Transaction | Text |
0FILA011_1 | Option IDs |
0FILA110_1 | Value Determ. Check Sequences/Steps |
0FILA110_2 | Validation Check Sequences/Steps |
0FILA110_3 | Classification Check Sequences/Steps |
0FILAACCRULE_1 | Acct Principles for Classif. in CRM |
0FILAALOG_01 | Process list |
0FILACHECK_01 | Process list |
0FILACHECK_02 | List of Subprocesses |
0FILACHECK_03 | Where-Used List for Methods |
0FILACHECK_04 | Value IDs Customizing |
0FILACHECK_05 | Method Customizing |
0FILACOMPSET | LAE: Specify Application Component |
0FILACREATE_01 | Generate Table Entries |
0FILAFA001_1 | Assignment of Trans. to Trans. Types |
0FILAFA002_1 | Assignment Acct Princ. to Dep. Area |
0FILAFA003_1 | Upgrade Specifications |
0FILAHELP_01 | Control List of FILAE-MSGNOs Used |
0FILAHELP_02 | Where-Used List Error Numbers in LAE |
0FILAHELP_03 | Where-Used List Error Nos. in FIAA |
0FILAHELP_04 | List of Parameter Transactions |
0FILAIMG | Customizing LAE Initial Screen |
0FILAIMG_ADJ | Jump to IMG for Customer Customizing |
0FILAIMG_CLASS | Jump to IMG for Financing Classif. |
0FILAIMG_CUST | Jump to IMG for Customer Customizing |
0FILAIMG_SYST | Jump to IMG for System Customizing |
0FILAIRCM_1 | Assign Company Code/Grouping Key |
0FILALAYOUT | Tabstrip Explorer/Adjustments |
0FILALAYOUTADMN | Tabstrip Explorer/Adjustments |
0FILALC001_1 | Definition Financing Classif.Group |
0FILALC002TO_1 | Upgrade Specifications |
0FILALC002_2 | Definition of Financing Classes |
0FILALC003_1 | Assign Structure for Classification |
0FILALDB000_01 | Struct. of Selection Cond.-Component |
0FILALDB000_02 | Assign Val.IDs to Fields of Log. DB |
0FILALDB000_03 | Struct. of Selection Conditions-Hdr |
0FILALDB001_01 | Specify Determination of Data Basis |
0FILALDB001_02 | Specify Determination of Data Basis |
0FILANDURDET | Determine Asset Useful Life |
0FILASTRUC_ACCDET | Leasing: Acct Determ. for Accrual |
0FILASTRUC_ACINF | Struc. Enhancement for Substitution |
0FILASTRUC_DATES | Param. Classification Financing |
0FILASTRUC_DEPPARM | Determine Asset Normal Useful Life |
0FILASTRUC_LCS_PARAM | Param. Classification Financing |
0FILASTRUC_LDB_ITEMS | Struc. Adjustment Flds of Log. DB |
0FILASTRUC_LVS_PARAM | Validation Parameter |
0FILASTRUC_NDURDET | Determine Asset Normal Useful Life |
0FILASTRUC_POINF | Struc. Enhancement for Substitution |
0FILASTRUC_VALSUP | Struc. Enhancement for Substitution |
0FILASTRUC_VSRDET | Struc. Adj. Valid./Subs. Determ. |
0FILASUBST0 | Substitution |
0FILASUBST1 | Financing Classification |
0FILASUBST3 | Rules for Value Determ. via Subst. |
0FILAVAL1 | Validation Processing Steps |
0FILAVSRDEF | Derivation of Check Sequences |
0FILAVSRDEF_CLAS | Derivation of Check Sequences |
0FILAVSRDEF_VALI | Derivation of Check Sequences |
0FILAVSRDEF_VALU | Derivation of Check Sequences |
0FILA_CALL_FM | Customizing LAE Initial Screen |
0FILA_EXPL_001 | Hierarchy Steps of Leasing Explorer |
0FIOTP001_1 | Acct Determ. Document Grouping |
0FIOTP003_1 | Posting Control for One-Off Postings |
0FIOTPKOFIDEF | Maintain Account Determination |
0FMCA_FORMNUM | Number range maintenance: FMCA_FORM |
0FPM001 | Define Standard Texts for Carry/Fwd |
0FPM002 | Import Logo for Reporting |
0K01 | List of Costing Variants |
0KE0 | EC-PCA: Transfer prog. for act. data |
0KE1 | EC-PCA: Delete Transaction Data |
0KE2 | EC-PCA: Del. Profit Ctr Master Data |
0KE3 | EC-PCA:Delete Transaction Data(Bkgd) |
0KE4 | EC-PCA: Update settings |
0KE5 | EC-PCA: Controlling Area Settings |
0KE5_WIZARD | Activate Profit Center Accounting |
0KE6 | EC-PCA: Average Balance Ledger |
0KE7 | EC-PCA: Maintain Time-Based Fields |
0KE8 | EC-PCA:Maintain Summarization Fields |
0KEA | EC-PCA: Maintain report tree |
0KEB | EC-PCA: Generate reports |
0KEH | EC-PCA: Report List |
0KEJ | Account Determination PC Allocation |
0KEK | EC-PCA: Account Determination |
0KEL | EC-PCA: Substitutions |
0KEM | EC-PCA: Maintain substitutions |
0KEMD_46C_UPGRADE | EC-PCA: Upgrade PrCtr MstData <= 46B |
0KEN | Special handling, PrCtr goods mvmt |
0KEO | Activities in Profit Center Accountg |
0KEP | EC-PCA:Transport Environ/Master Data |
0KEQ | EC-PCA: Transport Master Data |
0KER | EC-PCA: Transport Planning |
0KES | EC-PCA: Transport Actual Settings |
0KET | EC-PCA: Transport Information System |
0KEU | EC-PCA: Transport Cycles |
0KEW | EC-PCA: Conv. RW reports 2.x -> 3.0 |
0KEX | EC-PCA: Conv. totals recs 2.x ->3.0 |
0KEX1 | Easy Execution Services |
0KEX2 | Customizing Execution Profile |
0KEX3 | Customizing Execution Profile |
0KEX4 | Detail Control Execution Services |
0KEX_ROLE | Workflow: Role Customizing |
0KEX_TASK | Workflow: Task Customizing |