Transaction | Text |
J3RTAXTEST | Print Sample VAT Returns (Russia) |
J3RTAXTR | Tax hierarchy transport |
J3RTAXUC | Maintain unclassified objects |
J3RTAXUL | Unclassified transactions listing |
J3RTSEAUXILIAV | Links between FI and SD/MM items |
J3RTUPD | Transport Tax Recalculation (Russia) |
J3RTVEH | Transport Tax Report (Russia) |
J3RXMLEXP | XML Hierarchy output |
J3RXMLTRANS | XML invoices transformations mapping |
J4G1 | Check Settlement Data for Recipient |
J4G2 | CEM - Master Data |
J4GA | ETM: Create Conditn Table (PrcList) |
J4GB | ETM: Change Conditn Table (PrcList) |
J4GC | ETM: Display Conditn Table (PrcList) |
J4GD | ETM: Create Condition Record-PrcLst |
J4GE | ETM: Change Condition Record-PrcLst |
J4GF | ETM: Display Condition Record-PrcLst |
J4GG | Records Released from Settlmnt Cal. |
J4GH | Enter Settlement Calendar |
J4GI | Release Settlement Calendar |
J4GJ | Create PBE Calendar |
J4GK | Fill PBE Reports |
J4GL | Current Stock for Equipment |
J4GM | Current Stock for Material |
J4GN | Post PBE Reports |
J4GO | Location Stock |
J4GON | Location Stock (ALV) |
J4GP | Enter Settlement Calendar |
J4GQ | Document List for PBE |
J4GT | ETM: Display Condition Record-PrcLst |
J4GV | Archive Lists |
J4GW | Movements Between Locations |
J4GWN | Movements Between Locations List |
J4GX | Hour Evaluation for PBE |
J4GY | Display PBE Document |
J4GZ | Equipment and Tools Management (ETM) |
J7L0 | REA Article: Display References |
J7L1 | Create REA Article: Initial Screen |
J7L2 | Change REA Article: Initial Screen |
J7L3 | Display REA Article: Initial Screen |
J7L4 | REA Annual Prepaid Declaration |
J7L5 | Create REA Packaging: Initial Screen |
J7L6 | Change REA Packaging: Initial Screen |
J7L7 | Display REA Packaging:Initial Screen |
J7L8 | REA Info Cost Analysis: Article |
J7L8_FISCH | REA Cost Analysis: Article (Old) |
J7L9 | REA Article: Collective Maintenance |
J7LB | REA Cust.: Adjust Conditions |
J7LC | REA Cust.: General Controls |
J7LCD | REA Cust.: Data Filter Key |
J7LDA | REA General Interface |
J7LE | REA Display Recycling Partners |
J7LF | REA Number Range Maint.: Declaration |
J7LFAVOURITE1 | Favorites Mgmt: Header&Field Catalog |
J7LFAVOURITE2 | Favorites Management: Entries |
J7LFAVOURITE3 | Favorites Management Referencing |
J7LG | REA Display Packaging Group |
J7LH | REA Help |
J7LIGEB | REA: Fraction Charge Overview |
J7LIKO | REA Condition Analysis |
J7LIKU | REA Info systems customer analysis |
J7LIPAA | REA Info System: ArtclPricing Analys |
J7LIPAV | REA Info System:Packaging Pric.Anlys |
J7LISA | REA Infosystem Article Master Data |
J7LISF | REA Info System Fraction Master Data |
J7LISP | REA Infosystem Price List Master |
J7LISR | REA Infosystem Re.Partner Master |
J7LISV | REA Infosystem Packaging Master Data |
J7LIZAF | REA Infosystem Article-Fraction Asgt |
J7LIZAR | REA Infosystem Article-Partner Assig |
J7LIZARF | REA Info System Art.-RP-Fract. Asgmt |
J7LIZAV | REA Infosystem Article-Pack. Assign. |
J7LIZAV2 | REA Info System RePartAsgmt Art-Pckg |
J7LIZFA | REA Infosystem Fraction-Article Asgt |
J7LIZFR | REA Infosystem Fraction-RePart.Asgmt |
J7LIZFV | REA Infosystem Fraction-Packag.Asgmt |
J7LIZRF | REA Infosystem RePart-Fraction Asgmt |
J7LIZRV | REA Info System RPart-Pack. Assignm. |
J7LIZVA | REA Infosystem Pack-Article Assign. |
J7LIZVF | REA Infosystem Packag.-Fract. Asgmt |
J7LIZVR | REA Infosystem Pack-R.Part.Assign. |
J7LIZVV | REA Infosystem Pack-PackGrp Assign. |
J7LK | REA Customizing: Condition Types |
J7LKC | Article Consistency Check |
J7LKCV | Packaging Consistency Check |
J7LLAN | Workflow Log Analysis |
J7LM | REA Article Field Changes |
J7LMN | REA Article Field Changes |
J7LMS | REA Declaration System |
J7LN | REA Number Range: Declaration Key |
J7LN1 | REA Number Ranges: Declaration Key 1 |
J7LN2 | REA Number Ranges: Declaration Key 2 |
J7LN3 | REA Number Ranges: Data Filter |
J7LN4 | REA Number Ranges for Packaging |
J7LO | REA Customizing: Fractions |
J7LP | REA Display Price Lists: Init.Screen |
J7LPARTNEREXP | Export Recycling Partners |
J7LPARTNERIMP | Import Recycling Partners |
J7LPUB | REA Period Overview |
J7LR | REA Recycling Administration |