SAP Transaction FPB0 - Post Payment

Related Notes
305008Cash payment, overpayment, message number >0 084
205803Cash desk: Error >0065 is not issued
189011Payment/cash desk: No item disply d. amnt determntn
307241Overpayments are possible, payment at cash desk
307133Input help for bank clearing accounts, cash paymnts
212612Cash desk, payment lots, items, name of creator
312335Error message >1003, posting area 0080, cash desk
177919Payment at cash desk, overpaymnt, error mssg F5165
178604Cash payment:SET/GET prmtr not filled for recon key
305092Payments on account on contract
303172Message number >5 218, cash/account payment
207685Payment at cash desk, documents are not posted
192845Message EK300 with posting of payment on account
306584Error message >0031 when creating payments
199857Exchange rate for payment on account not considered
181839Reconc. key cash desk does not depend on pmnt type
200138Payment, on account, business area not transferred
186373E.mess.>0008 w.clos.paymt lots frm cash dsk
213133Cash desk, credit card paymnt, paymnt card append.
184901Payt - ChDk:Payt amt changed in dialog w. exit 0110
309405Error message >5244
190878EK05, FPB0: Document type in field WAERS
419173Collective note 'IS-IS-CD performance'