Transaction | Text |
AC_ALRT_DOC | Call alert documentation editor |
AD08 | Enter G/L Account Posting |
AD0M | New A&D functionality |
AD1T | Clear down payment requests |
AD20 | Search help maintenance (for IMG) |
AD21 | Matchcode maintenance (for IMG) |
AD31 | Plan data handling |
AD32 | Costs-to-complete evaluation |
AD3P | Plan data handling profile |
AD3V | Version type and text maintenance |
AD43 | Assessment Preprocessor with rollup |
AD4P | Customize assessment: stat.key figs. |
AD_SPC_MOI | Customizing: Model ID Codes |
AD_SPC_S1S | Customizing: Doc. Type f. Stock Inq. |
ADA_COCKPIT_LVC | liveCache im DBA Cockpit |
ADA_COCKPIT_VOL | liveCache Volumes in DBA Cockpit |
ADA_GOTO_ALERT_MONIT | Alert Monitor |
ADAA | Activity Allocation Conversion |
ADBOS01 | SD-SRV Reporting: Quantity Flow |
ADBOS02 | SD-SRV Reporting: BOS w. Hierarchy |
ADBOS03 | SD-SRV Reporting: BOS w/o Hierarchy |
ADBT | ORF: Stock Calculation (Batch) |
ADCO99 | Closure of SM Orders |
ADCPL1 | Maintain CMC FFFC Parameters |
ADCPL10 | Display CMC UserStatus Setup |
ADCPL2 | Display CMC FFFC Parameters |
ADCPL3 | Maintain CMC Settings |
ADCPL4 | Display CMC Settings |
ADCPL5 | Maintain Inventory Group Customizing |
ADCPL6 | Display Inventory Group Customizing |
ADCPL7 | Maintain CMC Profile |
ADCPL8 | Display CMC Profile |
ADCPL9 | Maintain CMC User Status Setup |
ADDON_MANAGER | CRM Add-On Manager |
ADEX | Order-material transfer posting |
ADFSH_CUST | Flight scheduling view maintenance |
ADFSHM01 | Flight Scheduling: Aircraft Types |
ADFSHM010 | Flight Scheduling: Flight Status |
ADFSHM011 | Flight Scheduling: Flight Route |
ADFSHM012 | Flight Scheduling: Terminals |
ADFSHM013 | Flight Scheduling: Maintain profiles |
ADFSHM014 | Maintain fields fields for profile |
ADFSHM02 | Flight Scheduling: Aircraft Category |
ADFSHM03 | Flight Scheduling: Airline Code |
ADFSHM04 | Flight Scheduling: Airport Master |
ADFSHM05 | Flight Scheduling: Bays |
ADFSHM06 | Flight Scheduling: Flight Category |
ADFSHM07 | Flight Scheduling: Mode of Operation |
ADFSHM08 | Flight Scheduling: Flight Type |
ADFSHM09 | Flight Scheduling: Flight Sectors |
ADIP | SPEC 2000: Initial Provisioning |
ADJNR | Number range maintenance: ADJNR |
ADPMPS | PM/PS Integration |
ADPMPS2 | PM/PS Integration |
ADPRCP | Copy Partner Profiles for SPEC 2000 |
ADPT | Component Maintenance Cockpit |
ADRE | ORF: Results Report |
ADRF | ORF: Stock Calculation |
ADS2KARCH | SPEC2000 IP Data Archiving |
ADS2KIP_PROF | User Profile |
ADS2KIPUPL_CUST | SPEC2000 IP Upload: Gen. Customizing |
ADS2KSTAT | Update IP status after creating mast |
ADS2KUPL | SPEC2000 Initial Provisioning Upload |
ADS2KUPL1 | Resume Upload |
ADSPCIP | SPEC 2000: File Upload To ERP |
ADSPCIP_EXCELMAP | SPEC2000: Settings to RSPL File |
ADSPCIP_RSPL | SPEC2000:RSPL File Upload |
ADTBOS01 | Maintenance: SD-SRV Valid Reports |
AEAN | Trigger Group Message Determination |
AEUB | Limit transaction types |
AFAB | Post depreciation |
AFABN | Post Depreciation |
AFAF | Assets with errors |
AFAM_093B | View Default Values for Valuation |
AFAM_093C | Company Code Default Values |
AFAMA | View Maint. for Deprec. Key Method |
AFAMD | View Maint. Declining-Bal. Method |
AFAMH | Maintain Maximum Amount Method |
AFAMP | View Maint. Period Control Method |
AFAMR | View Maintenance Base Method |
AFAMS | View Maint. Multi-Level Method |
AFAMSK | Method: Levels in Calendar Years |
AFAR | Recalculate Depreciation |
AFBN | Include New Depreciation Area |
AFBP | Create depreciation posting log |
AFO_AP_EXP_MMIG | FO Int.: Exposure Pos - Migration |
AFO_AP_EXP_MUPD | FO Int.: Exposure Pos - Mass Process |
AFO_AP_GT_CRE_UPD | Create/Update FO for Generic Trans. |
AFO_AP_LOAN_MMIG | FO Integration: Loans - Migration |
AFO_AP_LOAN_MUPD | FO Integration: Loans - Mass Proc. |
AFO_AP_POS1_MMIG | FO Int.: Class SA - Migration |
AFO_AP_POS1_MUPD | FO Int.:Class SA - Mass Proc. |
AFO_AP_POS2_MMIG | FO Int.: Class FA - Migration |
AFO_AP_POS2_MUPD | FO Int.:Class FA - Mass Proc. |
AFO_AP_POS3_MMIG | FO Int.: Lot Pos. in FA - Migr. |
AFO_AP_POS3_MUPD | FO Int.:LotPos. in FAcc - Mass Proc. |