Transaction | Text |
FTRCL | Closing of Expense Accounts |
FTRCOMS00 | Collective Processing of COMS |
FTRCOMS01 | Create commodity swap |
FTRCOMS02 | Change commodity swap |
FTRCOMS03 | Display commodity swap |
FTRCOMS04 | Settle commodity swap |
FTRCOMS05 | Reverse commodity swap |
FTRCOMS06 | Give notice on commodity swap |
FTRCOMS07 | Commodity swap: Display History |
FTREX1 | Raw Exposure Maintenance |
FTREX12 | Exposure Position List |
FTREX13 | Exposure Flows Display |
FTREX2 | Raw Exposures Display |
FTREX21 | Process Unmatched Transactions |
FTREX25 | Mass Fixing for Raw Exposures |
FTREX31 | Preprocess Step to Set Archive Ind. |
FTREX32 | For Archive Reset |
FTREX41 | Archiving of Raw Exposure Objects |
FTREX42 | Archiving of Position Objects |
FTREX5 | Mass Release for Raw Exposures |
FTREX7 | Maintain Commodity Split |
FTRSL | G/L Account Balances |
FTRSLK | Expense Account Balances |
FTRTRES00 | Collective Processing of TRES |
FTRTRES01 | Create a total return swap |
FTRTRES02 | Change a total return swap |
FTRTRES03 | Display a total return swap |
FTRTRES04 | Settle a total return swap |
FTRTRES05 | Reverse a total return swap |
FTRTRES06 | Advance Maturity of TRES |
FTRTRES07 | History of a total return swap |
FTRTRES08 | Exercise a Total Return Swap |
FTRTRES11 | Dividend Payment of a TRES |
FTRTRESMAT | Maturity Schedule Total Return Swaps |
FTRUE | Cost of Sales Statement |
FTRV_CONFIG | Define Communication Profile |
FTRV_MAPPING_CONF | Define Mapping Rules |
FTR_00 | Collective Processing |
FTR_ALERT | Financial Transaction: Alert Monitor |
FTR_ALRT_BTCH | CO Alert in batch mode |
FTR_ARCHIVE_CUST00 | Min. retent. period FTR CoCd depend. |
FTR_ARCHIVE_CUST01 | Min.ret.period FTR per product type |
FTR_ARCHIV_RETENTN | Maintenance of retention period |
FTR_ARCH_W | Fin. transaction: Create archive |
FTR_BAPI | BAPI Test Program |
FTR_BP_BIC | Maintain BIC/Account for BP |
FTR_COCD | Change Documents: Correspondence |
FTR_COCREATE | Create manual correspondence object |
FTR_COMATCH | Match unmatched correspondences |
FTR_COMONI | Correspondence monitor |
FTR_COPY_COMP | Copy Company Code Dependent Settings |
FTR_COSEND | Execute Unsent Correspondences |
FTR_CO_ARCHIVE | For archiving of co objects |
FTR_CREATE | Create a Transaction (TR-TM) |
FTR_CSPRD | Credit Spread - OTC Transactions |
FTR_CTY01 | Create Commodity Forward |
FTR_CTY02 | Change Commodity Forward |
FTR_CTY03 | Display Commodity Forward |
FTR_CTY04 | Reverse Commodity Forward |
FTR_CTY05 | Settle Commodity Forward |
FTR_CTY06 | Commodity Forward History |
FTR_CTY76 | Commodity Forward History |
FTR_C_MENU | Transaction: Task Menu |
FTR_DEALPOS | Dealer Position |
FTR_DERIVE_EXP_CAT | Determination of Exposure Category |
FTR_DERIVE_EXP_FIELD | Derivation of Exposure Fields |
FTR_DERIVE_EXP_HEDGE | Define Trfr Rules: Exp. to Hedg.Mgmt |
FTR_DISPLAY | Transaction Display |
FTR_DISVARIANT_DEF | TCO: Define display variants |
FTR_EDIT | Process a Treasury Transaction |
FTR_EXT_ASSIGN | Maint.Profile & BPG ass. to Ext.Rec |
FTR_HMLOG_ARCH_W | Hedge Accounting Log: Create Archive |
FTR_IMPORT | Import Incoming Messages |
FTR_INB_ASSIGN | Maintain BP group for inbound format |
FTR_INB_FUNC | Assign inbound function to partner |
FTR_INT_ASSIGN | Maint.Prof. & BPG Assign. to Int.Rec |
FTR_MASSAPPROVAL | Mass Approval |
FTR_MASS_EXEC | Forex: Mass Execution |
FTR_MASS_ORDR_EXPIRY | Forex: Mass Order Expiry |
FTR_MASS_SETTLE | Mass Settlemt Financial Transactions |
FTR_NOTE_CREATE | Note creation |
FTR_NR_CO | Define Number Ranges for CO ID |
FTR_NR_MATCH | Define Number Ranges for Match ID |
FTR_OPEN_TRTM_INIT | Update: Open TRTM Components |
FTR_RECON_CA_BATCH | Reconcile Corporate Actions in Batch |
FTR_RENM_PROD | Copy/Ren. Prod.Type + All Dep. Sett. |
FTR_SAT_ACTVT | Correspondence Activities for SAT |
FTR_SAT_ALRT | Maintain alert cat for sec. accounts |
FTR_SEND_APPRVL | Send for approval in batch mode |
FTR_SHOW | Display Treasury Tables |
FTR_SI_DERIVE | TCOR Derive Settlement Instruction |
FTR_SWIFT_IMPORT | Import SWIFT Messages |
FTR_SWIFT_MAP | Map Swift Message |
FTR_TARO_DER_CONTENT | Determination of TARO Content |
FTR_TARO_DER_DER_CNT | Determination of TARO Deriv. Content |
FTR_TARO_IMPORT | Import Incoming Messages |
FTR_TARO_MONITOR | Monitor for Trade Repository Objects |
FTR_TARO_PROCESS | Process Trade Repository Objects |