Transaction | Text |
CHM_IR | CMS Inventory Receipt Sel Screen |
CHPV1 | Spec.Syst: Assignment class template |
CI01 | Create CIAP Document |
CI02 | Change CIAP Document |
CI03 | Display CIAP Document |
CI10 | Cust: Select Techn. Param. for Comm. |
CI11 | PDC Groups |
CI12 | Deviation Record.-Selection Variants |
CI21 | Communication parameters for KANBAN |
CI23 | Download master data for Kanban |
CI25 | Upload Request in KK5 |
CI31 | Communication parameters for PM |
CI32 | Init. transfer of operations for PM |
CI33 | Transfer of master data for PM |
CI34 | Delta transfer of operations for PM |
CI35 | Generate Upload Request CC3 |
CI36 | Communication parameters for PS |
CI37 | Init. transfer of operations for PS |
CI38 | Transfer of master data for PS |
CI39 | Delta transfer of operations for PS |
CI40 | Generate Upload Request CC4 |
CI41 | Communication parameters for PP |
CI42 | Init. transfer of operations for PP |
CI42N | PP-PDC: Download Operations |
CI43 | Transfer of master data for PP |
CI44 | Delta transfer of operations for PP |
CI45 | Generate Upload Request CC2 |
CI45N | Generate Upload Request CC2 |
CI50 | Transfer production requirements |
CI51 | Transfer production commitments |
CIAP_ASSETFIN | Asset Conclusion Report |
CIAP_DETERMINATION | Execute the CIAP Determination |
CIAP_REPORT | List all the CIAP Records |
CIB2 | Update CC2 PDC messages |
CIB3 | Update CC3 PDC messages |
CIB4 | Update CC4 PDC messages |
CIB5 | Update CC5 PDC messages |
CIC0 | Customer Interaction Center |
CIC1 | Scripting: Assign Texts |
CIC2 | Scripting: Variable Maintenance |
CIC3 | Sales Summary |
CIC4 | Archiving Logging |
CIC5 | Archiving Infostore |
CIC7 | Maintain Scripting Profile |
CIC8 | CIC Customizing Menu (Temporary - Lo |
CIC9 | Maintain scripts |
CICA | Maintain Activities in CIC |
CICAA | Callback Queue Maintenance |
CICAB | Callback Queue Assignment |
CICAC | Callback Component Configuration |
CICAD | BDC name and Transaction Code |
CICAE | Input Step Mapping |
CICAF | Constant Source |
CICAG | Container Source |
CICAH | Function Call Source |
CICAI | BDC Field Destination |
CICAJ | Parameter ID Destination |
CICAK | Output Mapping |
CICAL | CIC Compoent Variants |
CICAM | Assignment of Visible Components |
CICAN | Hot key transcation |
CICB | Detail Keys for Activities in CIC |
CICC | Maintain CIC Framework ID |
CICD | Assign Components to Framework ID |
CICE | Assignment of Visible Components |
CICF | CIC Component Definition |
CICG | Call Center Profile Maintenance |
CICH | CTI Telephony Buttons |
CICI | Profile for Telephony Controls |
CICJ | Maintain Logging Profile |
CICK | Maintain Scripting Profile |
CICL | CIC Profile Definition |
CICM | Component Profile Type Definition |
CICMAILROLECUST | Role Custom. for Mail Workflow |
CICMAILWFCUST | Workflow Customizing for Mail |
CICN | Customizing Toolbar Maintenance |
CICO | CIC Profile Definition |
CICP | Contact Search Configuration |
CICQ | Assign Hidden Components to Framewrk |
CICS | Customer Interaction Center |
CICU | Toolbar Profile Maintenance |
CICV | CTI Queue Maintenance |
CICW | CTI Queue Assignment Maintenance |
CICX | Component Container Maintenance |
CICY | CTI Administration |
CICZ | DNIS mapping |
CIC_PPOCE | Create CIC Organizational Plan |
CIC_PPOME | Change CIC Organizational Plan |
CIC_PPOSE | Display CIC Organizational Plan |
CIC_SOFMVIEW | IMC Viewer for SAPoffice |
CIF | APO Core Interface |
CIFPUCUST | Customizing CIF External Procurement |
CIFPUCUST01 | CIF Source of Supply Determination |
CIFPUCUST02 | CIF External Procurement Orders |
CIP2 | CC2: Update PDC messages |
CIP3 | CC3: Update PDC messages |
CIP4 | CC4: Update PDC messages |
CIP5 | CC5: Update PDC messages |
CIPV | Posting PDC records |