Transaction | Text |
/ISIDEX/B014_U36_01 | Define Payment Medium Format |
/ISIDEX/B015_U22_01 | IDEX CoS: PoD Identification |
/ISIDEX/B015_U24_01 | IDEX CoS: PoD Identification |
/ISIDEX/B015_U26_01 | IDEX CoS: Min. Duration of Contract |
/ISIDEX/B015_U32_01 | ID of Bill/PAN Parts |
/ISIDEX/B015_U34_01 | Specs for Responsible Company Code |
/ISIDEX/B015_U36_01 | Note to Payee Type for Pymt Medium |
/ISIDEX/B016_U24_01 | IDEX CoS: Min. Duration of Contract |
/ISIDEX/B016_U26_01 | IDEX CoS: PoD Identification |
/ISIDEX/B016_U32_01 | Account Balance Transactions AG27 |
/ISIDEX/B016_U34_01 | Define Form for Payment Advice Note |
/ISIDEX/B016_U36_01 | Define Payment Method |
/ISIDEX/B017_U32_01 | Specs for Reset Clearing AG27 |
/ISIDEX/B017_U34_01 | Process Control (Part 2) |
/ISIDEX/B017_U36_01 | Specs for Responsible Company Code |
/ISIDEX/B018_U32_01 | Specs for Clearing Item AG27 |
/ISIDEX/B018_U36_01 | Define Form for Payment Advice Note |
/ISIDEX/B019_U32_01 | Alloc. Function Modules for Dunning |
/ISIDEX/B019_U34_01 | Define Reason Codes |
/ISIDEX/B019_U36_01 | Parameters for Distr. Aggr. Payments |
/ISIDEX/B020_U32_01 | Def. CA Items for Communication |
/ISIDEX/B020_U34_01 | Complaint Notification Form |
/ISIDEX/B020_U36_01 | Algorithms for Interpr. of PAN Items |
/ISIDEX/B021_U32_01 | Process Variants for Identifying PoD |
/ISIDEX/B021_U34_01 | Define Reversal Reasons |
/ISIDEX/B021_U36_01 | Def. of Account Balance Transactions |
/ISIDEX/B022_U32_01 | Use of Process Var. to Identify PoD |
/ISIDEX/B022_U34_01 | Allocate Register Type |
/ISIDEX/B022_U36_01 | Specifications for Reset Clearing |
/ISIDEX/B023_U34_01 | Allocate Units of Measurement |
/ISIDEX/B023_U36_01 | Specifications for Clearing Item |
/ISIDEX/B024_U34_01 | Process Variants for Identifying PoD |
/ISIDEX/B024_U36_01 | Define Complaint Modules |
/ISIDEX/B025_U34_01 | Use of Process Var. to Identify PoD |
/ISIDEX/B025_U36_01 | Definition of Reason Codes |
/ISIDEX/B026_U34_01 | User-Defined Meter Reading Type |
/ISIDEX/B026_U36_01 | Define Complaint Notification |
/ISIDEX/B027_U36_01 | Define Reversal Reasons |
/ISIDEX/B028_U36_01 | CA Item for Communication |
/ISIDEX/B029_U36_01 | Process Variants for Identifying PoD |
/ISIDEX/B030_U36_01 | Use of Process Var. to Identify PoD |
/IWBEP/92000012 | IMG Activity |
/IWBEP/92000018 | IMG Activity |
/IWBEP/ANA_SRV_GEN | Analytics Service Generator |
/IWBEP/BATCH_CONFIG | Batch Parallelization |
/IWBEP/CACHE_CLEANUP | Cleanup of Model Cache |
/IWBEP/CLEANUP_JOBS | Manage Cleanup Jobs |
/IWBEP/CONFIG_CHECK | Check Configuration of BEP |
/IWBEP/CONF_SERVICE | Configuration for IWBEP services |
/IWBEP/CRE_DEF_JOBS | Create Default SAP GW Cleanup Jobs |
/IWBEP/ERROR_LOG | SAP GW Backend Error Log |
/IWBEP/ERROR_LOG_E2E | SAP GW Backend Error Log - E2E |
/IWBEP/IMPORT_MODEL | Service Description File Importer |
/IWBEP/NOTIF_MONITOR | SAP GW Backend Notification Monitor |
/IWBEP/OCI_SRV_GEN | OData Srvc.(SAPGW)Generator for OSCI |
/IWBEP/REG_MODEL | Maintain Model |
/IWBEP/REG_SERVICE | Maintain Service |
/IWBEP/REG_VOCAN | Maintain Vocabulary Annotations |
/IWBEP/RFC_BOP_DEL | OData Channel : Delete RFC BOP |
/IWBEP/RFC_BOP_GEN | OData Channel : Generate RFC BOP |
/IWBEP/SB | SAP Gateway Service Builder |
/IWBEP/SBS | SAP Gateway Service Builder Setup |
/IWBEP/TRACES | SAP GW Backend Traces |
/IWBEP/UM_NR_INT | MGW Number Range Interval |
/IWBEP/UR_CLEANUP | User Request Clean Up |
/IWBEP/VIEW_LOG | SAP Gateway Log Viewer |
/IWBEP/WS_BOP_DEL | OData Channel : Delete WS BOP |
/IWBEP/WS_BOP_GEN | OData Channel : Generate WS BOP |
/IWFND/APPS_LOG | SAP Gateway Application Log Viewer |
/IWFND/BEP_RFC_BOP_D | RFC BOP deletion for BEP model |
/IWFND/BEP_RFC_BOP_G | RFC BOP generation for BEP model |
/IWFND/BEP_WS_BOP_D | WS BOP deletion for BEP model |
/IWFND/BEP_WS_BOP_G | WS BOP generation for BEP model |
/IWFND/BGRFC_CHECK | Check bgRFC Configurations |
/IWFND/BOP_RFC | Generator for RFC BOPs |
/IWFND/BOP_RFC_C | Generator for Custom RFC BOPs |
/IWFND/BOP_RFC_C_D | Deletion of Custom RFC BOPs |
/IWFND/BOP_RFC_D | Deletion of RFC BOPs |
/IWFND/BOP_WS | Generator for WS BOPs |
/IWFND/BOP_WS_D | Deletion of WS BOPs |
/IWFND/BULK_USER_MAP | Transaction to Perform Bulk User Map |
/IWFND/CACHE_CLEANUP | Cleanup of Model Cache |
/IWFND/CHECK_ALIASES | Check SAP System Aliases |
/IWFND/CLEANUP | Execute Cleanup |
/IWFND/CLEANUP_JOBS | Manage cleanup jobs |
/IWFND/CRE_DEF_JOBS | Create Default Cleanup Jobs |
/IWFND/ERROR_LOG | SAP Gateway Error Log |
/IWFND/ERROR_LOG_E2E | SAP Gateway Error Log - E2E |
/IWFND/EXPLORER | Service Explorer |
/IWFND/FLAT_SERVICE | Flat service generator |
/IWFND/GWO_GEN | Data Model Generator |
/IWFND/GW_CLIENT | SAP Gateway Client |
/IWFND/INIT_CCMS | Initialize SAP Gateway CCMS Context |
/IWFND/IWF_ACTIVATE | Activate / Deactivate SAP Gateway |
/IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE | Activate and Maintain Services |
/IWFND/MED_ACTIVATE | Activate/Deactivate Metadata Cache |
/IWFND/MED_SA_ACTIV | Activate system alias based caching |
/IWFND/MGW_BOP_RFC | OData Channel : Generate for RFC BOP |
/IWFND/MGW_BOP_RFC_C | Generator for Custom RFC BOPs |