Transaction | Text |
JHB4_IAC | IS-M/AM: IAC Display Free Spaces |
JHB5 | IS-M/AM: Local Windows Planning |
JHB6 | IS-M: Display BU Hierarchy |
JHB7 | IS-M: Change BU Hierarchy |
JHB9 | IS-M: M/AM Order Qty <> M/SD Del.Qty |
JHBA | Cond.Maint.Using Index: Display JC |
JHBB | Cond.Maint.Via Index: Create JC |
JHBC | Cond.Maint.Using Index: Display JE |
JHBD | Cond.Maint.Using Index: Create JE |
JHBE | Cond.Maint.Using Index: Change JC |
JHBO | Cond.Maint.Using Index: Change JE |
JHBW | IS-M: AI Plant Data Assignment List |
JHC1 | Contact Conversion |
JHC2 | Maintain positioning factor |
JHCA | Archive |
JHCB | Archive |
JHCNTENT_REP_CALL | IS-M: Access Report With Variant |
JHCP_CHANGE | Change Contact Person |
JHCP_CONV | Media Contact: Convert Order/Contrct |
JHCP_CONV_CAS | Media CP: Sales Support Conversion |
JHCP_CONV_CAS_INDX | Media CP: CAS/INDX Conversion |
JHCP_DISPLAY | Display Contact Person |
JHD1 | Create Condition Records (JA) |
JHD2 | Change Condition Records (JA) |
JHD3 | Display Condition Records (JA) |
JHD4 | Create Condition Records (JB) |
JHD5 | Change Condition Records (JB) |
JHD6 | Display Condition Records (JB) |
JHD7 | IS-M: Create Condition Table (JD) |
JHD8 | IS-M: Change Condition Table (JD) |
JHD9 | IS-M: Display Condition Table (JD) |
JHDA | Create Condition List Prices JC |
JHDB | IS-M: Change Cond.List Prices JC |
JHDC | IS-M: Display Cond.List Prices JC |
JHDD | IS-M: Execute Condition List JC |
JHDE | IS-M: Create Cond.List Prices JE |
JHDF | IS-M: Change Cond.List Prices JE |
JHDG | IS-M: Display Cond.List Prices JE |
JHDH | IS-M: Execute Condition List JE |
JHE0 | Account Determination: Display Table |
JHE1 | Account Determination: Create Table |
JHE2 | Account Determination: Change Table |
JHE7 | Dynam.cond.maint.f.pricng for c.ord. |
JHEB | Account Determination: Create Table |
JHEC | Account Determination: Change Table |
JHED | Account Determination: Display Table |
JHEF1 | Sales Volume Proof Media Partnership |
JHEF2 | IS-M: VBOX Restructure |
JHEM | IS-M: Create Media Partnership |
JHEM1 | IS-M: Create Media Partnership |
JHEN | IS-M: Change Media Partnership |
JHEO | IS-M: Display Media Partnership |
JHEOBA | IS-M/AM: Update Revenue Object Docs |
JHEOBA_RRREL | IS-M/AM: Convert Orders for ROD |
JHF0 | IS-M: Billing |
JHF1 | IS-M/AM: Create Billing Document |
JHF2 | IS-M/AM: Change Billing Document |
JHF3 | IS-M/AM: Display Billing Document |
JHF7 | IS-M/AM: Collective Billing Run |
JHF8 | IS-M/AM: Reverse Bill.Coll.Processng |
JHF9 | IS-M: Contract Settlement |
JHF9_A | IS-M: Contract Settlement |
JHFA | Coll.Proc.Contract Settlement Log |
JHFB | IS-M/AM: Billing Overview |
JHFC | IS-M/AM: Release to Accounting |
JHFD | Billing Document Reversal BCat-Ind. |
JHFE | IS-M/AM: Revenue Distribution |
JHFK | IS-M: Cntrct Settlement Billing Doc. |
JHFL | IS-M/AM: Bill.Log for Cntrct Sttlmnt |
JHFP | IS-M/AM: Overview Coll.Billing Run |
JHFR | IS-M/AM: Individual Release (Dialog) |
JHFS | IS-M/AM: Billing - Ind.Reversal |
JHFT | IS-M: General Receivables Charge-Off |
JHFU | IS-M/AM: Release Customer Accounting |
JHG1 | Create Condition Table (JC) |
JHG2 | Change Condition Table (JC) |
JHG3 | Display Condition Table (JC) |
JHGP | IS-M/AM: Overview Coll.Billing Run |
JHGR | IS-M/AM: Individual Release (Dialog) |
JHGS | IS-M/AM: CSetBill. Reverse Dialog |
JHGT | IS-M: Charge Off Contract Settlement |
JHH1 | IS-M: Display Revenue Object Doc. |
JHINSSERT_DET | Enter Series Determ.Rule Parameters |
JHK1 | IS-M: Pricing Proc.Det.for Pricing |
JHK4 | Activate Condition Index |
JHK8 | Condition table: Change index (JA) |
JHK9 | Reorganize condition indexes |
JHKD | Condition table: Change index (JC) |
JHKE | Condition table: Change index (JE) |
JHKH | Reorganize condition indexes |
JHKI | Reorganize condition indices JE |
JHKJ | Condition table: Change index (JD) |
JHKL | IS-M/AM: Sales Activity List |
JHKM | Cond.maint.using index: Create |
JHKN | Cond.maint.using index: Change |
JHKO | Cond.maint.using index: Display |
JHKP | Define campaigns |
JHKR | Reorganize condition indices JE |
JHKS | Cond.maint.using index: Create JA |
JHKS2 | Cond.Maint.Using Index: Create JD |