Transaction | Text |
/BEV1/91000152 | ' |
/BEV1/91000153 | ' |
/BEV1/91000154 | ' |
/BEV1/91000155 | ' |
/BEV1/91000156 | # |
/BEV1/91000157 | # |
/BEV1/91000158 | ' |
/BEV1/91000162 | Billing Type for Message Type |
/BEV1/91000171 | ' |
/BEV1/91000172 | ' |
/BEV1/91000173 | ' |
/BEV1/91000174 | ' |
/BEV1/91000175 | ' |
/BEV1/91000176 | ' |
/BEV1/91000177 | ' |
/BEV1/91000186 | IMG |
/BEV1/91000188 | IMG |
/BEV1/91000218 | IMG Activity: /BEV1/TSSVARI |
/BEV1/BO_MIGERP02 | Rebate check report |
/BEV1/EM0 | Material Sorting Variant |
/BEV1/EM1 | Form for Material Sorting Variant |
/BEV1/EM2 | Maintenance of Print Indicator |
/BEV1/EM3 | Maintenance Empties Material Types |
/BEV1/EM4 | Maintenance of Empties Materials |
/BEV1/EM5 | Empties: Assign Item Categories |
/BEV1/EMA | Empties Balance |
/BEV1/EMB | Archive Monthly Empties Stock |
/BEV1/EMC | Reload Monthly Empties Stock |
/BEV1/EMD | Archive Empties Update |
/BEV1/EME | Reload Empties Update |
/BEV1/EMF | Delete Reloaded Empties Records |
/BEV1/EMN | Empties Update Number Assignment |
/BEV1/EMS | Empties Evaluation |
/BEV1/EM_MIGERP01 | Empties Migration |
/BEV1/NEMB51 | Material Document List (w. Empties) |
/BEV1/NE_LISTBALPO | Empties Balances in Purchasing |
/BEV1/RP_MIGERP01 | Migration of Driver Master |
/BEV1/RP_MIGERP02 | Migration of Loading Units |
/BEV1/RP_MIGERP04 | Migration of Vehicle Master |
/BEV1/RP_MIGERP05 | Convert Vehicle Key |
/BEV1/RP_MIGERP06 | Convert Vehicle Type Key |
/BEV1/RP_MIGERP07 | Migration of Tour Master |
/BEV1/SR0 | Enter Sales Returns Analysis |
/BEV1/SR1 | Display Sales Returns Analysis |
/BEV1/SR2 | Sales Returns Orders List |
/BEV1/TSMA | Part Load Lift Orders |
/BEV1/VDT685B | Assi. of Shipment Message/Bill.Type |
/BEV2/91000033 | Basic Settings for Excise Duty |
/BEV2/91000034 | Maintain Tax Types |
/BEV2/91000036 | Maintain Tax-Dep. Material Groups |
/BEV2/91000037 | Maintain Tax-Indep. Material Groups |
/BEV2/91000038 | Maintain Procurement Types f. Schema |
/BEV2/91000039 | Maintain Procurement Types Schema |
/BEV2/91000040 | Maintain Additional Issues |
/BEV2/91000041 | Maintain Title Rows of Tax Warehouse |
/BEV2/91000042 | Assign Storage Loc. to Tax Warehouse |
/BEV2/91000043 | Maintain payroll units |
/BEV2/91000044 | Define Tax Warehouse |
/BEV2/91000045 | Define Actual Shrinkage |
/BEV2/91000046 | Define Theoretical Shrinkage |
/BEV2/91000047 | Maint. Warehse Shrink. Rate - St.Loc |
/BEV2/91000048 | Maint. Warehse Shrink. Rate - St.Typ |
/BEV2/91000049 | Storage Types for Shrinkage Rate |
/BEV2/91000050 | Def. of Entries to Post Subsequently |
/BEV2/91000051 | Mvt Cat for Mvt Type + Cost Center |
/BEV2/91000052 | Special Partner Type per Cust. Group |
/BEV2/91000053 | Mvmnt Category per Mvmnt Type |
/BEV2/91000054 | Excise Duty Movement Categories |
/BEV2/91000055 | Procurement Types per Block Schema |
/BEV2/91000056 | Procurement Types Block Schema |
/BEV2/91000057 | Maintain Print Format Items |
/BEV2/91000058 | Excise Duty Print Formats |
/BEV2/91000059 | Replace Stock Ledger Groups |
/BEV2/91000060 | Properties of Stock Ledger Groups |
/BEV2/91000061 | Define Stock Ledger Groups |
/BEV2/91000062 | Obsolete: Do Not Use |
/BEV2/91000063 | Excise Duty - Print Control |
/BEV2/91000064 | Excise Duty - Text Modules |
/BEV2/91000065 | Maintain tax rates |
/BEV2/91000066 | Excise Duty - Program Control |
/BEV2/91000067 | ED Form Substitution (SAP Script) |
/BEV2/91000068 | ED Database Access Optimization |
/BEV2/91000069 | Exise Duty Error Message |
/BEV2/91000070 | Excise Duty Report Threshold |
/BEV2/91000160 | Obsolete: Do Not Use |
/BEV2/91000161 | Obsolete: Do Not Use |
/BEV2/91000185 | ED Form Substitution (SmartForms) |
/BEV2/91000195 | List Types for Archiving |
/BEV2/91000196 | ED Archiving Parameter |
/BEV2/91000198 | Define Special Partner Types |
/BEV2/91000199 | Special Partner Types for GR |
/BEV2/91000200 | Special Partner Types for Vendors |
/BEV2/91000201 | Special Partner Types for Cust.Group |
/BEV2/91000202 | EU: Affiliated Non-EU Countries |
/BEV2/CS_ARCHIVE | Delete EMCS Data |
/BEV2/CS_EMCS_NO | Maintain Number Range: /BEV2/EMCS |
/BEV2/CS_REG_CON_CER | Certificates for Temporary Consignee |
/BEV2/ED | IS Beverage: Excise Duty |
/BEV2/ED00 | IS Beverage Area Menu ED |