Transaction | Text |
FMCADERIVE | FM Deriv. Transactions - Customizing |
FMCADERIVE2 | FM Derivation Trans. - Distributor |
FMCADERIVER | FM Deriv. Transactions - Maintenance |
FMCADLOT | Resubmission Write-Off |
FMCADOCA | Approval List for Doc. Changes |
FMCAFOBI | Form-Based Tax Bill |
FMCAFOBIS | Form-Based Tax Bill |
FMCAFPFCP | Copy a Form Bundle |
FMCAFPFIMG | Display IMG Activity for Form Proc. |
FMCAFPFM1 | Generate FBTYP from ABTYP |
FMCAFPFM2 | Migration of Tax Returns to FPF |
FMCAGTRINVBILL_DISP | Display Grantor Billing Doc. (PSCD) |
FMCAGTRINV_M | Mass Invoicing (Grantor) |
FMCAGTRINV_S | Single Invoicing (Grantor) |
FMCAILOT | Approval Installment Plan |
FMCAINCOC | Generate Inbound Correspondences |
FMCAINCOH | Process Inbound Correspondence |
FMCAINVH | Invoice History |
FMCAM1 | Generate Inbound Correspondences |
FMCAM1_OLD | Generate Inbound Correspondence |
FMCAM2 | Generate Invoices |
FMCAOGRM | Generate Docs from General Requests |
FMCAORDNR2 | Number Range Maintenance: FMCA_ORD |
FMCAPFBI | Update Delta Queues for Form Bundles |
FMCAPFBI_GEN | Generate BI Extractor for Form Data |
FMCAPFPF | Mass Activity for Form Process |
FMCAPFPFS | Process Form Bundle |
FMCASKV | Differences in Cash Discount Clearng |
FMCAV1 | Create Contract Partner & Vendor |
FMCAV2 | Change Contract Partner & Vendor |
FMCAV3 | Display Contract Partner & Vendor |
FMCA_AIH | IS-PS-CA Archiving Invoice History |
FMCA_BRF | Configure BRF |
FMCA_BRFP_GEN | Generate objects for call procedure |
FMCA_BRFP_GEN_DISP | Display objects in generation mode |
FMCA_CHECK_INCORR | Check Custom. for Enh. Inbd Corresp. |
FMCA_COUPON | Generate Coupon Books |
FMCA_EHVD | Customer Overview - Data Selection |
FMCA_GEN_WD_FROM_UI | Generate WD form UI for ISR scenario |
FMCA_GRANT_FICA_ACT | Activate the use of Grant for FICA |
FMCA_P050 | Estimation Posting for Ind Cor. Req. |
FMCA_P052 | Deactivate Enhanced Inbnd Corresp. |
FMCA_P053 | Settings for Enh. Inbound Corresp. |
FMCA_P673 | Maintain Exception List Messages |
FMCA_PT_REISPL | Information System: Parcels |
FMCA_TRM_OBN_BP | OBN for Contract Object |
FMCA_TRM_OBN_CO | OBN for Contract Object |
FMCA_TRM_OBN_ICR | OBN for Creating Enhanced EKA |
FMCA_TRM_OBN_INV | OBN for Invoicing Document |
FMCA_TRM_OBN_OA | OBN for Optical Archive |
FMCA_TRM_REL_LINKS | Configure Useful Links |
FMCA_TRM_YOUCANALSO | Configure Other Options |
FMCB | Reassignment: Document Selection |
FMCC | Reassignment: FM-CO Assignment |
FMCCA | Def. of FM CC - Address based |
FMCCAVCCUSTDEF | Check Cash Control Customizing |
FMCCAVCDERIACTG | Derivation of Activity Group |
FMCCAVCDERIACTGR | Derivation of Activity Groups |
FMCCAVCDERIAO | Derivation of Control Object |
FMCCAVCDERIAOR | CC Derivation control object (ACO) |
FMCCAVCDERICH | Derivation of Control Object |
FMCCAVCDERICHR | CC Derivation of check horizon |
FMCCAVCDERITPROF | Derivation of Activity Group |
FMCCAVCDERITPROFR | CC Derivation of tolerance profile |
FMCCAVCOVERVIEW | Overview of Cash control Values |
FMCCAVCREINIT | Re-Initialize Cash Control Ledger |
FMCCAVC_F110 | F110 for Cash Control exclusively |
FMCCD | Def. of FM CC - Document based |
FMCCFB | Strategy for Prohibiting Budget CF |
FMCCFBR | Strategy for Prohibiting Budget CF |
FMCCF_CORR | Correct Budget From CCF |
FMCCF_MONI | Fiscal Year Change Monitor |
FMCCOVR | FM Obligation Closeout |
FMCCR01 | Consistency Check Report |
FMCD | Reassignment: Delete Work List |
FMCECPYCG | Copy Cover Groups |
FMCECVGPNR | Maintain No.Range Intvl for Cvr Grps |
FMCEDELCG | Delete CE Rules |
FMCEGENCG | Generate CE Rules |
FMCEHISCG | Change History of CE Rules |
FMCEHISDEL | Delete Change History Records for CE |
FMCEMON01 | Overview of Automatic Cover Groups |
FMCEMSGD | Show details of FMCE messages |
FMCERG | Strategy for Generating CE Rules |
FMCERGR | Derivation Rules in CE Rule Strategy |
FMCERULE | Process Single CE Rule |
FMCG | Reassignment: Overall Assignment |
FMCG_CHAIN | Reassignment: Full Selection(Chains) |
FMCIA | Edit Commitment Item |
FMCIC | Display commitment item |
FMCID | Change Commitment Item: Hierarchy |
FMCIE | Display Commitment Item: Hierarchy |
FMCIH | Commt Items: Alternative Hierarchy |
FMCI_COPY_NEXT_YEAR | Copy Cmmt Items into Following Year |
FMCI_FYC | Copy Cmmt Items into Following Year |
FMCI_REPLACE_HIVARNT | Replace Hierarchy Variant Assignment |
FMCJ | Maintain cash journal |
FMCL | FM Closeout of Obligations |