Transaction | Text |
FQCCINTF | Display of Interfaces to SAP CC |
FQCE | Acct Determination: Error Analysis |
FQCF | User ID for Bank Transactions |
FQCFCC1071 | Buchungsdaten für Gutschriften |
FQCG | C FI-CA Dunning Grouping */0400 |
FQCODU | Cont A/R + A/P - Cust. Dunn. Proced. |
FQCR | Account Determination: List |
FQCR600 | C FKK Account Determination */R600 |
FQCVS | CVS Bank Clearing Account |
FQC_R404 | Diff.Accts for Cons.Ports Prev. Year |
FQC_R410 | Assign Summarization Subtransactions |
FQC_R412 | Unexpected Revenues in Bill Reversal |
FQC_R418 | Assign Summarization Subtransactions |
FQD1 | Productive Start - Delete Test Data |
FQD2 | Synchronization - Maintain Variants |
FQDM0 | Posting Area 3000 |
FQDM1 | Posting Area 3001 |
FQDM2 | Posting Area 3002 |
FQEVENT | Display Event |
FQEVENTS | Events |
FQEVENT_0551 | Display Event 0551 |
FQEVENT_0965 | Display Event 0965 |
FQEVENT_0966 | Display Event 0966 |
FQEVENT_0967 | Display Event 0967 |
FQEVENT_1774 | Display Event 1774 |
FQEXC1 | Define Specifns for Agent Posting |
FQEXC2 | Doc. Types for Posting for Framework |
FQEXC3 | Clearing Acct for Payt Lot for ExtCD |
FQEXC4 | Enter Specif. for Agent Commissions |
FQEXC6 | Specif. for Posting Cash Desk Diff. |
FQEXC7 | Deposit and Withdrawal Accounts |
FQFUND | Activation Status Fund Accounting |
FQGRP | Balances Groups |
FQH0 | Specifications for Diff. Postings |
FQH1 | Specifications for Diff. Postings |
FQH2 | Spec. for Document Type Payment Cat. |
FQH4 | Cash Desk/Cash Journal: CD Accounts |
FQH5 | Specifications for Diff. Postings |
FQH6 | Specif. for Dep./Withdrawal Posting |
FQI1 | Maintain Interest Keys |
FQI2 | Display Interest Keys |
FQI3 | Maintain spec. for int. on inst.plan |
FQI4 | Maintain Interest Entries |
FQI4Z | Interest: Additional Functions |
FQI5 | Maintain Cash Sec.Deposit Entries |
FQI6 | Maintain Mass Activity: Interest |
FQI7 | Maintain Mass Activ: Cash Sec. Dep. |
FQI8 | Specifications-Interest on Arrears |
FQI9 | Processes for witholding tax code |
FQINTF | Display of Interfaces |
FQINTF_CUST | Configuration of Interface Display |
FQK1 | TFK021R (account balance: Search) |
FQK2 | TFK021R (account balance: Select) |
FQK3 | TFK021R (account balance: Sort) |
FQK5 | TFK021R (account balance: Add.field) |
FQK50 | Derivation of Credit Segment |
FQK51 | Maintain Credit Segment |
FQK52 | Central Credit Management Setting |
FQK53 | Derivation of Credit Segment |
FQK54 | Definition of Key Figures |
FQK55 | Settings for Key Figures |
FQK56 | Time Period for Key Figures |
FQK57 | Cred.Exp.Cat. for Ext.Billing System |
FQK6 | TFK021R (posting totals: Search) |
FQK8 | TFK021R (posting totals: Sort) |
FQKA | Document: Central Settings |
FQKB | Document: User Settings |
FQKL | Existing settings contract A/R & A/P |
FQKP | Config.: Maintain Display Format |
FQKPA | Modifiable Fields in Account Maint. |
FQKPB | Broker Report: Line Layout Variants |
FQKPD | Document Processing: Variants |
FQKPH | Man. Issued Checks: Line Layout |
FQKPI | Payment Specification: Line Layout |
FQKPK | Document: Line Layout Variants (G/L) |
FQKPM | Account Balance:Line Layout Variants |
FQKPN | Bank Report: Line Layout Variants |
FQKPO | OI Processing: Line Layout Variants |
FQKPP | Document: Line Layout Variants (OI) |
FQKPS | Posting Totals: Line Layout Variants |
FQKPT | Broker Report: Item Entry |
FQKPZ | Payment Lot: Line Layout Variants |
FQKS | Account Balance: Sort Variants |
FQKX | TFK021L(Acct Balance: List Cats) |
FQM0 | FI-CA Dunning - Cust.Dunn.Groupings |
FQM1 | FI-CA Dunning - Cust.Dunn.Procedures |
FQM2 | FI-CA Dunning - Cust. Dunning Levels |
FQM3 | FI-CA Dunning: Cust.Min/Max Amounts |
FQM4 | FI-CA Dunning-Cust.Dun. Charges Type |
FQM5 | FI-CA Dunning - Cust.Dunn.Groupings |
FQM6 | FI-CA Dunning-Cust.Dunn.Block Reason |
FQM7 | FI-CA Dunning - Cust.Dun.Level Types |
FQM8 | FI-CA Dunning - Cust.Dunn.Proc.Types |
FQM9 | FI-CA Dunning - Cust. Charges |
FQMASS | Mass Activities |
FQOGRM | Post Gen. Request Specification Docs |
FQORD1 | Request: Doc. Generation Specificats |
FQP1 | Define Payment Methods |
FQP2 | Item Indicator |
FQP3 | Payment Medium Formats |