SAP Transactions

Transaction Text
AFO_AP_TRL_MMIG FO Int.: TRL Pos/Subpos- Migration
AFO_AP_TRL_MUPD FO Int.: TRL Pos/Subpos.
AFO_AP_TRTM_MUPD FO Integ.: Open TRTM - Mass Process.
AFO_CFUPDATE Update Cash Flow Management
AFO_FOI_DER_DERIVA FO Integ.: Derivation - Derivatives
AFO_FOI_DER_EXP FO Integ: Derive # Operational Expos
AFO_FOI_DER_FAZ FO Int.: Derivation from Facilities
AFO_FOI_DER_FX FO Integration: Derivation - Forex
AFO_FOI_DER_LOAN FO Integration: Derivation - Loans
AFO_FOI_DER_MONEY FO Integ.: Derivation - Money Market
AFO_FOI_DER_POS1 FO Int.: Deriv. - Class Pos. in SA
AFO_FOI_DER_POS2 FO Int.: Deriv. - Class Pos. in FA
AFO_FOI_DER_POS3 FO Int.: Deriv. - Lot Pos. in FA
AFO_FOI_DER_ST FO Integ: Derive - Security Trans
AFO_FOI_DER_TRL FO Integ. Derive : Subledger Pos./Sp
AFO_FOI_FIELD_EXPT FO Integ.: Exceptions for Character.
AFO_FOI_PD FO Integration - Log Display
AFO_FOI_PP FO Integration: Postprocessing
AFO_FOI_RULE_DERIVA Derivatives: Maintain Rule Entries
AFO_FOI_RULE_EXP Operational Exp: Maintain Rule Entry
AFO_FOI_RULE_FAZ Facility: Maintain Rule Entries
AFO_FOI_RULE_FX Forex: Maintain Rule Entries
AFO_FOI_RULE_LOAN Loans: Maintian Rule Entries
AFO_FOI_RULE_MONEY Money Market: Maintain Rule Entries
AFO_FOI_RULE_POS1 Class Pos. in SA: Define Rule Values
AFO_FOI_RULE_POS2 Class Pos. in FA: Define Rule Values
AFO_FOI_RULE_POS3 Lot Pos. in FA: Define Rule Values
AFO_FOI_RULE_ST Security Tran: Maintain Rule Entries
AFO_FOI_RULE_TRL Subledger Pos./Sp: Maint. rule entri
AFO_PA_LOAN_MUPD FOI PA Part for Loan - Mass Process.
AFO_PA_TRTM_MUPD Edit Fin. Object for Fin. Trans.
AFO_UPDSAVE_DEL Delete Admin. Data for Night Run
AFO_UPDSAVE_SHOW Display Admin. Data for Night Run
AFO_WORK_SHOW Display Worklist for Fin. Object
AFO_WP_CONV Conversion of Financial Objects
AFWA Create Maintain Analysis Structures
AFWBM Edit Master Data for Benchmark
AFWBMPH Assign Benchmark to PH Nodes
AFWFL AFWCH: Filter Maintenance
AFWFLT AFWCH: Filter Maintenance
AFWKF_AA Key Figures and Eval. Procedures
AFWKF_AA_MD Master Data Reporting for RDB
AFWKF_MD Master Data Reporting for RDB
AFWKF_OV Key Figure Overview
AFWKF_OV_AA Key Figure Overview: Acct Analyzer
AFWKF_OV_PA Key Figure Overview: Portf. Analyzer
AFWKF_OV_RA Key Figure Overview: Risk Analyzer
AFWKF_PA Key Figures and Eval. Procedures
AFWKF_RA Key Figures and Eval. Procedures
AFWO1 Single Records Procedure: Monitoring
AFWO2 Final Results Procedure: Monitoring
AFWOBM Final Results Procedure: Monitoring
AFWPH Portfolio Hierarchies
AFWPHD Portfolio Hierarchies (Display)
AFWS Maintain Segment Level Characterist.
AFW_ACT1 Anal. Struct.: Activ.Sample Settings
AFW_ACT2 Anal. Struct: Activate Customizing
AFW_BP1 BP Conversion: Field Catalog Entries
AFW_BP2 BP Conversion: Portfolio Hierarchies
AFW_BP3 BP Conversion: Character.Hierarchies
AFW_BP4 BP Conversion:: Encode PH Value
AFW_BP5 BP Conv. with Ident.Numbers: BPMIG=3
AFW_BP6 Set Status to "Completed"
AFX_ACT_SNUM Number Range Maint.: AFX_ACT Object
AFX_CUST_CHECK Check: Archiving Customizing
AFX_CUST_DEPL Distribute Global Ctrl Customizing
AFX_FMOD AFX Function Modules
AFX_GLOBAL_CTRL Control Archiving: Check Table
AFX_GLOBAL_CUST Archiving Control: Settings
AFX_GLOBAL_PBP Archiving Ctrl: Package Form. Procs
AFX_MONITOR Archiving Monitor
AFX_OBJDATA_KEY Key Terms for Runtime Data
AFX_OBJDATA_TYP Cat. Values (Items) for Runtime Data
AFX_PSED_GLOBAL_CTRL Global Control from WB: Control
AFX_PSED_GLOBAL_CUST Global Control from WB: Settings
AFX_PSED_GLOBAL_PBP Package Formation Procedures from WB
AFX_PSED_PP_APPLREL Maintain Locks: PP Application Types
AFX_PSED_PP_JOBDISTR Maintain Job Distribution for PP
AFX_TEXTPOOL Text Pool for Program Templates
AFX_TREEDEF Hierarchy Tree Definition
AFX_WZ_ARCHOBJ Call Up AOBJ from Wizard
AFX_WZ_PPDEF Call Up PP Customizing from Wizard
AGS_QC_LPCONFIG Logical Port for Quality Center
AGS_QC_USER_CONFIG QC Communication User
AGS_RBE_KEY Enter Key for Sol. Docu. Assistant
AGS_SISE_SS_DOC Create Microsoft Office document
AGS_SISE_SS_DSA Run DSA in Self Services
AGS_SISE_SS_HTML Download and open HTML report
AGS_SISE_SS_OPEN_PPT Open ppt from webdynpro
AGS_TMT_USER_CONFIG External Testing Tool Com. User
AGS_UPDATE Service Content Update
AGS_WORK_LAUNCHER Solution Manager WorkC: Launcher
AIAB AuC Assignment of Dist. Rule
AIAO C AM Maint. list vers. gen. line itm
AIAZ Display Dist. Rule Allocation
AIBU Transfer Asset under Const.
Lines 3501 to 3600 of 91333 entries
1 34 35 36 37 38 914