Transaction | Text |
FNVI | Loans: General Overview |
FNVM | Change Contract |
FNVR | Reactivate Contract |
FNVS | Display Contract |
FNVW | Withdraw or Reduce Contract |
FNV_CSPRD | Credit Spread - Loans |
FNWF | WF Loans Release: List of Work Items |
FNWF_REP | Release Workflow: Synchronization |
FNWO | Loans: Fast Processing |
FNWS | Housing statistics |
FNX1 | Rollover: Create Table |
FNX2 | Rollover: Change Table |
FNX3 | Rollover: Display Table |
FNX6 | Rollover: Delete Table |
FNX7 | Rollover: Deactivate Table |
FNX8 | Rollover: Print Table |
FNXD | TR-EDT: Documentation |
FNXG | List of Bus. Partners Transferred |
FNXU | List of Imported Loans |
FNY1 | New Business: Create Table |
FNY2 | New Business: Change Table |
FNY3 | New Business: Display Table |
FNY6 | New Business: Delete Table |
FNY7 | New Business: Deactivate Table |
FNY8 | New Business: Print Table |
FNZA | Account Determination Customizing |
FN_1 | Table maint. transferred loans |
FN_2 | Table maintenance transf. partner |
FN_ACC_STMT | Reprint of Account Statement |
FN_AUTODRAFT_PROCESS | Create Auto Debit Files |
FN_BILLNUM | Number Range Maintenance Bill Number |
FN_BILL_DISPLAY | Display Bills |
FN_BILL_NUM | Number Range Maintenance: FVVD_BILL |
FN_BILL_PROCESS | Create Bills |
FN_BILL_REPRINT | Print Bills |
FN_CBR_INFO | Display Files for Credit Bureau |
FN_CBR_PROCESS | Create Files for Credit Bureau |
FN_CHANGE_SEPA_DATA | Check and adjust SEPA Data in Loans |
FN_CL_PRODUCT_ATTR | Process Attributes: Consumer Loans |
FN_CL_PRODUCT_ATTR_D | Display Attributes: Consumer Loans |
FN_CL_PRODUCT_CHNG | Change Products: Consumer Loans |
FN_CL_PRODUCT_COMP | Compare Products - Consumer Loans |
FN_CL_PRODUCT_COMP_C | Comp.Prods.- Cons.Loans Using Client |
FN_CL_PRODUCT_CREA | Create Products: Consumer Loans |
FN_CL_PRODUCT_DEL | Delete Products - Consumer Loans |
FN_CL_PRODUCT_DISP | Display Products: Consumer Loans |
FN_CONTRACT_SEPA | Set contract IBAN / BIC |
FN_CORR_MASS | Create Annual Interest Statement |
FN_DAILY_ACCRUAL | Daily Interest Accrual Display |
FN_DERI_COMPANY_CODE | Derivation Rules for Company Code |
FN_DERI_CONDITION | Derivation Rules for Condition Table |
FN_DERI_ORIGINATOR | Derivation Rules for Originator |
FN_DERI_PRODUCT | Derivation Rules for Product |
FN_DERI_SALES_ORG | Derivation Rules for Org. Unit |
FN_LOANUNITA_ARC_ADM | Archiving Administration LOANREF_A |
FN_LOANUNITV_ARC_ADM | Archiving Administration LOANREF_V |
FN_LOANUNIT_ARC | Archive Loan Reference Units |
FN_LOANUNIT_RELOAD | Reload Loan Reference Units |
FN_MIG_CMS | Deletion of Data After Migration CMS |
FN_NEW_AUTO_DEBIT | New Auto Debit (SEPA Direct Debit) |
FN_PAY_PROCESS_SUSP | Generate PPO Error Messages |
FN_PAY_PROC_PAYOFF | Create Payoff from Overpayment |
FN_PAY_STOP | Create Lockbox Stop File |
FN_POST_INL | Post Planned Records from Worklist |
FN_PPO2 | Edit Postprocessing Order |
FN_PPO3 | Display Postprocessing Order |
FN_PPO_CUS_VIEWCALL | PPO Customizing with Component |
FN_PPO_VIEWCALL | PPO Customizing with Component |
FN_PRODUCT_BAS_ATTYP | Assign Attribute Types |
FN_PRODUCT_BAS_CUSAT | Table/Struct.Name f.Cust. Attributes |
FN_PRODUCT_BAS_PTYP | Options for Supported Product Cats. |
FN_PRODUCT_BAS_TAPT | Assign Prod.Cat.& Cond.Type |
FN_PRODUCT_KEYP_WORK | Change Key Prefix for Product Key |
FN_RULE_COMPANY_CODE | Rule Entries for Company Code |
FN_RULE_CONDITION | Rule Entries for Condition Table |
FN_RULE_ORIGINATOR | Rule Entries for Loan Originator |
FN_RULE_PRODUCT | Rule Entries for Product |
FN_RULE_SALES_ORG | Rule Entries for Org. Unit |
FN_SEPA_DD_CHECK | Check SEPA Direct Debit Records |
FN_STOP_ADMIN | Manage Stops |
FN_TRLE_CHECK_CUST | Check Cust. for Parallel Posit. Mgmt |
FN_TRLE_CML_TRL | Comp. CML-BO and Parallel Pos. Mgmt |
FN_TRLE_INIT_VCLASS | Initialization of General Valn Class |
FN_TRLE_TEST_INIT | REP: rfvd_test_distributor_init |
FN_UPD_FELDAUSW | Update Program for Field Selection |
FO/E | Create exception real estate |
FO/F | Maintain exception real estate |
FO/G | Display exception real estate |
FO/H | Create groups except. real estate |
FO/I | Change groups except. real estate |
FO/J | Display groups except. real estate |
FO01 | Real estate management leasing |
FO03 | |
FO04 | |
FO05 | |
FO08 | Reversal input tax distribution |
FO10 | Reserved for real estate |
FO11 | Number range maintenance: Land reg. |
FO12 | Field status: Management contract |
FO13 | Activate Settlement Unit |