Transaction | Text |
AB01 | Create asset transactions |
AB02 | Change asset document |
AB03 | Display Asset Document |
AB08 | Reverse Line Items |
ABAA | Unplanned depreciation |
ABAD | Asset Retire. frm Sale w/ Customer |
ABAD0 | Derivation: Initial Screen |
ABAD_OLD | Asset Retire. frm Sale w/ Customer |
ABAKN | Last Retirement on Group Asset |
ABAO | Asset Sale Without Customer |
ABAON | Asset Sale Without Customer |
ABAP_DOCU_SHOW | Call ABAP Keyword Documentation |
ABAP_TRACE | ABAP Objects Runtime Analysis |
ABAPDOCU | Display ABAP Documentation |
ABAPHELP | Search ABAP Documentation |
ABAV | Asset Retirement by Scrapping |
ABAVN | Asset Retirement by Scrapping |
ABAW | Balance sheet revaluation |
ABAWN | New value method |
ABB1 | Correction of Asset Accounts |
ABCO | Adjustment Posting to Areas |
ABDBG_TRACE | Debugger Trace |
ABF1 | Post Document |
ABF1L | Post Document in Ledger Group |
ABGF | Credit Memo in Year after Invoice |
ABGL | Enter Credit Memo in Year of Invoice |
ABIF | Investment support |
ABMA | Manual depreciation |
ABMR | Manual transfer of reserves |
ABMW | Reverse asset trans. using doc. no. |
ABNA | Post-capitalization |
ABNAN | Post-Capitalization |
ABNC | Enter post-capitalization |
ABNE | Subsequent Revenue |
ABNK | Subsequent Costs |
ABNV | Number range maint: FIAA-BELNR |
ABSE61 | SE61 for ABAP, ABEN and DYNP Objects |
ABSO | Miscellaneous Transactions |
ABSO_OLD | Miscellaneous Transactions |
ABST | Reconciliation Analysis FI-AA |
ABST2 | Reconciliation Analysis FI-AA |
ABT1 | Intercompany Asset Transfer |
ABT1N | Intercompany Asset Transfer |
ABUB | Transfer between areas |
ABUM | Transfer From |
ABUMN | Transfer within Company Code |
ABUZSM | Maintain Line Item Schema |
ABZE | Acquisition from in-house production |
ABZK | Acquisition from purchase w. vendor |
ABZO | Asset acquis. autom. offset. posting |
ABZON | Acquis. w/Autom. Offsetting Entry |
ABZP | Acquistion from affiliated company |
ABZS | Enter write-up |
ABZU | Write-up |
ABZV | Asset Acquis. Posted w/Clearing Acct |
AC00 | Service Master |
AC01 | Service Master |
AC02 | Service Master |
AC03 | Service Master |
AC04 | Service Master |
AC05 | List Processing: Service Master |
AC06 | List Display: Service Master |
AC08 | Send service |
AC10 | Class Hierarchy with Services |
ACAC_ACEPS_APPLLOG | Number Range Maintenance: ACEAPPLLOG |
ACAC_NUMOBJ | Number Range Maintenance: ACAC_OBJ |
ACACACT | Calculate and Post Accruals |
ACACAD | ACE Account Assignment |
ACACAD_MAIN | Acct Determination: Maintain Entries |
ACACAD_META | Account Determination: Rule Definitn |
ACACADCONT01 | Accrl Acct Detmn: Mntn Entry Area 01 |
ACACADCONT02 | Acct Determntn: Mntn Entries Area 02 |
ACACADMETA01 | Acct Determntn: Define Rule Area 01 |
ACACADMETA02 | Acct Determntn: Define Rule Area 02 |
ACACADMETASGL | Act Dtmn: Define Simple Set of Rules |
ACACARCHPREP | Preparation of the Archiving Run |
ACACCARRYFORWARD | Balance Carryforward |
ACACDATADEL | Deletion of Data in the Accrl Engine |
ACACDATATRANS | Example: Data Transfer to ACE |
ACACDSITEMS | Reporting Accrual Objects ACAC |
ACACDSPARAMS | Reporting ACE Object Parameter ACAC |
ACACFIRECON | Accrual Engine / FI Reconciliation |
ACACFISCYEAR | Open/Lock Fiscal Years in ACE |
ACACIMG | Accrual Accounting IMG |
ACACPPLOG | Display Periodic Posting Runs |
ACACPSDOCITEMS | Display Line Items in ACAC |
ACACPSITEMS | Display Totals Values in ACAC |
ACACREVERS | Reversal of Periodic Accrual Runs |
ACACTRANSFER | Transferral of ACE Docs to Accnting |
ACACTRANSFERCUST | Settings for data collection |
ACACTREE01 | Create Accrual Objects |
ACACTREE02 | Edit Accrual Objects |
ACB1 | Compact Account Balance Display |
ACBD | Display Shared Buffer: ATP Check |
ACC01 | Account Maintenance FI-AA |
ACCESS_SEQ_CRM_CD | access sequence for App CRM usage CD |
ACCESS_SEQ_CRM_FG | Access Sequences for Free Goods |
ACCESS_SEQ_CRM_LI | Access Sequ. for Listing & Exclusion |
ACCESS_SEQ_CRM_PD | Access Sequences for Product Determ. |
ACCESS_SEQ_CRM_PR | CRM PR Access Sequence |