Transaction | Text |
J3RFTAXAMTEST | Tax Depreciation Report (Russia) |
J3RFTAXFINREZLIST | Gains and Losses (Russia) |
J3RFTPCCPROV | CompanyCategories, LiquidationCodes |
J3RFTPCOCATV | Company categories |
J3RFTPDEL | Transfer Pricing Delete Notification |
J3RFTPFORGV | Foreign organization data |
J3RFTPLIQCTV | Liquidation codes |
J3RFTPMATOCV | Mapping material codes to OCP codes |
J3RFTPPMV | Pricing methods |
J3RFTPPSV | Price source codes |
J3RFTPSTATUSV | Status of transaction participants |
J3RFTPTRANPCV | Transaction participant codes |
J3RFTPTRANSTV | Transaction types |
J3RFTRPR | Transfer Pricing |
J3RFTRPRDOC | Transfer Pricing Document Types |
J3RFTRPRSEL | Transfer Pricing Document Selection |
J3RFTRPRV | Transfer Pricing Configuration |
J3RFUM26 | Secondary Events (Russia) |
J3RFVATANALYSIS | Incoming VAT Account Analysis |
J3RFVATEXP | Export Data Analysis for VAT |
J3RFVATSD | VAT for Goods in Transit |
J3RFVENDORV | Maint. view of Vendor Data |
J3RFWORKWEAR | Employee Workwear Record |
J3RFWORKWEARLIST | Workwear List for Employees |
J3RFWWALLOW | Maintain Workwear Quotas (General) |
J3RFWWCONMV | Maintain Workwear Quotas (Config) |
J3RFZDBPDF | Print Payment Orders (Russia) |
J3RFZKRPDF | Print Payment Orders (Russia) |
J3RF_AN_BALAN | Balance report for anlysis Russia |
J3RF_BALANCE | Balance report for Russia |
J3RF_DI_ARCLOG | XML data for Electronic Invoices |
J3RF_F2 | Profit and loss report Russia (F.2) |
J3RF_F2RS | Decoding for some profits and losses |
J3RF_F3 | Capital flow |
J3RF_F3RZ | Reserve |
J3RF_F3S1 | References (net wealth) |
J3RF_F3S2 | References (was received) |
J3RF_FCHA | Net wealth calculation |
J3RKACT | Interpretation algorithms |
J3RKAID | Account priorities |
J3RKAVI | Register of Amounts Posted (Russia) |
J3RKBOOL | Rule Maintenance |
J3RKGLK | General Ledger Report (Russia) |
J3RKKRD | Determine Offsetting Accounts |
J3RKKRL | Account Balances, LC (Russia) |
J3RKKRN | Prohibited correspondences customiz. |
J3RKKRS | Automatic Account Determination |
J3RKKVL | Accounts Balances, FC (Russia) |
J3RKNGLL | Activiate Non-Leading Ledger |
J3RKNID | Unprocessed Accounting Documents |
J3RKOBS | Account Balance Comparison (Russia) |
J3RKOBX | Account Balance Comparison (Russia) |
J3RKPAC | Account priorities |
J3RKPAI | Priorities for pairs of accounts |
J3RKSORT | Sorting rules |
J3RKSPLIT | Splitting rules |
J3RLFNPOSTR | Notification of Postal Money Transf. |
J3RLFNPOSTRHR | Notification of Postal Money Transf. |
J3RM11RES | Print M-11 Form from Reserv.Document |
J3RMB7 | MB-7 Register of Issued Workwear |
J3RPBU18DP | Post Tax Differences to FI-GL |
J3RPBU18DT | Transfer Tax Differences to FI-SL |
J3RPBU18RA | Rates and accounts for PBU18 setting |
J3RPBU18SC | Set Classes Assignment |
J3RSCD01 | Create Customs Declaration Data |
J3RSCD02 | Change Customs Declaration Data |
J3RSCD03 | Display Customs Declaration Data |
J3RSCDHIST | Customs Declaration Change History |
J3RSCDREP | Customs Declaration Report |
J3RSDP | Deal Passport |
J3RSDPHIST | Deal Passport Change History |
J3RSEXPORT | Create Secondary Events for Exports |
J3RSINVDIFF | Offset Inventory Differences |
J3RSLINKEXPINV | Link Outgoing 0% Invoices |
J3RSSEPINCVAT | Separate Input VAT |
J3RSVATCOEFF | Edit VAT Coefficients |
J3RSVATCOEFF_NEW | Edit VAT Coefficients EhP5 SP5 |
J3RSVATCOEFF_OLD | Edit VAT Coefficients EhP5 |
J3RTAX21 | VAT Return (Russia) |
J3RTAXAE | Assign Tax Hierarchy to CC/ledger |
J3RTAXAS | Assign Tax Hierarchy to CC |
J3RTAXCD | Tax chain definition |
J3RTAXCE | Execute tax chain |
J3RTAXCS | Create FI-SL settings |
J3RTAXDC | Profit Tax Reporting (Russia) |
J3RTAXDD | Provision for Doubtful Receivables |
J3RTAXDE | FI-SL selective deletion utility |
J3RTAXDP | Electronic Tax Format Maintenance |
J3RTAXDPED | GUI DP editor tool |
J3RTAXDR | Tax declaration rows |
J3RTAXGR | Maintain FI-SL activity groups |
J3RTAXHR | Tax Hierarchy Maintanance |
J3RTAXID | Tax hierarchy assignment ID |
J3RTAXIN | Table group install.for tax account. |
J3RTAXJR | Tax journal |
J3RTAXLA | List accounts used in hierarchy |
J3RTAXREP | Reporting hierarchy |
J3RTAXRL | Hierarchy rollup creation |
J3RTAXST | Selective field transfer parameters |
J3RTAXTB | Maintain table links |