592386 | PM/PS Reference Element not copied to Order from Task list |
192748 | Creating PM order for notif. w/o IW34 authorization |
916614 | IW34: No inspection lot created for the PM or CS order |
327276 | IW28/IW34: Update termination |
65465 | Collective note: Performance optimization IW32 IW38 |
65464 | Maintenance order: Create settlement rule |
115644 | 06407: The purchase requisition does not exist |
535318 | IW31: SAPLCOBH termination not_found (AUFK-func_area) |
83980 | Exception: no_settlement_allowed |
115093 | Comps w/o long text with description indicator set |
76620 | PM order: calendar for order start/order finish date |
103922 | Maintenance order: Calendar for order start/finish |
48115 | Assignment PM order to WBS element despite status |
48401 | Maintenance order / network: no scheduling / CK060 |
68262 | PM order: no outline agreement no. in header operat. |
72451 | PM: PReq contains executing plant instead of PM plt |
384921 | Plant maintenance order: Header notification |
161056 | BOM item text not copied to PReq |
634573 | Error when including configurable task list for PM/CS orders |
63398 | Maintenance order: 'Incorrect' permits in order |
105592 | No warning/error for locked cost center |
84075 | Incorrect proposals from default profile |
541162 | IW31/IW32/IW34 - Dump CONVT_NO_NUMBER |
68742 | Maintenance order: message TD600 when saving order |
102694 | Include ref. operation set: No backflush indicator |
77604 | TD607 when saving PM order if task list is used |
89125 | Long text of the order header is overwritten |
63777 | Missing material data after task list transfer |
303121 | Routing explosion from IW28 for a notification |
157211 | Problems for order short text and long text |
157216 | No transfer short text <-> long text in order |
80840 | Wrong plant whn includng mainte.task list into ordr |
384686 | Expiring currency in PM/CS order not supported |
47030 | PM order: Classification in background (RIOCLAS0) |
157070 | PM/SM order:DUMP_STATUS_INCONSYSTENCY_XXXX in savng |
64730 | MAT/PPS Status not taken into account in PM |
361893 | 'Duplicate record' error in order processing |
301197 | Equipment / functional location in operation |