Transaction | Text |
J-L1 | IS-M: LIS Billing Simulation Update |
J-M1 | Media information system |
J-M2 | Media information system |
J/43 | Create cond.table for comm.settlemt |
J/44 | Change cond.table for comm.settlemt |
J/45 | Display cond.table for comm.settlemt |
J/63 | Create cond.table for HDel.settlemt |
J/64 | Change cond.table for HDel.settlemt |
J/65 | Display cond.table for HDel.settlemt |
J/72 | IS-M: Output processing from NAST |
J/73 | Message Overview |
J/H1 | Create pricing report COA scale |
J/H2 | Change pricing report COA scale |
J/H3 | Display pricing report COA scale |
J/H4 | Execute pricing report COA scale |
J/H5 | Create Condition List Prices JA |
J/H6 | Change Condition List Prices JA |
J/H7 | Display Condition List Prices |
J/H8 | IS-M: Execute Condition List JA |
J/LA | Create Condition List |
J/LB | Change Condition List |
J/LC | Display Condition List |
J/LD | Execute Condition List |
J/LE | IS-M/SD: Create Pr.Report- Post.Chrg |
J/LF | IS-M: Change Pr.Report f.Post.Sett |
J/LG | IS-M/SD: Display Pr.Rept f.Post.Chgs |
J/LH | IS-M: Pr.Report for Postal Charges |
J/P0 | Create cond.table for postal settlmt |
J/P1 | Change cond.table f.postal settlemt |
J/P2 | Display cond.table f.postal settlemt |
J1A3 | MM goods issue revaluation |
J1A5 | MM Warehouse stock report (Arg.) |
J1A6 | Modify Official Document Number |
J1A7 | Average cost valuation |
J1AANIV | AFIP Response File Upload |
J1AB | Number range maintenance: J_1AOFFDOC |
J1ACAE | Argentina Electronic Invoice |
J1AEXPMONITOR | AR: Monitoring Tool for WS Export |
J1AH | Creating Way Bills |
J1AI | Asset Revaluation (Inflation) |
J1AJ | Print Way Bill Document |
J1AMONITOR | AR: Monitoring Tool for Web Services |
J1AP | Nummernkreispflege: J_1APRNTCH |
J1APAC01 | Create/Change Print Authoriz. Code |
J1APAC02 | Display Print Authoriz. Code |
J1AQ | Display Index definition |
J1AR | Display Index Data |
J1AS | Display Composite Index |
J1ATAXP | Taxpayer Integration Process |
J1AX | Market price determination program |
J1AZ | MM index adjustment program |
J1B1 | Create Nota Fiscal (Writer) |
J1B1N | Create Nota Fiscal (Writer) - Enjoy |
J1B1N_IMP | Upload Data for NF from MS Excel |
J1B2 | Change Nota Fiscal |
J1B2N | Change Nota Fiscal - Enjoy |
J1B3 | Display Nota Fiscal |
J1B3N | Display Nota Fiscal - Enjoy |
J1BBSTNEW | Balance Sheet Transfer |
J1BBSTVA | Balance Sheet Transfer with VA(obs.) |
J1BE | Nota Fiscal Document Number Range |
J1BECD | Electronic Accouting File (Brazil) |
J1BECD_NUM | ECD Execution Number Range |
J1BF | Create Entries for Output Type |
J1BG | Change Entries for Output Type |
J1BH | Display Entries for Output Type |
J1BI | Nota Fiscal Number Range |
J1BICLTAX | Intercompany Loan Tax Calc. (obs.) |
J1BICLTAXN | Intercompany Loan Tax Calculation |
J1BI_NFE | Nota Fiscal Number Range |
J1BJ | Maintain Output Processing Programs |
J1BK | Maintain Access Sequences (N.Fiscal) |
J1BL | Maintain Output types (N.Fiscal) |
J1BM | Maintain Procedures (N.Fiscal) |
J1BMANAD | Extract MANAD FI Data |
J1BNFE | NF-e/CT-e Monitor |
J1BNFE_IN_SIMULATE | Simulate NFe Incomg., SAP Staff only |
J1BO | Output CondTable/Create Nota Fiscal |
J1BP | Output CondTable/Change Nota Fiscal |
J1BQ | Output CondTable/Display Nota Fiscal |
J1BR | Conditions: V_T681F for B NF |
J1BTAX | Tax Manager's Workplace |
J1BTRMFME | Month End Tax Calculation for Funds |
J1BTRMFSAL | Tax Calculation on the Sale of Fund |
J1BTRMFTS | Sale-Transaction Creation for Funds |
J1BTRMSTAX | Swap Tax Calulation |
J1B_FISC_ID | Tax Incentive Type Maintenance |
J1B_FISC_ID_SD | Tax Incentive Type Maintenance |
J1B_FISC_INCT | Tax Incentive Type Maintenance |
J1B_LB01 | Modelo 1 |
J1B_LB02 | Modelo 2 |
J1B_LB03 | Modelo 3 |
J1B_LB07 | Physical Inventory Overview |
J1B_LB07N | Modelo 7 new |
J1B_LB08 | Modelo 8 |
J1B_LFA1 | Arquivo Magnético/Convênio ICMS |
J1B_LFB10 | IN68- Accounting-Related File 1.2 |
J1B_LFB2 | IN68: Cadastros |
J1B_LFB3 | IN68: Nota Fiscal Files |