Transaction | Text |
FNLS_CONTS | Reset Planned Completed to Contract |
FNLS_PLANM | Set Status Planned Completed |
FNLS_PLANS | Set Status Planned Completed |
FNM1 | Automatic Posting |
FNM1P | Automatic Posting (parallelized) |
FNM1S | Automatic Posting - Single |
FNM1S_NODD | Automatic Posting - Single |
FNM1_NODD | Automatic Posting |
FNM2 | Balance sheet transfer |
FNM3 | Loans reversal module |
FNM4 | Undisclosed assignment |
FNM5 | Automatic debit position simulation |
FNM6 | Post Interest on Arrears |
FNMA | Partner data: Settings menu |
FNMD | Submenu General Loans |
FNME | Loans management menu |
FNMEC | Loans Management Menu |
FNMH | Loans management menu |
FNMI | Loans information system |
FNMO | Loans Menu Policy Loans |
FNMODELCALCSHOW | Display Archived Model Calculations |
FNMP | Rollover |
FNMS | Loans Menu Borrower's Notes |
FNMULTIARC | Archive Document Data |
FNN4 | Display General File |
FNN5 | Edit general file |
FNN6 | Display general main file |
FNN7 | Edit general main file |
FNN8 | Display general main file |
FNN9 | Edit general overall file |
FNO1 | Create Object |
FNO2 | Change Object |
FNO3 | Display Object |
FNO5 | Create collateral |
FNO6 | Change collateral |
FNO7 | Display collateral |
FNO8 | Create Objects from File |
FNO9 | Create Collateral from File |
FNP0 | Edit rollover manually |
FNP4 | Rollover: Display file |
FNP5 | Rollover: Edit File |
FNP6 | Rollover: Display main file |
FNP7 | Rollover: Edit main file |
FNP8 | Rollover: Display overall file |
FNP9 | Rollover: Edit overall file |
FNPAD | Prepare New Auto Debit |
FNQ2 | New Business Statistics |
FNQ5 | Transact.type - Acct determinat.adj. |
FNQ6 | Compare Flow Type/Account Determin. |
FNQ7 | Generate flow type |
FNQ8 | Automatic Clearing for Overpayments |
FNQ9 | Int. adjustment run |
FNQF | Swiss interest adjustment run |
FNQG | Swiss special interest run |
FNR0 | Loans: Posting Journal |
FNR6 | Insur.prtfolio trends - NEW |
FNR7 | Totals and Balance List |
FNR8 | Account Statement |
FNR9 | Planning List |
FNRA | Other accruals/deferrals |
FNRB | Planned Record Update |
FNRBP | Planned Record Update (parallelized) |
FNRB_FAC_PREP_FLOWS | Generation of Plnnd Recs for Facil. |
FNRB_WORKLIST | Update Planned Records from Worklist |
FNRC | Accruals/deferrals reset |
FNRD | Display incoming payments |
FNRE | DO NOT USE:Reverse Incoming Payments |
FNRELOADING | Reload Archived Documents |
FNRI | Portfolio Analysis Discount/Premium |
FNRLZ | Statement of Remaining Terms |
FNRS | Reversal Accrual/Deferral |
FNS1 | Collateral number range |
FNSA | Foreign currency valuation |
FNSARACUST | Customizing Loan Archiving CML |
FNSB | Master data summary |
FNSFP | Contracts for the Finance Project |
FNSIM_CORR | Simulate Backdated Condition Change |
FNSL | Balance reconciliation list |
FNSTA | Processing Characteristics |
FNT0 | Loan correspondence (Switzerland) |
FNT1 | Automatic Deadline Monitoring |
FNT2 | Copy text modules to client |
FNTDPRODPROFILE | Assign Profiles to Products |
FNUB | Treasury transfer |
FNV0 | Payoff policy contract |
FNV1 | Create mortgage contract |
FNV2 | Change mortgage contract |
FNV3 | Display mortgage contract |
FNV4 | Contract Full / Partial Recission |
FNV5 | Disburse Contract |
FNV6 | Create policy contract |
FNV7 | Change policy contract |
FNV8 | Display policy contract |
FNV9 | Policy Contract WIthdrawal |
FNVA | Create paid off contracts |
FNVCOMPRESSION | Loans: Document Data Summarization |
FNVCOMPREXCL | Set /Delete Archiving Lock |
FNVD | Disburse Contract |
FNVD_REPAY | Loan Payoff |
FNVD_TRL | Disburse Contract |