Transaction | Text |
INSO0016 | BDT Control: Tables |
INSO0017 | BDT Control: External Applications |
INSO0018 | BDT Control: Field Modif. Activities |
INSO0019 | BDT Ctrl: Field Mod. IO Categories |
INSO0020 | BDT Control: Authorization Types |
INSO0021 | BDT Control: Ass. DI Field->DB Field |
INSOARCH | FS-CD: Insurance Object Archive |
INSOCHANGE | Change Insurance Object |
INSOCREATE | Create Insurance Object |
INSODISP | Display Insurance Object |
INSONR | Number Range Maint.: INSOBJECT |
INSOSN | Cust: Field Groups for Authorization |
INTERV | Installn Interval for Backlog Set |
INT_BAPI | BAPI Browser |
INVADV01 | Payment Advice Note Dialog |
INVDOC01 | Bill Dialog |
INVDOC02 | Bill Dialog - Sales Tax Statement |
INVMASSPROC | Mass Act: Bill/Paym.Adv.Note Proc. |
INVMON | Inbound Bill Monitoring |
INVRETPER | Define Retention Period |
INVSARA01 | Archiving: Bill Documents |
INVSARA02 | Archiving: Transfer Lines |
INVSARJ01 | Activate ArchInfStruct. for Bill Doc |
INVSARJ02 | Activate ArchInfStruct f. TrnsfrLine |
INV_DISPLAY_MAT | Display Material Master/Price Analys |
IOBJATTR_IDL | Iobjects attr - attr val Download |
IOBJWM | ICL: CDC: Dialog |
IOCI_FCON2 | OCI:Convert HTML Field Values |
IOCI_FCONV | OCI: Convert HTML - SAP Field |
IOCI_FUNCM | OCI: Conversion Functions |
IOCI_ORGU | OCI: Assign Catalogs to Order Type |
IORD | Create SM/PM Order IDoc |
IP00 | Maintenance Planning Menu |
IP01 | Create Maintenance Plan |
IP02 | Change Maintenance Plan |
IP03 | Display Maintenance Plan |
IP04 | Create Maintenance Item |
IP05 | Change Maintenance Item |
IP06 | Display Maintenance Item |
IP10 | Schedule Maintenance Plan |
IP11 | Maintain Maintenance Strategies |
IP11U | Rescheduling of Maintenance Plans |
IP11Z | Maintain Cycle Set |
IP12 | Display Maintenance Strategies |
IP12Z | Display Cycle Set |
IP13 | Package Order |
IP14 | Where-Used List by Strategy |
IP15 | Change Maintenance Plan |
IP16 | Display Maintenance Plan |
IP17 | Change Maintenance Item |
IP18 | Display Maintenance Item |
IP19 | Maintenance scheduling overview |
IP20 | Maintenance plan number assignment |
IP21 | Maintenance item number assignment |
IP22 | Maintain number range: OBJK_NR |
IP24 | Scheduling overview list form |
IP25 | Set deletion flag for maint. plans |
IP30 | MaintSchedule Date Monitoring |
IP31 | Maintenance Plan Cost Display |
IP40 | Add Service Plan for Purchasing |
IP41 | Add single plan |
IP42 | Add strategy-controlled plan |
IP43 | Add multiple counter plan |
IP50 | Create ref. for maint. contract item |
IP51 | Maintenance contract item lists |
IP62 | Material Where-Used List: Task Lists |
IPCS | Maintenance Planning |
IPM2 | Change Permit |
IPM3 | Display Permit |
IPMACT | Calculate and Post Accruals |
IPMADCONT01 | Accrl Acct Detmn: Mntn Entry Area 01 |
IPMADMETASGL | Act Dtmn: Define Simple Set of Rules |
IPMARCHPREP | Preparation of the Archiving Run |
IPMCARRYFORWARD | Balance Carryforward |
IPMCRMITEM | Display CRM Contract Data |
IPMD | Maintain/Display Permits |
IPMDSITEMS | Reporting Accrual Objects IPM |
IPMDSPARAMS | Reporting ACE Object Parameter IPM |
IPMFIRECON | Accrual Engine / FI Reconciliation |
IPMFISCYEAR | Open/Lock Fiscal Years in ACE |
IPMIMG | IMG for CRM Accruals |
IPMOACT | Calculate and Post Provisions |
IPMOADCONT01 | Accrl Acct Detmn: Mntn Entry Area 01 |
IPMOADMETASGL | Act Dtmn: Define Simple Set of Rules |
IPMOARCHPREP | Preparation of the Archiving Run |
IPMOCARRYFORWARD | Provisions OR: Balance Carryforward |
IPMODSITEMS | Reporting: Accrual Objects: IPMO |
IPMODSPARAMS | Reporting: ACE Object Parameter IPMO |
IPMOFIRECON | Accrual Engine / FI Reconciliation |
IPMOPSDOCITEMS | Display Posting Line Items IPMO |
IPMOPSITEMS | Display Posting Totals Values IPMO |
IPMOREVERS | Reversal of Periodic Accrual Runs |
IPMOTRANSFER | Transferral of ACE Docs to Accnting |
IPMOTREE03 | Display / Change OR Accruals |
IPMPSDOCITEMS | Display Line Items in IPM |
IPMPSITEMS | Display Totals Values in IPM |
IPMREVERS | Reversal of Periodic Accrual Runs |
IPMTRANSFER | Transferral of ACE Docs to Accnting |
IPMTREE01 | Create IPM Accruals |
IPMTREE03 | Display/Change IPM Accruals |