Transaction | Text |
/SDF/ORADLD | Service Download Cockpit |
/SDF/SCMON | ABAP Call Monitor: Administration |
/SDF/SCMOND | ABAP Call Monitor: Data Browser |
/SDF/SCMONL | ABAP Call Monitor: Log Browser |
/SDF/SM | Snapshot Monitor |
/SDF/SMON | Snapshot Monitor |
/SDF/SQL | Display SQL Monitor Data |
/SDF/SQLM | SQL Monitor |
/SDF/ZQLM | SQL Monitor |
/SDF/ZQLMD | Display SQL Monitor Data |
/SPE/ASN01 | ASN cancelling in returns process |
/SPE/ASN02 | Compensating transaction for ASN cn. |
/SPE/CDMON | Transportation Cross-Docking Monitor |
/SPE/COPY_CHAR | Copy fixed characteristics to logon |
/SPE/CRM_QUOT | Report for monitoring quotations |
/SPE/CVAL01 | Define Validation Routines |
/SPE/DELTA01 | Delta Report : Start dialog program |
/SPE/EGR | Planlieferungen anlegen |
/SPE/OL19 | Generate Distr. Model ERP => EWM |
/SPE/REDIR | ID redirecting dialog |
/SPE/REGISTER_NAVI | Register Navigation from Queue |
/SPE/RETINSPNO | Number range maintenance: /SPE/RETIN |
/SPE/RETINSP_DISPLAY | Display Inspection Outcomes |
/SPE/VL10CUC | Create Profile - Delivery |
/SRMERP/44000475 | IMG Activity |
/SRMERP/BRFP_DSS_SC | Determine SC Document Subset |
/SRMERP/BRFP_DS_APPR | Determine Approver for Decision Set |
/SRMERP/BRFP_DS_SC | Determine SC Decision Set |
/SRMERP/BRFP_FOOTY | Follow-On Object Type |
/SRMERP/BRFP_FOO_TYP | Follow on Object Type Determination |
/SRMERP/BRFP_MATGRP | Determine Material Group |
/SRMERP/BRFP_MOV_TYP | BRF rule for movement type for res |
/SRMERP/BRFP_PROC_L | Get Process Level Configuration |
/SRMERP/BRFP_PROC_S | Process Schema Determination |
/SRMERP/BRFP_PURGRP | Determine Purchasing Group |
/SRMERP/SAPLWF_TRC | Activate Workflow Trace |
/SRMERP/SC_ARCHIVING | Mark shopping carts for archiving |
/SRMERP/SNUM | Define Number Ranges for SC |
/SRMERP/WF_GEN | Define Task as General Task |
/SSF/AB | Analysis browser & Download |
/SSF/PB | Project browser & test environment |
/TMWFLOW/CCTS_START | cCTS Configuration |
/TMWFLOW/CHARMCHK | Check Report for Change Req. Manager |
/TMWFLOW/CMSCONF | Configuration |
/TMWFLOW/CONFIG_LOCK | Set Object Lock Configuration |
/TMWFLOW/CONFIG_SVC | Set Services Configuration |
/TMWFLOW/LOCKMON | Object Monitor |
/TMWFLOW/MAINT | Software Change |
/TMWFLOW/MAINTENANCE | Product Maintenance Monitor |
/TMWFLOW/MOPZCA | Mopz SLM Configuration Assistant |
/TMWFLOW/MOPZCFG | Multiple SLM Configuration |
/TMWFLOW/MOPZ_STACK | View stack delta XMLs |
/TMWFLOW/PROJ | Project Logistics |
/TMWFLOW/REPORTINGN | Change Request Management Reporting |
/TMWFLOW/SMICONF_SET | Set Configuration for ChaRM |
/TMWFLOW/TRMO | Tracking Monitor |
/UI2/CACHE | Register service for UI2 cache use |
/UI2/CACHE_DEL | Delete cache entries |
/UI2/CHIP | Chip Registration |
/UI2/CUST | Customizing of UI Technologies |
/UI2/FEEDBACK_SETUP | UI2 Setup User Feedback Service |
/UI2/FLC | Fiori Launchpad Checks |
/UI2/FLIA | Fiori Launchpad Intent Analyis |
/UI2/FLP | SAP Fiori Launchpad |
/UI2/FLPD_CONF | Fiori Lpd. Designer (cross-client) |
/UI2/FLPD_CUST | Fiori Lpd. Designer (client-spec.) |
/UI2/FLP_CONTCHECK | Fiori Launchpad - Content Checks |
/UI2/FLP_INTENTCHECK | Fiori Launchpad - Intent Checks |
/UI2/GW_ACTIVATE | Gateway - Activation |
/UI2/GW_APPS_LOG | Gateway - Application Log |
/UI2/GW_ERR_LOG | Gateway - Error Log |
/UI2/GW_MAINT_SRV | Gateway - Service Maintenance |
/UI2/GW_SYS_ALIAS | Gateway - Manage SAP System Alias |
/UI2/INVAL_CACHES | Global Invalidation of UI2 chaches |
/UI2/NAV | Register navigation objects |
/UI2/NAVPROV | Define navigation provider |
/UI2/NWBC | Start UI2 NWBC |
/UI2/NWBC_CFG_CUST | NWBC Configuration (Customer) |
/UI2/NWBC_CFG_P_CUST | NWBC Config: Define Parameter (Cust) |
/UI2/NWBC_CFG_P_SAP | NWBC Config: Define Parameter (SAP) |
/UI2/NWBC_CFG_SAP | NWBC Configuration (SAP) |
/UI2/PERS_DEL | Cleanup Personalisatation Service |
/UI2/POWL | Register POWL for OData consumption |
/UI2/SEMOBJ | Define Semantic Object - Customer |
/UI2/SEMOBJ_SAP | Define Semantic Object - SAP |
/UI5/THEME_DESIGNER | UI Theme Designer |
/UI5/THEME_TOOL | UI Theme Tool |
/UIF/CLEAN_LREP | Cleans the layered repository |
/VSO/91000206 | IMG Activity: /VSO/P_V_PRTYP |
/VSO/91000207 | IMG Activity: /VSO/P_V_F_PRTYP |
/VSO/91000208 | IMG Activity: /VSO/M_ACT_STAT |
/VSO/91000209 | IMG Activity: /VSO/M_PLT_TP |
/VSO/91000210 | IMG Activity: /VSO/R_V_TVTK |
/VSO/91000211 | IMG Activity: /VSO/M_PROFIL |
/VSO/91000212 | IMG Activity: /VSO/M_PALVCL |