SAP Transactions

Transaction Text
FTRCL Closing of Expense Accounts
FTRCOMS00 Collective Processing of COMS
FTRCOMS01 Create commodity swap
FTRCOMS02 Change commodity swap
FTRCOMS03 Display commodity swap
FTRCOMS04 Settle commodity swap
FTRCOMS05 Reverse commodity swap
FTRCOMS06 Give notice on commodity swap
FTRCOMS07 Commodity swap: Display History
FTREX1 Raw Exposure Maintenance
FTREX12 Exposure Position List
FTREX13 Exposure Flows Display
FTREX2 Raw Exposures Display
FTREX21 Process Unmatched Transactions
FTREX25 Mass Fixing for Raw Exposures
FTREX31 Preprocess Step to Set Archive Ind.
FTREX32 For Archive Reset
FTREX41 Archiving of Raw Exposure Objects
FTREX42 Archiving of Position Objects
FTREX5 Mass Release for Raw Exposures
FTREX7 Maintain Commodity Split
FTRSL G/L Account Balances
FTRSLK Expense Account Balances
FTRTRES00 Collective Processing of TRES
FTRTRES01 Create a total return swap
FTRTRES02 Change a total return swap
FTRTRES03 Display a total return swap
FTRTRES04 Settle a total return swap
FTRTRES05 Reverse a total return swap
FTRTRES06 Advance Maturity of TRES
FTRTRES07 History of a total return swap
FTRTRES08 Exercise a Total Return Swap
FTRTRES11 Dividend Payment of a TRES
FTRTRESMAT Maturity Schedule Total Return Swaps
FTRUE Cost of Sales Statement
FTRV_CONFIG Define Communication Profile
FTRV_MAPPING_CONF Define Mapping Rules
FTR_00 Collective Processing
FTR_ALERT Financial Transaction: Alert Monitor
FTR_ALRT_BTCH CO Alert in batch mode
FTR_ARCHIVE_CUST00 Min. retent. period FTR CoCd depend.
FTR_ARCHIVE_CUST01 Min.ret.period FTR per product type
FTR_ARCHIV_RETENTN Maintenance of retention period
FTR_ARCH_W Fin. transaction: Create archive
FTR_BAPI BAPI Test Program
FTR_BP_BIC Maintain BIC/Account for BP
FTR_COCD Change Documents: Correspondence
FTR_COCREATE Create manual correspondence object
FTR_COMATCH Match unmatched correspondences
FTR_COMONI Correspondence monitor
FTR_COPY_COMP Copy Company Code Dependent Settings
FTR_COSEND Execute Unsent Correspondences
FTR_CO_ARCHIVE For archiving of co objects
FTR_CREATE Create a Transaction (TR-TM)
FTR_CSPRD Credit Spread - OTC Transactions
FTR_CTY01 Create Commodity Forward
FTR_CTY02 Change Commodity Forward
FTR_CTY03 Display Commodity Forward
FTR_CTY04 Reverse Commodity Forward
FTR_CTY05 Settle Commodity Forward
FTR_CTY06 Commodity Forward History
FTR_CTY76 Commodity Forward History
FTR_C_MENU Transaction: Task Menu
FTR_DEALPOS Dealer Position
FTR_DERIVE_EXP_CAT Determination of Exposure Category
FTR_DERIVE_EXP_FIELD Derivation of Exposure Fields
FTR_DERIVE_EXP_HEDGE Define Trfr Rules: Exp. to Hedg.Mgmt
FTR_DISPLAY Transaction Display
FTR_DISVARIANT_DEF TCO: Define display variants
FTR_EDIT Process a Treasury Transaction
FTR_EXT_ASSIGN Maint.Profile & BPG ass. to Ext.Rec
FTR_HMLOG_ARCH_W Hedge Accounting Log: Create Archive
FTR_IMPORT Import Incoming Messages
FTR_INB_ASSIGN Maintain BP group for inbound format
FTR_INB_FUNC Assign inbound function to partner
FTR_INT_ASSIGN Maint.Prof. & BPG Assign. to Int.Rec
FTR_MASS_EXEC Forex: Mass Execution
FTR_MASS_ORDR_EXPIRY Forex: Mass Order Expiry
FTR_MASS_SETTLE Mass Settlemt Financial Transactions
FTR_NOTE_CREATE Note creation
FTR_NR_CO Define Number Ranges for CO ID
FTR_NR_MATCH Define Number Ranges for Match ID
FTR_OPEN_TRTM_INIT Update: Open TRTM Components
FTR_RECON_CA_BATCH Reconcile Corporate Actions in Batch
FTR_RENM_PROD Copy/Ren. Prod.Type + All Dep. Sett.
FTR_SAT_ACTVT Correspondence Activities for SAT
FTR_SAT_ALRT Maintain alert cat for sec. accounts
FTR_SEND_APPRVL Send for approval in batch mode
FTR_SHOW Display Treasury Tables
FTR_SI_DERIVE TCOR Derive Settlement Instruction
FTR_SWIFT_MAP Map Swift Message
FTR_TARO_DER_CONTENT Determination of TARO Content
FTR_TARO_DER_DER_CNT Determination of TARO Deriv. Content
FTR_TARO_IMPORT Import Incoming Messages
FTR_TARO_MONITOR Monitor for Trade Repository Objects
FTR_TARO_PROCESS Process Trade Repository Objects
Lines 18601 to 18700 of 91333 entries
1 185 186 187 188 189 914