SAP Transactions

Transaction Text
GRW_PORTAL_LAUNCHNEW Start Report Group from Portal
GS01 Create set
GS02 Change Set
GS03 Display Set
GS04 Delete set
GS07 Exports sets
GS08 Import sets
GS09 Copy sets from client
GS11 Create Variable
GS12 Change Variable
GS13 Display Variable
GS14 Delete Variable
GS17 Export variables
GS18 Import variables
GS19 Copy variables from client
GS32 Create/Change Key Figures
GS33 Display Key Figures
GSCD Activate change documents
GSFNR Document Display for a GSFNR
GSP_CD Maintain constants
GSP_KD Maintain account determination
GSP_KD1 Maintain acct deter: 0 balance
GSP_KD2 Maintain acct deter: Additional rows
GSP_LD Define item type
GSP_LZ1 SAP internal item cat. assignment
GSP_LZ2 Allocation: acct number - item type
GSP_MD Define Splitting Method
GSP_PD Define business process
GSP_RD Define Split Rule
GSP_VD Define business process variant
GSP_VZ1 Transaction->process var. assignment
GSP_VZ2 MM movem. type->process var. assgmt
GSP_VZ3 FI doc type->process var. assignment
GSTA Subsequent Pstng of Stat.Key Figures
GTDIS General Table Display
GTRBILLDOC_ARCH Archive Grantor Billing Doc. (AP/AR)
GTRBILL_DISP Display Grantor Billing Doc. (AP/AR)
GTRBILL_NR Maintain Number Range: GTRBILL
GTRDERIVE GTR Object Assignment - Customizing
GTRDERIVER GTR Object Assignment - Maintenance
GTRINV_MULTI_BP_S Grantor Invoicing (multiple BP rec.)
GTRINV_S Individual Grantor Invoicing
GT_ACT_DB Activate New DB Configration
GT_CUS Set Customer Type for Golden Tax
GT_DL Upload Inbound File from GT
GT_DLN Upload Inbound File from GTS
GT_IVL Invoice List
GT_UL Create Outbound File for GT
GT_ULN Create Outbound File for GTS
GVAR Maintenance of Fiscal Year Variants
GVTR FI-SL: Balance Carry Forward
GVTR_NACC FI-SL: Balance Carry Forward
GWIPROFILE GWI: Profile maintenance
GWUG FI-SL: Global Currency Translation
GWUL FI-SL: Local Currency Translation
GZZG Generate FI-SL completely
HAP_TAB_CONF Start Tab and Process Configuration
HB01 Create Business entity
HB02 Change Business entity
HB03 Display Business entity
HB11 Create Building
HB12 Change Building
HB13 Display Building
HB18 Sales mode building display
HB21 Create Sales units
HB22 Change Sales units
HB23 Display Sales units
HB28 Sales display "Sales units"
HB31 Create Lot
HB32 Change Lot
HB33 Display Lot
HB38 Sales driven display lot
HBA2 Change affected building list
HBA3 Display affected building list
HBAG Master data generation for re-scm
HBCX Order cancellation for RE-SCM
HBF2 Change Fit-List
HBF3 Display Fit-List
HBIS1 Building List Report
HBIS2 Business entity List report
HBIS3 Sales unit List report
HBIS4 Lot List report
HBPF Pre-Sales Browser (no splash)
HBPS Pre-Sales Browser
HBR2 Change Rules
HBR3 Display Rules
HBS0 (old) Create RE-SCM Sales Order
HBS1 (old) Create RE-SCM Inquiry
HBS2 (old) Create RE-SCM Quotation
HB_CO44 Enhanced project scheduling
HCMWAOKOPL1 Cost Planning
HDBC ERP Accelerators: Settings
HDBHIER Maintain Set Hierarchies for HDB
HDBS ERP Accelerators: Settings
HDBS_ERROR ERP Accelerators: Settings
Lines 20201 to 20300 of 91333 entries
1 201 202 203 204 205 914