Transaction | Text |
FIRPGR | Repetitive Code Groups Maintenance |
FISEPA | Create Internal Bank for SEPA |
FISK_VAT | Slovakia VAT Ledger Statement |
FISPLOGCUST | Customizing for Log Categories |
FISPLOGDISP | Display of Log Entries |
FISPLOGORGA | Reorganize Log Entries |
FITP_RESPO | Contact Partner Responsibilities |
FITP_SETTINGS | Settings for Travel Planning |
FITP_SETTINGS_TREE | Tree Maintenance Current Settings |
FIWTAR_VEND_EXMP | Vendor Exemption Update |
FIWTIN_NR_COPY | Transaction to copy number range |
FIWTIN_QRETURNS | Quarterly Returns for India |
FIWTRCT | Vendor specific threshold amounts |
FIWTSA_CERT | Withholding Tax Cert.for Ven(SAU) |
FIWTSA_NRC | Number range maintenance: IDSAUWTCER |
FIZA_VAT | SA: VAT reporting |
FI_APAR_SEPA_CONV | Create SEPA Mandates in Mass Run |
FI_APAR_SEPA_CUST | FI General Settings for SEPA |
FI_APAR_SEPA_FIELDS | FI Changeable Fields for SEPA |
FI_DRILLDOWN | GT Documents for FI Document |
FJA1 | Inflation Adjustment of G/L Accounts |
FJA2 | Change Last Adjustment Dates |
FJA3 | Balance Sheet/P&L with Inflation |
FJA4 | Infl. Adjustment of Open Items (FC) |
FJA5 | Infl. Adj. of Open Receivables (LC) |
FJA6 | Infl. Adj. of Open Payables (LC) |
FK01 | Create Vendor (Accounting) |
FK02 | Change Vendor (Accounting) |
FK02CORE | Maintain vendor |
FK03 | Display Vendor (Accounting) |
FK04 | Vendor Changes (Accounting) |
FK05 | Block Vendor (Accounting) |
FK06 | Mark Vendor for Deletion (Acctng) |
FK08 | Confirm Vendor Individually (Acctng) |
FK09 | Confirm Vendor List (Accounting) |
FK10 | Vendor Account Balance |
FK10N | Vendor Balance Display |
FK10NA | Vendor Balance Display |
FK10NET | Vendor Balance Display |
FK15 | Transfer vendor changes: receive |
FK16 | Transfer vendor changes: receive |
FK20 | |
FK59 | C FI-CA Table maintenance TFK044A |
FKCB | FI-CA Dunning - Customizing |
FKCJ | BP Control: Activities |
FKCUMTAX | Summarize Tax Lines UK |
FKEXMA | Monitor Tax Exemptions |
FKI0 | Execute Report |
FKI1 | Create Report |
FKI2 | Change Report |
FKI3 | Display Report |
FKI4 | Create Form |
FKI5 | Formular ändern |
FKI6 | Display Form |
FKIB | Background Processing |
FKIC | Maintain Currency Translation Type |
FKIK | Maintain Key Figures |
FKIM | Report Monitor |
FKIO | Transport Reports |
FKIP | Transport Forms |
FKIQ | Import Reports from Client 000 |
FKIR | Import Forms from Client 000 |
FKIT | Translation Tool - Drilldown Report. |
FKIV | Maintain Global Variable |
FKIX | Reorganize Drilldown Reports |
FKIY | Reorganize Report Data |
FKIZ | Reorganize Forms |
FKJOCMDR | Job Commander Standalone |
FKJOCMDR1 | Job Commander from FuMo (List) |
FKJOCNT | Job Container |
FKJOXTR | Job Container |
FKKBIXBIT02_TRANS | Transfer Raw Data to Billable Items |
FKKBIXBIT02_TRANS_MA | Transfer Raw Data to Billable Items |
FKKBIXBIT4_ARCH | Archiving of Billed Items |
FKKBIXBIT4_ARCH_CUS1 | Res. Time Archived Billable Items |
FKKBIXBIT4_ARCH_DEL | Delete Archived Billed BITs |
FKKBIXBIT4_ARCH_MA | Archive Billed Items |
FKKBIXBIT4_DEL | Delete Billed Billable Items |
FKKBIXBIT4_MON | Analysis of Billed Items |
FKKBIXBITB_MON | Analysis of Billable Items |
FKKBIXBITR_MON | Analysis of Raw Data |
FKKBIXBITX_DEL | Delete Excepted Billable Items |
FKKBIXBIT_CONF | Config. of Billable Item Classes |
FKKBIXBIT_GEN | Generate Billable Item Classes |
FKKBIXBIT_MON | Display of Billable Items |
FKKBIXBIT_REV | Reverse Billable Item |
FKKBIXBIT_REV_MON | Analysis of Reversal Requests |
FKKBIX_M | Mass Billing |
FKKBIX_MA | Billing |
FKKBIX_S | Individual Billing |
FKKBI_BA_MON | Monitor Billing Accounts |
FKKBI_BILLPROC_LOG | Log Billing Procedures |
FKKBI_BILL_REV_M | Mass Reversal of Billing Document |
FKKBI_BILL_REV_S | Single Reversal of Billing Document |
FKKBI_BI_MA | Billing |
FKKBI_BT_BILL | Execute Billing Orders |
FKKBI_BT_CRT | Create Billing Orders |