SAP Transactions

Transaction Text
ILMSTOREADM SRS Store Administration
ILMTABLB Table Browser local reporting
ILMVIEW ILM View Definition in RW
ILMVIEWM View Maintenance for ILM
ILM_AL_EOL Set ArchiveLink References in RW
ILM_AL_REF Set ArchiveLink References (Att.)
ILM_AO_CUST Object-Specific Customizing Settings
ILM_ARC_LAUNCH_WEBUI Auxiliary Transaction FPM -> WebGUI
ILM_CHANGE_RET Change Expiration Date
ILM_C_APPL Define Applications
ILM_C_CON Configure Segments
ILM_C_C_CON Configure Customer-Specific Segments
ILM_C_OBJECTS Define Archiving Objects
ILM_C_RAOB Register Archiving Objects
ILM_C_RAOB_TAB Register Archiving Objects Tables
ILM_C_RELA Relation between segments
ILM_C_SOEX Define Segments to Extract
ILM_C_STRC Define Structures
ILM_DESTRUCTION Data Destruction
ILM_DL_REF Set ArchiveLink References (DL)
ILM_EQM1 Create Equipment
ILM_EQM2 Change Equipment
ILM_EQM3 Display Equipment
ILM_E_DISPLAY Display Archive Files
ILM_E_SELECT Run Archiving for ILM
ILM_GENERIC_CDE Trigger Generic CDE from RW
ILM_LHM Legal Hold Management
ILM_LH_ADK Legal Hold Propagation (ADK)
ILM_LH_AL Legal Hold Propagation (ArchiveLink)
ILM_LTCONFIG LT system configuration
ILM_LTRUN ILM LT Configured Object Execution
ILM_SB ILM Store Browser
ILM_SN_EXTENSION SN Extension Tool (Swiss Knife)
ILM_STOR_ADM_CUST ILM Store Administrative Customizing
ILM_STOR_CS_COCKPIT ILM DB Store: Certification Suite
ILM_STOR_MON ILM Store Monitor
ILM_STOR_MON_SAP ILM Store Monitor for SAP adm.origin
ILM_STOR_OPR_CUST ILM Store: Operational Customizing
ILM_TRANS_ADMIN Transfer of Archive Administration
ILM_TRANS_ADMIN_ONLY Transfer Administration Data Only
ILM_TRANS_ALDL Transfer Attachments and Print Lists
ILM_TRANS_CONST Convert and Store Data
ILM_TRANS_CREP Transfer Content Repository Def.
ILM_TRANS_META_ADMIN Administration Data for SN_META Only
ILM_TRANS_META_CONST Convert and Store Metadata
ILM_TRANS_OBJECTS Transfer Transaction Data to RW
ILM_TRANS_OBJ_CONST Convert and Store Transaction Data
ILM_TRANS_SN Context Data/Snapshots to RW
ILM_TRANS_SN_CONST Convert and Store Context Data/SN
ILM_TRANS_SN_META Transfer Metadata to RW
ILM_WOC1 Create Notification
ILM_WOC2 Change Notification
ILM_WOC3 Display Notification
IM00 Investment programs
IM01 Create Investment Program
IM02 Change Investment Program
IM03 Display Investment Program
IM05 Reassign Measures/Approp.Requests
IM11 Create Investment Program Position
IM12 Change Investment Program Position
IM13 Display Inv. Program Position
IM20 Ongoing settings for inv. program
IM22 Change Investment Program Structure
IM23 Display Investment Program Structure
IM24 Create Investment Program
IM25 Create Investment Program
IM27 IM: Open new approval year
IM27_CLOSE IM: Close old approval year
IM27_REPEAT IM: Open New Approv. Yr- Repeat Run
IM28 Copy investment program
IM30 Change Supplement to Inv.Prog.Pos.
IM31 Display Supplement to Inv.Prog.Pos.
IM32 Change Budget of Inv. Prog. Position
IM33 Display Budget of Inv.Prog.Position
IM34 Determining Default Plan Value IM
IM35 Change Plan on Inv. Program Position
IM36 Display plan on prog. position
IM38 Change return on program position
IM39 Display return on program position
IM40 Change supplement on operative objs
IM41 Display suppmt on operative objects
IM42 Change budget operative objects
IM43 Display budget operative objects
IM44 Determining Default Budget Value IM
IM48 Change return on operative objects
IM49 Display return on operative objects
IM52 Process budget distribution
IM53 Display budget distribution
IM54 Investment Program Reorganization
IM64 Transfer from Old Investment Program
IMA0 Appropriation Requests
IMA1 Create appropriation request
IMA11 Individual Processing
IMA12 Individual Processing (Planner)
IMA13 Individual Processing (Web Trans.)
IMA1N Create Appropriation Request
IMA2 Change appropriation request
IMA20 Ongoing settings for app. request
Lines 21701 to 21800 of 91333 entries
1 216 217 218 219 220 914