Transaction | Text |
GCEF | FI-LC: Reconcil. of fin. data tables |
GCEG | Ingeration: Euro transaction types |
GCEH | Make settings for integration |
GCEJ | Suggest FI-LC package assignment |
GCEK | Reconcil. integration <_> CF FILCT |
GCEL | Item substitution/Ret. earn. (CF) |
GCEM | Post extract in carryforward period |
GCEN | Check whether balance carried fwd |
GCEP | Delete period values for current yr |
GCEQ | KONS-EURO: End Package |
GCEU | Item can be Included in Bal.Sheet |
GCF1 | Create FI-SL Customizng Fld Assign. |
GCF2 | Change FI-SL Customizng Fld Assign. |
GCF3 | Display FI-SL Customizng Fd Assign. |
GCF4 | FI-SL: Delete Field Assignment |
GCG1 | Create FI-SL Customizing Glob.Comp. |
GCG2 | Change FI-SL Customizing Glob.Comp. |
GCG3 | Display FI-SL Customizing Glob.Comp |
GCG4 | Copy FI-SL Customizing Global Comp. |
GCG5 | FI-SL Customizing: Delete Companies |
GCGE | Activate Global Plan Line Items |
GCGG | Generation of GLU1 |
GCGR | Activity Groups |
GCGS | Reconciliation of Total Line Items |
GCGV | C FI Maintain Table T009 |
GCI1 | Installation of FI-SL Tables |
GCI2 | FI-SL: Installation of Object Tables |
GCI3 | FI-SL Table Directory |
GCI4 | FI-SL Fixed Field Movements |
GCIN | Maintain FI-SL tables |
GCIQ | Quick installation FI-SL |
GCJU | Diagnosis: Direct Access to Function |
GCL1 | Create FI-SL Customizing Ledger |
GCL2 | Change FI-SL Customizing Ledger |
GCL3 | Display FI-SL Customizing Ledger |
GCL4 | Delete FI-SL Customizing Ledger |
GCL6 | FI-SL: Copy Ledger |
GCLE | Activate Local Plan Line Items |
GCM1 | Conversion |
GCP1 | FI-SL: Local Posting Periods |
GCP2 | FI-SL Customizing: T001C |
GCP3 | FI-SL: Local Fisc.Yr-Dep.Vers.Param |
GCP4 | FI-SL: Global Fisc.Yr-Dep.Vers.Para |
GCP5 | FI-SL: Local Plan Periods |
GCP6 | FI-SL: Global Plan Periods |
GCR1 | Rollup: Create Field Assignment |
GCR2 | Rollup: Change Field Assignment |
GCR3 | Rollup: Display Field Assignment |
GCR4 | FI-SL: Rollup Substitution |
GCR5 | FI-SL: Rollup Substitution |
GCR6 | FI-SL Customizing:Del.Rollup Fld.A. |
GCR7 | Rollup: Direct Access |
GCR8 | Rollup: Direct Access |
GCRB | Report Selection |
GCRE1 | Activate drilldown rep. for SL table |
GCRE2 | Deactivate drilldown rep. - SL table |
GCRF | Translation Factors |
GCRS | Languages for Report Writer |
GCS1 | FI-SL: Master Data T800D |
GCS5 | Balance Carr. Forward Fld Movements |
GCS6 | Global Standard Accounts |
GCS7 | Bal.Carr.Forward: Global Std Accts |
GCT0 | Transport of Substitutions |
GCT1 | Transport Ledger |
GCT2 | FI-SL Activation |
GCT3 | Control Information |
GCT4 | Transport Rollup |
GCT5 | Transport: Planning Parameters |
GCT6 | Transport Distribution Key |
GCT7 | Transport: Cycles |
GCT8 | Transport: Document Types |
GCT9 | Transport of Validations |
GCTA | Transport Rules |
GCTR | Transport from Report Writer objects |
GCTS | Transport of sets and variables |
GCU0 | Customizing FI-GLX Menu |
GCU1 | Data Transfer from FI |
GCU1N | Data Transfer from FI |
GCU2 | Generate G1U2 |
GCU3 | Transfer Data From CO |
GCU4 | Subsequent Posting of Data From MM |
GCU5 | Subsequent Posting of Data frm Sales |
GCU6 | CO plan doc subs. posting to FI-SL |
GCU9 | Delete Transaction Data |
GCUP | Subsequently posting CO data to FISL |
GCUT | Maintain user tables |
GCV1 | FI-SL: Create Activity |
GCV2 | Change FI-SL Customizing Activity |
GCV3 | Display FI-SL Customizing Activity |
GCV4 | FI-SL Customizing: Delete Activity |
GCVB | Update Type in FI-SL |
GCVI | FI-SL: Actual Versions |
GCVO | Preparation for FI-SL Customizing |
GCVP | FI-SL: Plan Periods |
GCVV | FI-SL Validation / Local |
GCVW | FI-SL Validation / Global |
GCVX | FI-SL Substitution / Local |
GCVY | FI-SL Substitution / Global |
GCVZ | Rule Maintenance |
GCW1 | Versions for Currency Translation |