354261 | Performance improvement for production orders |
1007368 | Changing relationship not possible using BAPI II |
908359 | MAM : MAM25_001_GETDETAIL Performance Improvement |
926062 | Errors AU265 or AA729 during RAJABS00 or RABUCH00 |
887221 | Missing authorization default values |
897107 | RAPOST2000: Error F5702 |
506083 | RABUCH00: Undoing Note 401062 |
381683 | RABUCH00: Errors KI280, KI281 |
899982 | You cannot change relationship using BAPI |
385823 | RABUCH00: error KI153 |
551893 | Error 00344 when processing a batch input session |
489789 | MESSAGE_TYPE_X with C7135 for relationship with max duration |
799495 | 1KEI: Inconsistencies when transferring asset postings |
747834 | SG105 with RAPERB00, RAPERB2000 or RAPOST2000 |
356470 | Error in RABUCH00 and cost of sales accounting |
666225 | RAPOST2000: Incorrect cross-company-code clearings |
1500830 | Extracting 0FI_AA_12 after mid-year legacy data transfer |
123211 | CO888 in CN22, CN23 when calling network |
1058804 | RAPOST2000/RAPOST2001: Problems with document handling |
455659 | Derived account assignment not as expected |
931188 | Change of depreciation program in RESTART case |
678522 | FAQ 2: Data inconsistencies in the Project System |
2165509 | AFAB: Account assignment elements are missing in depreciation posting run |
43493 | Project information system: New fields in structures |