SAP Transactions

Transaction Text
FNCW2 Administrative Responsibility
FNCW3 Assign Agents to Tasks
FNCW4 Activate/Deactivate Workflow
FNDD Convert Dunning Data in Dunn.History
FNDD_CREATE Transaction for drawdown creation
FNDEF_PAST_DUE Display Open Items After Due Date
FNDOCSSHOW Display Individual Documents
FNEN Create Loan
FNENALG Create General Loan
FNENHYP Create Mortgage Loan
FNENPOL Create Policy Loan
FNENSSD Create Borrower's Note Loan
FNESRIN01 CML: Invoice Printing
FNESRNRR Number Range Maint.: FVVD_ESRIN
FNESRTDT049E CML Corr.: Posting Area - Part. No.
FNESRTDTZB0A CML Corr.: Seq. Invoice Printing
FNETSCA2 Customer: Change Address
FNETSCB1 Customer: Create Bank Details
FNETSCB2 Customer: Change Bank Details
FNETSCB6 Customer: Delete Bank Details
FNETSVA2 Vendor: Change Address
FNETSVB1 Vendor: Create Bank Details
FNETSVB2 Vendor: Change Bank Details
FNETSVB6 Vendor: Delete Bank Details
FNEXP Export Interface Loans
FNEXP_DET_DATA CML: Loans Pooling for Fund Mgmt
FNF1 Rollover: Create file
FNF2 Rollover: Change file
FNF3 Rollover: Display file
FNF4 Rollover: Fill file
FNF9 Rollover: Evaluations
FNFO ISIS: Create file
FNFP ISIS: Change file
FNFQ ISIS: Display file
FNFR ISIS: Fill file
FNFT Rollover: File evaluation
FNFU Rollover: Update file
FNG2 Total Loan Commitment
FNG3 Loan Commitment
FNGEN_PRODUCT_ATTR Processing Attrib. for Loans General
FNGEN_PRODUCT_CHNG Changing Products for Loans General
FNGEN_PRODUCT_CREA Creating Products for Loans in Genrl
FNI1 Create mortgage application
FNI2 Change mortgage application
FNI3 Display Mortgage Loan Application
FNI4 Mortgage Application Withdrawal
FNI5 Mortgage application to offer
FNI6 Mortgage application in contract
FNIA Create inquiry
FNIB Change inquiry
FNIC Display Inquiry
FNID Deactivate Interested Party
FNIE Reactivate Interested Party
FNIH Decision-making
FNIJ Create credit standing
FNIK Change Credit Standing
FNIL Display Credit Standing
FNIN Create collateral value
FNINL Edit Installment Loan
FNINL_DISPLAY Display Installment Loan
FNINL_EDIT Change Installment Loan
FNINL_PRODUCT_ATTR Process Attribs for Install. Loans
FNINL_PRODUCT_ATTR_D Display Attributes for Inst. Loans
FNINL_PRODUCT_CHNG Changing Products for Instllmt Loans
FNINL_PRODUCT_COMP Compare Products for Install. Loans
FNINL_PRODUCT_COMP_C Comp. Products Instlmt Loans by Clnt
FNINL_PRODUCT_CREA Create Products for Install. Loans
FNINL_PRODUCT_DEL Delete Installment Loan Products
FNINL_PRODUCT_DISP Display Products for Install. Loans
FNINV_ACC_DISP Display Investor Contract
FNIO Change collateral value
FNIP Display collateral value
FNK0 Multimillion Loan Display (GBA14)
FNK1 Loans to Managers (GBA15)
FNKO Cond.types - Cond.groups allocation
FNKWGFLAG Maintain GBA Reporting Indicator
FNKWGRAT Maintain Debtor Ratings
FNL1 Rollover: Create Main File
FNL2 Rollover: Change Main File
FNL3 Rollover: Displ. Main File Structure
FNL4 New business
FNL5 New business
FNL6 New business
FNLOC_PRODUCT_ATTR Process Attributes for LoC
FNLOC_PRODUCT_ATTR_D Display Attributes for LoC
FNLOC_PRODUCT_CHNG Change Products - Lines of Credit
FNLOC_PRODUCT_COMP Compare Products - Lines of Credit
FNLOC_PRODUCT_COMP_C Compare Products - LoC Using Client
FNLOC_PRODUCT_CREA Create Products - Lines of Credit
FNLOC_PRODUCT_DEL Delete Products - Lines of Credit
FNLOC_PRODUCT_DISP Display Products for Lines of Credit
FNLOS_PRODUCT_ATTR Proc. of Attrs for Aquisition Syst.
FNLOS_PRODUCT_ATTR_D No. of Attrib. for Aquisition System
FNLOS_PRODUCT_CHNG Change Products for Aquisition Syst.
FNLOS_PRODUCT_COMP Compare Products for Aquisition Syst
FNLOS_PRODUCT_COMP_C Compare Prod. for Aqu. Using Client
FNLOS_PRODUCT_CREA Create Products for Aquisition Syst.
FNLOS_PRODUCT_DEL Delete Products in Aquisition System
FNLOS_PRODUCT_DISP No. of Products for Aquisition Syst.
FNLS_ACTM Set Status Actual Completed
Lines 15901 to 16000 of 91333 entries
1 158 159 160 161 162 914