SAP Transactions

Transaction Text
FMCADERIVE FM Deriv. Transactions - Customizing
FMCADERIVE2 FM Derivation Trans. - Distributor
FMCADERIVER FM Deriv. Transactions - Maintenance
FMCADLOT Resubmission Write-Off
FMCADOCA Approval List for Doc. Changes
FMCAFOBI Form-Based Tax Bill
FMCAFOBIS Form-Based Tax Bill
FMCAFPFCP Copy a Form Bundle
FMCAFPFIMG Display IMG Activity for Form Proc.
FMCAFPFM2 Migration of Tax Returns to FPF
FMCAGTRINVBILL_DISP Display Grantor Billing Doc. (PSCD)
FMCAGTRINV_M Mass Invoicing (Grantor)
FMCAGTRINV_S Single Invoicing (Grantor)
FMCAILOT Approval Installment Plan
FMCAINCOC Generate Inbound Correspondences
FMCAINCOH Process Inbound Correspondence
FMCAINVH Invoice History
FMCAM1 Generate Inbound Correspondences
FMCAM1_OLD Generate Inbound Correspondence
FMCAM2 Generate Invoices
FMCAOGRM Generate Docs from General Requests
FMCAORDNR2 Number Range Maintenance: FMCA_ORD
FMCAPFBI Update Delta Queues for Form Bundles
FMCAPFBI_GEN Generate BI Extractor for Form Data
FMCAPFPF Mass Activity for Form Process
FMCAPFPFS Process Form Bundle
FMCASKV Differences in Cash Discount Clearng
FMCAV1 Create Contract Partner & Vendor
FMCAV2 Change Contract Partner & Vendor
FMCAV3 Display Contract Partner & Vendor
FMCA_AIH IS-PS-CA Archiving Invoice History
FMCA_BRF Configure BRF
FMCA_BRFP_GEN Generate objects for call procedure
FMCA_BRFP_GEN_DISP Display objects in generation mode
FMCA_CHECK_INCORR Check Custom. for Enh. Inbd Corresp.
FMCA_COUPON Generate Coupon Books
FMCA_EHVD Customer Overview - Data Selection
FMCA_GEN_WD_FROM_UI Generate WD form UI for ISR scenario
FMCA_GRANT_FICA_ACT Activate the use of Grant for FICA
FMCA_P050 Estimation Posting for Ind Cor. Req.
FMCA_P052 Deactivate Enhanced Inbnd Corresp.
FMCA_P053 Settings for Enh. Inbound Corresp.
FMCA_P673 Maintain Exception List Messages
FMCA_PT_REISPL Information System: Parcels
FMCA_TRM_OBN_BP OBN for Contract Object
FMCA_TRM_OBN_CO OBN for Contract Object
FMCA_TRM_OBN_ICR OBN for Creating Enhanced EKA
FMCA_TRM_OBN_INV OBN for Invoicing Document
FMCA_TRM_OBN_OA OBN for Optical Archive
FMCA_TRM_REL_LINKS Configure Useful Links
FMCA_TRM_YOUCANALSO Configure Other Options
FMCB Reassignment: Document Selection
FMCC Reassignment: FM-CO Assignment
FMCCA Def. of FM CC - Address based
FMCCAVCCUSTDEF Check Cash Control Customizing
FMCCAVCDERIACTG Derivation of Activity Group
FMCCAVCDERIACTGR Derivation of Activity Groups
FMCCAVCDERIAO Derivation of Control Object
FMCCAVCDERIAOR CC Derivation control object (ACO)
FMCCAVCDERICH Derivation of Control Object
FMCCAVCDERICHR CC Derivation of check horizon
FMCCAVCDERITPROF Derivation of Activity Group
FMCCAVCDERITPROFR CC Derivation of tolerance profile
FMCCAVCOVERVIEW Overview of Cash control Values
FMCCAVCREINIT Re-Initialize Cash Control Ledger
FMCCAVC_F110 F110 for Cash Control exclusively
FMCCD Def. of FM CC - Document based
FMCCFB Strategy for Prohibiting Budget CF
FMCCFBR Strategy for Prohibiting Budget CF
FMCCF_CORR Correct Budget From CCF
FMCCF_MONI Fiscal Year Change Monitor
FMCCOVR FM Obligation Closeout
FMCCR01 Consistency Check Report
FMCD Reassignment: Delete Work List
FMCECPYCG Copy Cover Groups
FMCECVGPNR Maintain No.Range Intvl for Cvr Grps
FMCEGENCG Generate CE Rules
FMCEHISCG Change History of CE Rules
FMCEHISDEL Delete Change History Records for CE
FMCEMON01 Overview of Automatic Cover Groups
FMCEMSGD Show details of FMCE messages
FMCERG Strategy for Generating CE Rules
FMCERGR Derivation Rules in CE Rule Strategy
FMCERULE Process Single CE Rule
FMCG Reassignment: Overall Assignment
FMCG_CHAIN Reassignment: Full Selection(Chains)
FMCIA Edit Commitment Item
FMCIC Display commitment item
FMCID Change Commitment Item: Hierarchy
FMCIE Display Commitment Item: Hierarchy
FMCIH Commt Items: Alternative Hierarchy
FMCI_COPY_NEXT_YEAR Copy Cmmt Items into Following Year
FMCI_FYC Copy Cmmt Items into Following Year
FMCI_REPLACE_HIVARNT Replace Hierarchy Variant Assignment
FMCJ Maintain cash journal
FMCL FM Closeout of Obligations
Lines 14901 to 15000 of 91333 entries
1 148 149 150 151 152 914