Transaction | Text |
/IWFND/MGW_BOP_RFC_D | OData Channel : Deletion of RFC BOPs |
/IWFND/MGW_BOP_WS | OData Channel : Generate for WS BOPs |
/IWFND/MGW_BOP_WS_D | OData Channel : Deletion of WS BOPs |
/IWFND/MOC_PARALLEL | Parallelize Multi-Origin Composition |
/IWFND/NOTIF_CLEANUP | Cleanup Notifications |
/IWFND/NOTIF_MONITOR | Notification Monitor |
/IWFND/REG_SERVICE | Activate Services |
/IWFND/RL_SYNC_PROCS | Role Sync Schedule Process |
/IWFND/SERVICE_TEST | Service Explorer |
/IWFND/SOFTSTATE | Enable or Disable Soft State |
/IWFND/SRV_VALIDATE | OData Channel : Service Validator |
/IWFND/STATS | SAP Gateway Statistics |
/IWFND/TRACES | SAP Gateway Traces |
/IWFND/VIEW_LOG | SAP Gateway Application Log Viewer |
/IWFND/VIRUS_SCAN | Configuration of SAP GW Virus Scan |
/IWFND/WF_WEBGUI | WebGUI For Executing Workflow Item |
/IWFND/WSS_SETUP | Configure WS Message-Based |
/IWGIL/GENIL_SRV_GEN | Gateway Service Generator for GenIL |
/IWWRK/WF_FILTER | Handle Activation of WF item filter |
/J7L/LDE | Lean Data Entry As Transaction |
/KJRTAX01/ATMIGALVD | Display Trans. Data - Delete (JP) |
/KJRTAX01/ATMIGDEL | Delete Asset Transaction Data (JP) |
/KJRTAX01/ATMIGINS | Insert Asset Transaction Data (JP) |
/KJRTAX01/MIG_PRDCD | Migration of Add. Dep. Code (JP) |
/KJRTAX01/PDEL | Delete Data Migr. from Last Yr (JP) |
/KJRTAX01/PINS | Data Migration - Last Year (JP) |
/KJRTAX01/PUPLOAD | Upl. Migrat.- Data from LY XML (JP) |
/KJRTAX01/RINS | Migrate RAJPVERM to Result Tab. (JP) |
/KYK/ME53N | Display Purchase Requisition |
/KYK/MIGO_GI | Post Goods Issue |
/KYK/MIGO_GR_OTHER | Goods Receipt Other |
/KYK/MIGO_MB01 | Post Goods Receipt - Purchase Order |
/KYK/MIGO_MB03 | Display Material Document |
/KYK/MIGO_MB11 | Post Goods Movement |
/KYK/MIGO_MB1A | Goods Issue Order |
/KYK/MIGO_MB31 | Post Goods Receipt for Prod Order |
/KYK/MIGO_MBRL | Post Return Delivery for Material Do |
/KYK/MIGO_MBST | Cancel Material Document |
/KYK/T_CANCEL_GI | Cancel Goods Issue |
/KYK/T_COMPL_CMR | Create Credit Memo Request |
/KYK/T_COMPL_DMR | Create Debit Memo Request |
/KYK/T_COMPL_IC | Create Invoice Correction |
/KYK/T_COMPL_RE | Create Returns |
/KYK/T_ME81N_01 | Analysis of Order Values |
/KYK/T_OKKS | Set Controlling Area |
/LIME/42000001 | Determine Node Width |
/LIME/86000063 | Process Type |
/LIME/86000064 | Maintain Index Tables |
/LIME/86000065 | Hierarchy |
/LIME/86000066 | Grouping Parameter |
/LIME/86000067 | Types for Quantity Calculation |
/LIME/86000068 | Supply categories |
/LIME/86000069 | Virtual Stock Indicator |
/LIME/86000070 | Special Stock |
/LIME/86000071 | Reason for movement |
/LIME/86000083 | Negative stock qty |
/LIME/86000084 | Control Dispatcher |
/LIME/86000088 | BAdI Builder /LIME/CUST |
/LIME/86000097 | Filter Determination for Dispatcher |
/LIME/86000098 | Locations Business Key |
/LIME/86000099 | Loc.-Index Tables Generation |
/LIME/86000100 | Generate Index Tables Code |
/LIME/86000101 | HU Business Key |
/LIME/86000102 | HU Index Tables Generation |
/LIME/86000103 | Stocks Business Key |
/LIME/86000104 | Stocks Index Tables Generation |
/LIME/86000105 | Set Filter Values BAdI Dispatcher |
/LIME/86000106 | Document Number |
/LIME/86000107 | Determine Stock Type R/3 |
/LIME/86000108 | Settings Movement Type |
/LIME/86000109 | Determine Movement Type for R/3 |
/LIME/86000110 | Determine Special Stock Indicator |
/LIME/GEN_CODE | Generation of LIME Source Code |
/LIME/SNUM_DIEX | Internal LIME Number Range |
/LIME/SNUM_EXDO | External LIME Number Range |
/LSIERP/MATURITY | TCode for Maturity Payments Report |
/LSIERP/PROCEEDS | Process Payment Items |
/LSIERP/TQ_CHECK_INC | Check Termination Quotation |
/LSIERP/TQ_CHECK_LOG | Protokoll fuer Pruefung und Beginn |
/LSIERP/TQ_DEL_LOG | Loeschprotokoll Angeb. z.VB anzeigen |
/LSIERP/TQ_DEL_RES | Display Results of Termination Quote |
/LSIERP/TQ_PAYLOT_PR | Process Payment Lot |
/LSIERP/TQ_PAYL_LOG | Display Appl. Log for Payment Lot |
/LSIERP/WLM | Manage Worklists |
/LSIERP/WL_SEND | Transfer Worklists to CRM |
/LSIERP/WL_SEND_LOG | Display Application Log for Worklist |
/MAP/AD01 | Assortment Definition |
/MAP/EM01 | Edit Event Occurrence |
/MAP/E_V_EVDIM | Definition of Event Dimensions |
/MAP/E_V_EVENT | Definition of Events |
/MAP/FCMOD01 | Test Forecast Model |
/MAP/FIF01 | Test Value Determ. for Infl. Factor |
/MAP/M_VC_FCMOD | Forecast Model Definition |
/MAP/M_V_FIF_BPS | Definition - IF Type BPS Key Fig. |
/MAP/M_V_FIF_EV | Definition - Infl. Factor Type Event |
/MAP/M_V_FIF_EX | Definition - Infl. Factor Type Exit |
/MAP/M_V_FIF_SD | Definition- Infl. Ftr Type #Sls Days |
/MAP/SSM1 | Markdown Profiles/Sales Patterns |
/MAP/SSM2 | Slow Seller Analysis |
/MAP/SSM3 | Display Worklist |