Transaction | Text |
FMHU | |
FMHV | Budget Memo Texts |
FMIA | Indiv. Processing of Revs Incr. Bdgt |
FMIB | Posting Line-Based Budget Increase |
FMIC | Generate Additional Budget Incr.Data |
FMIF | Correction Report for RIB-FB |
FMIK | Copy Rules for Revs Incr. the Budget |
FMIL | Delete Rules for Revs Incr. Budget |
FMIP | Edit Revenues Increasing Bdgt Rules |
FMIPCT | Payment Transfer: Customizing |
FMIR | Detail Maintenance of Open Int Rules |
FMIS | Display Rules for Revs.Incr.Budget |
FMIT | Totals-Based Distribution Procedure |
FMITPO | Payment Transfer |
FMIU | Maintain Rules for Revs.Incr.Budget |
FMJ0 | Manual Zero Carryforward |
FMJ2 | Year-End Closing: Carryfwd Cmmts |
FMJ2_D | Carryfwrd Cmmt Accrd. to Entry Date |
FMJ3 | Reverse Commitments Carryforward |
FMJA | Budget Year-End Closing: Prepare |
FMJB | Budget Year-End Closing: Determine |
FMJC | Budget Year-End Closing: Carry Fwd |
FMJD | Reverse Fiscal Year Close: Budget |
FMJM | Maintain residual budget application |
FMJN | Display residual budget application |
FMJO | Maintain residual budget approval |
FMJP | Display residual budget approval |
FMJ_ANZ | Carry Forward Down Payments |
FMJ_APP | Approval Step Cmmt Carryforward |
FMJ_CHAIN1 | Check Chains Account Assignments |
FMJ_DISP | Display Cmmt Carryforward Approval |
FMJ_DISPLAY | Display FM Commt Carryforward Docs |
FMJ_FICA | Transfer Open Items from FI-CA |
FMK3 | |
FMK4 | |
FMKD | |
FMKFDEF | FM Definition of Key Figures |
FMKFR01 | Display budget data |
FMKK | |
FMKO | |
FMKO_RFFMKHPL | Budget plan |
FMKU | |
FMKUDB | Display database settings |
FMKUDELDATA | Delete BCS database tables |
FMKUDOCRESET | Reset BCS Entry Documents |
FMKUMIGDOC | Migrate FB Documents to BCS |
FMKUMIGTEXT | Migration FB Budget Text to BCS |
FMKUMIGTOT | Migrate FBS totals to BCS totals |
FMKUTOTCOL | Collect Budget Totals |
FML1 | Create FI-SL Customizing Ledger |
FML2 | Change FI-SL Customizing Ledger |
FML3 | Display FI-SL Customizing Ledger |
FML4 | Delete FI-SL Customizing Ledger |
FMLD | Ledger Deletion |
FMLF | Classify Movement Types |
FMLGD_H_CUST | Clearing Control |
FMLGD_H_ELKO | Basic Settings Elctr. Bank Statement |
FMLID | Display Change Document |
FMLIDW | Drilldown for Change Documents |
FMLINR | FM line item document number ranges |
FMMACGPERC | Edit percentage per cover group |
FMMC | FM Obligation Closeout |
FMMDAUTO | FM: Auto. Creation of Master Data |
FMMDCICOPY | Copy commitment item substrings |
FMMDFCCOPY | Copy funds center substrings |
FMMDFDCOPY | Copy fund substrings |
FMMDFNCOPY | Copy functional area substrings |
FMMD_SETGEN | Generate Substring Groups |
FMME1 | Funded Program Control: Applications |
FMME10 | Funded Program Control: Search Help |
FMME100 | FPC: Field Group per Activitiy |
FMME101 | FPC: Field Group per Role |
FMME102 | FPC: Authorization Types |
FMME103 | FPC: Field Groups for Authorizations |
FMME104 | Funded Program Control: Screen confi |
FMME105 | FPC: Field Group for Ext.Application |
FMME106 | FPC: Note View for Role Category |
FMME107 | FPC: Where-Used View |
FMME108 | FPC: Client-Wide Field Grouping |
FMME109 | Field Group Criteria by FM Area |
FMME11 | FPC: Assign Screen Field to Database |
FMME12 | FPC: Field Group Criteria |
FMME13 | Funded Program Control: BP Roles |
FMME14 | Funded Program Ctrl: BP Role Groupin |
FMME15 | FPC: Application Transaction |
FMME16 | Funded Program Control: Tables |
FMME17 | Funded Program Control: External App |
FMME18 | Funded Program Control: Activities |
FMME19 | FPC: Function Module Activities |
FMME2 | Funded Program Control: Field Groups |
FMME20 | Funded Program Ctrl:Differentiation |
FMME200 | Funded Progr. Contr: Change doc list |
FMME21 | Funded Program Ctrl: Activity type |
FMME22 | Funded Program Ctrl: Cat. Fld Grp |
FMME23 | Funded Program Control: Data sets |
FMME24 | Funded Progr. Where used list define |
FMME25 | Where used list - process to view |
FMME26 | FPC: Assign BAPI Flds to Field Grps |
FMME27 | Funded Program DI to Table fields |