SAP Transactions

Transaction Text
AB01 Create asset transactions
AB02 Change asset document
AB03 Display Asset Document
AB08 Reverse Line Items
ABAA Unplanned depreciation
ABAD Asset Retire. frm Sale w/ Customer
ABAD0 Derivation: Initial Screen
ABAD_OLD Asset Retire. frm Sale w/ Customer
ABAKN Last Retirement on Group Asset
ABAO Asset Sale Without Customer
ABAON Asset Sale Without Customer
ABAPDOCU Display ABAP Documentation
ABAPHELP Search ABAP Documentation
ABAP_DOCU_SHOW Call ABAP Keyword Documentation
ABAP_TRACE ABAP Objects Runtime Analysis
ABAV Asset Retirement by Scrapping
ABAVN Asset Retirement by Scrapping
ABAW Balance sheet revaluation
ABAWN New value method
ABB1 Correction of Asset Accounts
ABCO Adjustment Posting to Areas
ABDBG_TRACE Debugger Trace
ABF1 Post Document
ABF1L Post Document in Ledger Group
ABGF Credit Memo in Year after Invoice
ABGL Enter Credit Memo in Year of Invoice
ABIF Investment support
ABMA Manual depreciation
ABMR Manual transfer of reserves
ABMW Reverse asset trans. using doc. no.
ABNA Post-capitalization
ABNAN Post-Capitalization
ABNC Enter post-capitalization
ABNE Subsequent Revenue
ABNK Subsequent Costs
ABNV Number range maint: FIAA-BELNR
ABSE61 SE61 for ABAP, ABEN and DYNP Objects
ABSO Miscellaneous Transactions
ABSO_OLD Miscellaneous Transactions
ABST Reconciliation Analysis FI-AA
ABST2 Reconciliation Analysis FI-AA
ABT1 Intercompany Asset Transfer
ABT1N Intercompany Asset Transfer
ABUB Transfer between areas
ABUM Transfer From
ABUMN Transfer within Company Code
ABUZSM Maintain Line Item Schema
ABZE Acquisition from in-house production
ABZK Acquisition from purchase w. vendor
ABZO Asset acquis. autom. offset. posting
ABZON Acquis. w/Autom. Offsetting Entry
ABZP Acquistion from affiliated company
ABZS Enter write-up
ABZU Write-up
ABZV Asset Acquis. Posted w/Clearing Acct
AC00 Service Master
AC01 Service Master
AC02 Service Master
AC03 Service Master
AC04 Service Master
AC05 List Processing: Service Master
AC06 List Display: Service Master
AC08 Send service
AC10 Class Hierarchy with Services
ACACACT Calculate and Post Accruals
ACACAD ACE Account Assignment
ACACADCONT01 Accrl Acct Detmn: Mntn Entry Area 01
ACACADCONT02 Acct Determntn: Mntn Entries Area 02
ACACADMETA01 Acct Determntn: Define Rule Area 01
ACACADMETA02 Acct Determntn: Define Rule Area 02
ACACADMETASGL Act Dtmn: Define Simple Set of Rules
ACACAD_MAIN Acct Determination: Maintain Entries
ACACAD_META Account Determination: Rule Definitn
ACACARCHPREP Preparation of the Archiving Run
ACACCARRYFORWARD Balance Carryforward
ACACDATADEL Deletion of Data in the Accrl Engine
ACACDATATRANS Example: Data Transfer to ACE
ACACDSITEMS Reporting Accrual Objects ACAC
ACACDSPARAMS Reporting ACE Object Parameter ACAC
ACACFIRECON Accrual Engine / FI Reconciliation
ACACFISCYEAR Open/Lock Fiscal Years in ACE
ACACIMG Accrual Accounting IMG
ACACPPLOG Display Periodic Posting Runs
ACACPSITEMS Display Totals Values in ACAC
ACACREVERS Reversal of Periodic Accrual Runs
ACACTRANSFER Transferral of ACE Docs to Accnting
ACACTRANSFERCUST Settings for data collection
ACACTREE01 Create Accrual Objects
ACACTREE02 Edit Accrual Objects
ACAC_NUMOBJ Number Range Maintenance: ACAC_OBJ
ACB1 Compact Account Balance Display
ACBD Display Shared Buffer: ATP Check
ACC01 Account Maintenance FI-AA
ACCESS_SEQ_CRM_CD access sequence for App CRM usage CD
ACCESS_SEQ_CRM_FG Access Sequences for Free Goods
ACCESS_SEQ_CRM_LI Access Sequ. for Listing & Exclusion
ACCESS_SEQ_CRM_PD Access Sequences for Product Determ.
Lines 3201 to 3300 of 91333 entries
1 31 32 33 34 35 914