863347 | FNM1S: Error message F5 842 for Italian company code |
1466123 | BUC: Display of unposted contracts |
1162547 | Posting: Incorrect error message |
1132876 | POS: Supplement for Note 1112038 |
1345520 | BUC: Predefine document date in debit position |
1100542 | Posting: Logs of debit position in one spool |
1158264 | BUC: Output of non-posted contracts |
1112038 | POS: Perform posting despite error messages |
1056376 | BUC: Checking business partners in the debit position |
1341773 | Posting: Enhancement for output of non-posted contracts |
785444 | BUC/MOD: Incoming payments from advance payment |