154923 | Term. w. checking ref. cust. for naming convention |
166160 | Address data for duplication check |
610513 | Contract partner: Using Transact. BP instead of FPP1/2/3 |
306586 | BP dialog: dialg box for ins.objs blocks not filled |
302770 | Name fields of organizations in SD customer |
460078 | Move-in: Checks for business partner data |
216958 | Incorrect tax number check (type ITCF (fiscal code)) |
303802 | BP dialog: wrong insurance object blocks |
804375 | Performance problems with partners that have many addresses |
303912 | Bus partnr dlg: Dlg for insur.obj blocks not displ |
201073 | Adding more tax number types to the business partner |
307894 | Address data deleted after entering incorr postal code |
626337 | PSCD: Work after release upgrade, Support Package import |
600437 | FAQ: Business partner & contract account (move-in/move-out) |
194990 | Copying Jurcodes into Jurcode rel addres of account |