Transaction | Text |
CAA2 | Change Contract Account |
CAA3 | Display Contract Account |
CAA5 | Mass replace proc.instr. in mst.rcp. |
CAAT | Foreign Trade Atrium |
CAC0 | Master recipe menu |
CAC1 | Time Sheet: Maintain Profiles |
CAC2 | Time Sheet: Field Selection |
CAC3 | Time Sheet: Rejection Reasons |
CAC4 | CATS: Profile Authorization Groups |
CAC5 | Define Customer Fields |
CAC6 | Allowed Print Reports |
CAC7 | Number Range Maintenance: CATS |
CAC8 | Number Range Maintenance: CATS_INTRN |
CAC9 | Service Attribute Fields in CATS |
CACC | Master recipe: Update settings |
CACH | BP Cust: Field Grouping Activity |
CACI | BP Cust.: Screen Configuration |
CACJ | BP Cust: Field Grouping Activity |
CACP | Transfer C tables to routing |
CACS | Commission System: Main Menu |
CACSACC | Remuneration Inquiry for BusPartner |
CACSACC1 | Remun.Inquiry BP or Selection Screen |
CACSACC1N | Remun.Inquiry BP or Selection Screen |
CACSACCN | Remuneration Inquiry for BusPartner |
CACSAPPLWIZARD | Application Wizard |
CACSAPPLWIZARDX | Application Wizard |
CACSB001 | Display Pending Cases |
CACSB002 | Edit Pending Cases |
CACSBDT | BDT: Task Level Menu |
CACSBDTI | BDT: Task Level Menu |
CACSCA1 | Additional Commission Case |
CACSCA1_LOG | Log: Additional Commission Case |
CACSCA2 | Addit.Commission Case - Resetting |
CACSCA2_LOG | Log: Reset Additional Comm.Case |
CACSCG_01 | Poss. Constellation and Def. |
CACSCG_02 | Poss. Roles of Comn Recip. in CommTA |
CACSCG_CONS | Poss. Constellation and Def. |
CACSCG_ROLE | Poss. Roles of Comn Recip. in Trans |
CACSCOND0001 | V_T681F for A V |
CACSCOND0002 | Condition Table: Create (Price Comn) |
CACSCOND0003 | Condition Table: Change (Price Comn) |
CACSCOND0004 | Condition Table:Display (Price Comn) |
CACSCOND0005 | Condition Types: Remuneration |
CACSCOND0006 | Access: Edit (Remuneration) |
CACSCOND0007 | Procedure Maintenance: Remuneration |
CACSCOND0011 | Commissions: V_T681F for A V |
CACSCOND0012 | Condition Table: Create (Valuation) |
CACSCOND0013 | Condition Table: Change (Valuation) |
CACSCOND0014 | Condition Table: Display (Valuation) |
CACSCOND0015 | Condition Types: Valuation |
CACSCOND0016 | Access: Edit (Valuation) |
CACSCOND0017 | Comn: Schedule Maintenance Valuation |
CACSCOND0021 | V_T681F for A PC |
CACSCOND0022 | Condition Table: Create (Price Comn) |
CACSCOND0023 | Condition Table: Change (Price Comn) |
CACSCOND0024 | CondTable: Display (Price Liability) |
CACSCOND0025 | Condition Types - Liability |
CACSCOND0026 | Access: Edit (Liability) |
CACSCOND0027 | Edit Procedure (Liability) |
CACSCOND0028 | Short text |
CACSCOND007C | Procedure for A P |
CACSCONDAUTH | Comn: Quantifying Authorization |
CACSCONDBTCI_MAP | Create Conditions BDC Session |
CACSCONDBTCI_OUT | Create Conditions Seq. File Out |
CACSCONDLA | Create Pricing Report |
CACSCONDLB | Change Pricing Report |
CACSCONDLC | Display Pricing Report |
CACSCONDMAINT | Edit Conditions (Remuneration) |
CACSCONDMAINT01 | Condition Maintenance |
CACSCONDMAINTB | Edit Conditions (Valuation) |
CACSCONDMAINTC | Condition Maintenance (Liability) |
CACSCONDTIME | Edit Conditions (Remuneration) |
CACSCRDRECHECK | Credentials Check |
CACSCS1 | Correspondence Print |
CACSCS1_LOG | Log: Correspondence Print |
CACSCTRTACC | Contract Account Display |
CACSCTRTREP | Contract Account Display |
CACSDBS_DEL | Delete Database Statistics |
CACSDBS_DET | Generate Database Statistics |
CACSDBS_DSP | Display Database Statistics |
CACSDESIGN | Construction Tool (NEW) |
CACSDOCRE | Doc. Display for Remun. & Liability |
CACSDOCSE | Document Display for Due Dates |
CACSDOCVA | Document Display for Valuation |
CACSELTLOG | ELT Log Display |
CACSELTOAWL_EXCEL | Create ELT worklist from Excel |
CACSFA_DET_ACRFA | AccntAssgnmt Types Remun. FI-CA |
CACSFFLTGC | Garb.Collector; Old Primary Entries |
CACSFFLTPN | Primary Entry Run for Fulf.Lvls |
CACSFIREP | Contract Account Display |
CACSFPPCS1 | Correspondence Print |
CACSFPPFR1 | Parallel Processing for Flat Rates |
CACSFPPGU1 | Parallel Processing for Guarantees |
CACSFPPRO1 | Parallel Processing of Retention |
CACSFPPSE1 | Parallel Processing of Settlement |
CACSFPP_UI_START_2 | Correspondence Printing |
CACSFR1 | Calculate Flat Rate |
CACSFR1_LOG | Log: Calculate Flat Rate |
CACSFR2 | Reset Flat Rate |
CACSFR2_LOG | Log: Reset Flat Rate |