Processing |
CK62 | Find Structure: BOM Explosion |
CK63 | CK Batch Processing |
CK64 | Run: Cost Estimate of Objects |
CK65 | CK Batch Processing |
CK66 | Mark Run for Release |
CK68 | Release Costing Run |
CK74 | Create Additive Costs |
CK74N | Create Additive Costs |
CK75 | Change Additive Costs |
CK75N | Change Additive Costs |
CK76 | Display Additive Costs |
CK76N | Display Additive Costs |
CK77N | Create Additive Costs |
CK79_99 | Material: Itemization Comparison |
CK80 | Flexible Cost Component Report |
CK80_99 | Material: Cost Components |
CK81 | Overview of Reports |
CK82 | Select Cost Estimates |
CK83 | Print Cost Estimates in Background |
CK84 | Line Items in Cost Est for Product |
CK84_99 | Material: Itemization |
CK84_99_COST_ELEMENT | Cost Elements |
CK85 | Line Items in Cost Est for Order |
CK85_99 | Sales Document: Itemization |
CK85_99_COST_ELEMENT | Cost Elements |
CK86 | Costed Multilevel BOM |
CK86_99 | Material: Multilevel BOM |
CK87 | Costed BOM Sales Orders |
CK87_99 | Sales Document: Multilevel BOM |
CK88 | Partner Cost Component Split |
CK88_99 | Material: Partner Cost Comp. Split |
CK89 | Flexible Cost Comp. Report SaleOrder |
CK89_99 | Sales Document: Cost Components |
CK90 | Mixed Costing |
CK91 | Create Procurement Alternatives |
CK91N | Edit Procurement Alternatives |
CK92 | Change Procurement Alternatives |
CK93 | Display Procurement Alternatives |
CK94 | Change Mixing Ratio |
CK95 | Display Mixing Ratios |
CKA1 | Std Cost Est to Profitability Anal. |
CKAPP01 | Materials To Be Costed |
CKAPP03 | Sales Order Item to be Costed |
CKAV | Check availability |
CKC1 | Check Costing Variant |
CKCM | Costing Model |
CKECP | Ad Hoc Cost Estimate |
CKECP1 | Easy Cost Planning: Central Access |
CKECPCP | Ad Hoc Cost Estimate for cProjects |
CKECPCP_DIR | Ad Hoc Cost Est cProjects (Direct) |
CKECPEWT | Ad Hoc Cost Estimate |
CKECPINT | Easy Cost Planning |
CKECP_AR | Write Archive |
CKFA | Split Display for Production Order |
CKM3 | Material Price Analysis |
CKM3N | Material Price Analysis |
CKM3OLD | Material Price Analysis |
CKM3VERYOLD | Display Material Ledger Data |
CKM9 | Show Customizing Settings for Plant |
CKMACD | Value Flow Display f. Activity Types |
CKMADJUST | Reconcil. with Bal. Sheet Acct in FI |
CKMARCHBEL | Archive Document |
CKMARCHDAT | Archive Period Records |
CKMARCHIDX | Archive Index Entries |
CKMARCHRUN | Archive Period Records |
CKMARCHSPL | Archiving Actl Cost Comp. Split Recs |
CKMARCHWIP | Archive WIP for Actual Costs |
CKMATCON | Selection List Maintenance Dialog |
CKMATSEL | Selection List |
CKMB | Display Material Ledger Document |
CKMB_RUN | Create Basic List for Costing Run |
CKMC | Consistency Check for a Material |
CKMCCC | Manual Change: Act. Cost Comp. Split |
CKMCCD | ManChang: Display Actual CC Split |
CKMCCS | Display Actual Cost Component Split |
CKMC_RUN | Set Costing Sequence |
CKMD | Transactions for a Material |
CKMDISPACT | Technical Activity Type View |