Transaction | Text |
FRACTIV | Activate Subdivision |
FRC0 | Display Profit Center -> FM AcctAss. |
FRC1 | Maintain Cost Element -> FM Act Asgt |
FRC2 | Display Cost Element -> FM Acct Asgt |
FRC3 | Maintain Cost Center -> FM Act Asgmt |
FRC4 | Display Cost Center -> FM Acct Asgmt |
FRC5 | Maintain Order -> FM Acct Assgmnt |
FRC6 | Display Order -> FM Acct Assgmnt |
FRC7 | Maintain WBS Element -> FM Act Asgmt |
FRC8 | Display WBS Element -> FM Acct Asgmt |
FRC9 | Maintain Profit Center -> FM ActAsgt |
FRCA | Settlement calendar |
FRCISUB1 | Process Substring1 Commitment Item |
FRCISUB1_SET | Create Cmmt Item Substring1 Group |
FRCISUB2 | Process Substring2 Commitment Item |
FRCISUB2_SET | Create Cmmt Item Substring2 Group |
FRCISUB3 | Process Substring3 Commitment Item |
FRCISUB3_SET | Create Cmmt Item Substring3 Group |
FRCISUB4 | Process Substring4 Commitment Item |
FRCISUB4_SET | Create Cmmt Item Substring4 Group |
FRCISUB5 | Process Substring5 Commitment Item |
FRCISUB5_SET | Create Cmmt Item Substring5 Group |
FRD1 | Maintain G/L Account -> Commt Item |
FRD2 | Display G/L Account -> Commt Item |
FRE01 | Initial Transfer of Data to F&R |
FRE02 | Transfer Changed Data to F&R |
FRE03 | Transfer Time Series Data |
FRE04 | Transfer Open Orders to F&R |
FRE05 | Transfer Changed Sls Prices to F&R |
FRE06 | Processing of Order Inbound Buffer |
FRE07 | Re-initial Transfer of Data |
FRE10 | Transfer Reference Site to F&R |
FRE11 | Initial Transfer of DIF Occurrences |
FRE12 | Delta Transfer of DIF Occurrences |
FRE13 | Delete Admin.Data for DIF Occurrence |
FRE14 | Transfer of reference assignm data |
FRE15 | Deletion of reference data |
FRE16 | InitTrnsfr. DIF Occur. for No. Sites |
FRE17 | DeltTrnsfr. DIF Occur. for No. Sites |
FRE18 | Delete DIF Occ. for No. Sites |
FRE19 | Trans. P.Org + P.Org Assgn. to F&R |
FRE20 | Update Procurement Cycles |
FRE21 | Upd. Assignment of Initial Buy Check |
FRE22 | Upd. Assignment of Central PO Cal. |
FRE23 | Upd. Repl. Block. After Cust. Change |
FRE24 | Logistical Rounding Delta |
FRE25 | Processing Methods Delta |
FRE27 | Transfer Structured Materials to F&R |
FRE30 | Maintenance of Table FRE_MD_PRODUCT |
FRE31 | Maintenance of Interface Tables MD4 |
FRE32 | Calculate planned delivery time |
FRE33 | Deletion of Consumption Data |
FRE34 | Maintenance of Table FRE_OP_PO_KEY |
FRE35 | Reo Change Pointer Stock Consumption |
FRE50 | Send Switchover Information |
FRE51 | Reorganization Switchover Info |
FRE55 | Send Assignment Data |
FRE80 | No. Range Maintnce: FRE_PROCYC |
FRE81 | No. Range Maintnce: FRE_DIFREF |
FRE83 | Number Range Maintenance: FRE_DIF2 |
FRE84 | Number Range Maintenance: FRE_RELPRO |
FRE_C1 | Check Master Data |
FRE_C2 | Check Supply Net Data |
FRE_C3 | Check Layout Module |
FRE_C4 | Check Order Data |
FRE_C5 | Reorganization F&R Control Tables |
FRE_C6 | Check Sales Order Data |
FRE_UI | User Interface for F&R Messages |
FRFCSUB1 | Process Substring1 Fund Center |
FRFCSUB1_SET | Create Funds Center Substring1 Group |
FRFCSUB2 | Process Substring2 Fund Center |
FRFCSUB2_SET | Create Funds Center Substring2 Group |
FRFCSUB3 | Process Substring3 Fund Center |
FRFCSUB3_SET | Create Funds Center Substring3 Group |
FRFDSUB1 | Process Substring1 Fund |
FRFDSUB1_SET | Create Fund Substring1 Group |
FRFDSUB2 | Process Substring2 Fund |
FRFDSUB2_SET | Create Fund Substring2 Group |
FRFNSUB1 | Process Substring1 Functional Area |
FRFNSUB1_SET | Create Func. Area Substring1 Group |
FRFNSUB2 | Process Substring2 Functional Area |
FRFNSUB2_SET | Create Func. Area Substring2 Group |
FRFNSUB3 | Process Substring3 Functional Area |
FRFNSUB3_SET | Create Func. Area Substring3 Group |
FRFT | Rapid Entry with Repetitive Code |
FRFT2 | Repetitive fast entry form |
FRFT_B | Repetitive Codes: Payment to Banks |
FRFT_TR | Repetitives: Payment Treasury Partnr |
FRH1 | Loc.Auth.: Enter Budget Release |
FRH2 | Loc.Auth.: Enter Local Block |
FRH3 | |
FRH4 | |
FRH5 | No longer used |
FRH6 | Create Release Group Profile |
FRH7 | Transfer of Residl Bdgts from CoverP |
FRHU2 | Random creation of HUs |
FRML02 | Edit Recipe Formula |
FRML03 | Display Recipe Formula |
FRML04 | Formula Information System |
FRMLC01 | Customizing: Formula Level Assignmt |