SAP Transactions

Transaction Text
FQCCINTF Display of Interfaces to SAP CC
FQCE Acct Determination: Error Analysis
FQCF User ID for Bank Transactions
FQCFCC1071 Buchungsdaten für Gutschriften
FQCG C FI-CA Dunning Grouping */0400
FQCODU Cont A/R + A/P - Cust. Dunn. Proced.
FQCR Account Determination: List
FQCR600 C FKK Account Determination */R600
FQCVS CVS Bank Clearing Account
FQC_R404 Diff.Accts for Cons.Ports Prev. Year
FQC_R410 Assign Summarization Subtransactions
FQC_R412 Unexpected Revenues in Bill Reversal
FQC_R418 Assign Summarization Subtransactions
FQD1 Productive Start - Delete Test Data
FQD2 Synchronization - Maintain Variants
FQDM0 Posting Area 3000
FQDM1 Posting Area 3001
FQDM2 Posting Area 3002
FQEVENT Display Event
FQEVENT_0551 Display Event 0551
FQEVENT_0965 Display Event 0965
FQEVENT_0966 Display Event 0966
FQEVENT_0967 Display Event 0967
FQEVENT_1774 Display Event 1774
FQEXC1 Define Specifns for Agent Posting
FQEXC2 Doc. Types for Posting for Framework
FQEXC3 Clearing Acct for Payt Lot for ExtCD
FQEXC4 Enter Specif. for Agent Commissions
FQEXC6 Specif. for Posting Cash Desk Diff.
FQEXC7 Deposit and Withdrawal Accounts
FQFUND Activation Status Fund Accounting
FQGRP Balances Groups
FQH0 Specifications for Diff. Postings
FQH1 Specifications for Diff. Postings
FQH2 Spec. for Document Type Payment Cat.
FQH4 Cash Desk/Cash Journal: CD Accounts
FQH5 Specifications for Diff. Postings
FQH6 Specif. for Dep./Withdrawal Posting
FQI1 Maintain Interest Keys
FQI2 Display Interest Keys
FQI3 Maintain spec. for int. on inst.plan
FQI4 Maintain Interest Entries
FQI4Z Interest: Additional Functions
FQI5 Maintain Cash Sec.Deposit Entries
FQI6 Maintain Mass Activity: Interest
FQI7 Maintain Mass Activ: Cash Sec. Dep.
FQI8 Specifications-Interest on Arrears
FQI9 Processes for witholding tax code
FQINTF Display of Interfaces
FQINTF_CUST Configuration of Interface Display
FQK1 TFK021R (account balance: Search)
FQK2 TFK021R (account balance: Select)
FQK3 TFK021R (account balance: Sort)
FQK5 TFK021R (account balance: Add.field)
FQK50 Derivation of Credit Segment
FQK51 Maintain Credit Segment
FQK52 Central Credit Management Setting
FQK53 Derivation of Credit Segment
FQK54 Definition of Key Figures
FQK55 Settings for Key Figures
FQK56 Time Period for Key Figures
FQK57 Cred.Exp.Cat. for Ext.Billing System
FQK6 TFK021R (posting totals: Search)
FQK8 TFK021R (posting totals: Sort)
FQKA Document: Central Settings
FQKB Document: User Settings
FQKL Existing settings contract A/R & A/P
FQKP Config.: Maintain Display Format
FQKPA Modifiable Fields in Account Maint.
FQKPB Broker Report: Line Layout Variants
FQKPD Document Processing: Variants
FQKPH Man. Issued Checks: Line Layout
FQKPI Payment Specification: Line Layout
FQKPK Document: Line Layout Variants (G/L)
FQKPM Account Balance:Line Layout Variants
FQKPN Bank Report: Line Layout Variants
FQKPO OI Processing: Line Layout Variants
FQKPP Document: Line Layout Variants (OI)
FQKPS Posting Totals: Line Layout Variants
FQKPT Broker Report: Item Entry
FQKPZ Payment Lot: Line Layout Variants
FQKS Account Balance: Sort Variants
FQKX TFK021L(Acct Balance: List Cats)
FQM0 FI-CA Dunning - Cust.Dunn.Groupings
FQM1 FI-CA Dunning - Cust.Dunn.Procedures
FQM2 FI-CA Dunning - Cust. Dunning Levels
FQM3 FI-CA Dunning: Cust.Min/Max Amounts
FQM4 FI-CA Dunning-Cust.Dun. Charges Type
FQM5 FI-CA Dunning - Cust.Dunn.Groupings
FQM6 FI-CA Dunning-Cust.Dunn.Block Reason
FQM7 FI-CA Dunning - Cust.Dun.Level Types
FQM8 FI-CA Dunning - Cust.Dunn.Proc.Types
FQM9 FI-CA Dunning - Cust. Charges
FQMASS Mass Activities
FQOGRM Post Gen. Request Specification Docs
FQORD1 Request: Doc. Generation Specificats
FQP1 Define Payment Methods
FQP2 Item Indicator
FQP3 Payment Medium Formats
Lines 18001 to 18100 of 91333 entries
1 179 180 181 182 183 914