435008 | 1KEI: Differences FI-AA/PCA |
693885 | 1KEI reverses postings for too many accounts |
799495 | 1KEI: Inconsistencies when transferring asset postings |
735585 | 1KEI: Error with online + periodic |
715163 | 1KEI: Profit center derivation not possible |
180906 | Logic of GLPCT update |
434264 | Balance carryforward after transfer from previous years |
181063 | Total Balances are wrong after running 2KES |
858363 | Structure or restructure of Profit Center Accounting |
783996 | DataSource 0EC_PCA_1: Selection by ACTIV |
81906 | Error analysis 1KEH,1KEI,1KEJ,1KEK |
82782 | Line items and totals records for balance sheet accounts |
115503 | Field status group for asset accounts |
826357 | Profit Center Accounting and New General Ledger in SAP ERP |