SAP Transactions

Transaction Text
FLQQC5 Queries for Sequences (FI Info.)
FLQQC7 Test Query (FI Payment Document)
FLQQD1 Edit Query (Invoice Information)
FLQQD3 Display Query (Invoice Information)
FLQQD5 Query Sequences (Invoices)
FLQQD7 Test Query (Other FI Document)
FLQREP Payment Report
FLQT1 Create Transfer Posting
FLQT1B Create Transfer with Batch Input
FLQT2 Change Transfer Posting
FLQT3 Display Transfer
FLQTRCBPOS Commitment Item Derivation
FLQTRFIPOS Liquidity Items for Commitment Item
FLQUPGRP Upload Query Sequence (Assignment)
FLQUPINFAC Upload Info Accounts (Application)
FLQUPQR Upload Queries
FLT02 Flight Scheduling: Generate Details
FLVN1 Create Vendor
FLVN2 Change Vendor
FLVN3 Display Vendor
FM+0 Display FM Main Role Definition
FM+1 Maintain FM Main Role Definition
FM+2 Display FM Amount Groups
FM+3 Maintain FM Amount Groups
FM+4 Display FM Budget Line Groups
FM+5 Maintain FM Budget Line Groups
FM+6 Display FM Document Classes
FM+7 Maintain FM Document Classes
FM+8 Display FM Activity Categories
FM+9 Maintain FM Activity Categories
FM+A Display Doc.Class->Doc.Cat. Assgmt
FM+B Maintain Doc.Clase->Doc.Cat.Assgmt
FM03 Display FM Document
FM03A Display FM Document with Archive
FM2BL_DERIVE Derive FM totals transfer to BL
FM2BL_DERIVE1 Derive FM totals transfer to FI
FM2BL_DERIVER CO-PA Rule for FM transfer to BL
FM2BL_DERIVER1 CO-PA Rule for FM transfer to FI
FM2E FM: Change Budget Document
FM2F FM: Display Budget Document
FM2G Field Contents in Funds Centers
FM2M Index of Funds Centers
FM3G Commitment Item Hierarchy
FM3M Index of Commitment Items
FM3N Commitment Items for G/L Accounts
FM48 Change Financial Budget: Initial Scn
FM48_1 PS-CM: Create Planning Layout
FM48_2 PS-CM: Change Planning Layout
FM48_3 PS-CM: Display Planning Layout
FM49 Display Financial Budget: Init.Scrn
FM4G Budget Structure Element Hierarchy
FM4M Directory of Functional Areas
FM5I FIFM: Create Fund
FM5M Index of Funds
FM5S FIFM: Display Fund
FM5U FIFM: Change Fund
FM6I FIFM: Create Application of Funds
FM6M Index of Application of Funds
FM6S FIFM: Display Application of Funds
FM6U FIFM: Change Application of Funds
FM71 Maintain Cover Pool
FM72 Assign FM Acct Asst to Cover Pool
FM73 Create Cust. for Distr.inCollec.Exp.
FM78 Charact.Groups for Cover Pools
FM79 Grouping Chars for Cover Pool
FM7A Indiv. Processing of CE Rules
FM7B Flag FMAA as Eligible for Cover
FM7C Generate Cover Pools from Rules
FM7G Edit rules
FM7K Copy Cover Eligibility Rules
FM7K_N Copy Cover Pools with Funds Centers
FM7L Delete Cover Eligibility Rules
FM7M Directory of Funded Programs
FM7P Indiv. Processing of Assgt to Cvr E.
FM7S MassMaintenac. Rules-CoverEligibilty
FM7U Multiple Processing of Assgts to CE
FM80 Budget Incr. Rev. Maint. - Display
FM81 Budget Incr. Rev. Maint. - Update
FM9B FM: Copy Budget Version
FM9C Plan Data Transfer from CO
FM9D FM: Block Budget Version
FM9E FM: Unblock Budget Version
FM9K FIFM: Change Budget Structure
FM9L FM: Display Budget Structure
FM9M FM: Delete Budget Structure
FM9N FM: Generate Budget Object
FM9O Copy Supplement Budget
FM9P Reconstruct Budget Distrbtd Values
FM9Q FM: Total Up Budget
FM9QBTP Reconstruct Budget per Budget Type
FM9QBUD FM: Reconstruct Budget
FM9QRIB FM: Reconstr. of Additional Revenues
FM9R Loc.Auth.: Change Budget Structure
FM9S HHM: Generate Net Vote Objects
FM9T Check Assignment Object
FM9TBUD Check budget objects
FM9U FM: Checking Budget Consistency
FM9W Adjust Funds Management Budget
FM9X FM: Delete Budget 1 Commitment Item
Lines 14601 to 14700 of 91333 entries
1 145 146 147 148 149 914