Transaction | Text |
FICBR_REP_TYP | Transaction For Reporting Type View |
FICD | Cash deconcentration |
FICOBDT | Financial Conditions |
FICOBDT01 | FICO Config. - BDT - Applications |
FICOBDT0104 | FICO Config - BDT - Screen Config. |
FICOBDT013 | FICO Config. - BDT - Roles |
FICOBDT014 | FICO Config. - Role Category Groups |
FICOBDT02 | FICO Config. - BDT - Field Groups |
FICOBDT023 | FICO Config. - BDT - SETS |
FICOBDT03 | FICO Config. - BDT - Views |
FICOBDT04 | FICO Config. - BDT - Section |
FICOBDT05 | FICO Config. - BDT - Screens |
FICOBDT06 | FICO Config. - BDT - Screen Sequence |
FICOBDT07 | FICO Config. - BDT - Event |
FICOBDT08 | FICO Config.- BDT - GUI Std Funct. |
FICOBDT09 | FICO Config.- BDT - GUI Add. Funct. |
FICOBDT100 | FICO Config - BDT - Fmod per Acct |
FICOBDT102 | FICO Config. - BDT - Authoriz. type |
FICOBDT103 | FICO Config - BDT - Fld Grp Authoriz |
FICOBDT105 | FICO Config. BDT -Fmod Ext. Applic. |
FICOBDT11 | FICO Config - BDT - ScrnFld ->DB Fld |
FICOBDT12 | FICO Config. - BDT - Fmod. Criteria |
FICOBDT15 | FICO Config. - BDT - Appl. Transact. |
FICOBDT16 | FICO Configuration - BDT - Tables |
FICOBDT17 | FICO Config.- BDT -Ext. Applications |
FICOBDT18 | FICO Config. - BDT - Activities |
FICOBDT19 | FICO Config. - BDT - Authoriz. Type |
FICOBDT_31 | Define Condition Type |
FICOMAIN | Menu for New Conditions Log |
FICO_123 | Create Basic Setting - Conditions |
FICO_124 | Create Basic Setting - Conditions |
FICO_CG | Define Condition Group Type |
FICO_CUS_LIST_BCA | Customizing for Condition Group Type |
FICO_FOBU_OPERATOR | Define Formula Operators |
FIEH01 | Process Contracts with Errors |
FIEUVC_GEN_SAFT | SAF-T Generic Settings |
FIEU_BC | Maintain SAF-T Bussiness Cases |
FIEU_BCP | Business Case |
FIEU_BCP_LU | Business Case |
FIEU_GEN | Maintain SAF-T Generic Customization |
FIEU_MFI | Set Document Types for FI Invoices |
FIEU_PAYM | Maintain Payment Mechanism for SAF-T |
FIEU_PTYPE | Maintain Product Type for SAF-T |
FIEU_SAFT | EU : SAFT Reporting |
FIEU_SDGEN | Maintain Invoice for SAF-T SD Inv |
FIEU_VAT_RCPT | Payment Receipt |
FIHB | In-house bank |
FIHB0 | Number Range Maintenance |
FIHB1 | Assignment of Bnk Statement to IHB |
FIHB4 | Assignment of IHB to Bookkeeping |
FIHB5 | Data for Automatic Payments |
FIHB6 | Assignment of Bnk Statement to IHB |
FIHB7 | Reversal of IHC Payment Requests |
FIHB8 | Transfer Recipient Items |
FIHBC | Settings for In-House Bank |
FIHC | Create In-House Cash Center |
FILAACETRANS | Transfer ACE Documents to Accounting |
FILAADJ | Manual Changes to Value ID Contents |
FILAADJREV | Reverse Value ID Change |
FILAADJREV_2 | Reverse Value ID Change |
FILAADJ_2 | Manual Changes to Value ID Contents |
FILAADMN | Process Processing Initial Screen |
FILACHECK | List Available Help Programs |
FILACUS | List Available Help Programs |
FILAEXAM | Lease: Process Analysis |
FILAEXAMX | Processing of Process (Enhanced) |
FILAEXPL | Display Lease |
FILAFIRECON | Accrual Engine / FI Reconciliation |
FILAHELP | List Available Help Programs |
FILASTRUC_LVS_PARAM | Validation Parameter |
FILASYST | Jump to IMG for System Customizing |
FILATEST | Process Processing Initial Screen |
FILAUF_WF_CUST | Store Order: Workflow Customizing |
FILAVSRDEF | Substitution/Validation Determinat. |
FILAVSRDEF_CLASS | Check Sequences f. Financ. Classif. |
FILAVSRDEF_CRMC | Check Sequences f. Pricing Classif. |
FILAVSRDEF_VALID | Validation Determination |
FILAVSRDEF_VALUE | Determ. f. Val.Determ. Substitution |
FILA_LC_TEST | Lease Classification |
FILA_RE_C_CAT | Define Refinancing Categories |
FILA_RE_C_CAT_C | Assign Tax ID and Clearing Accounts |
FILA_RE_C_CHGPR | Assign Change Processes to Clusters |
FILA_RE_C_EVENT | Assign Processes |
FILA_RE_C_RFF | Generate Forfaiting Payment Schedule |
FILA_RE_C_VAL | Assign Value Identifier to Ref. Cat. |
FILA_RE_DOC_FLOW | Display DocFlow for Refinancing |
FILA_RE_MASTER | Edit Refinancing Program |
FILA_RE_NR1 | Number Range Maint: Refinancing |
FILA_RE_RETURN | Create Return Transaction Tranche |
FILA_RE_SELECT | Create Refinancing Tranche |
FILA_RE_TRANCHE | Edit Refinancing Tranche |
FILA_RE_TRANCHE_PO | Post Refinancing Tranche |
FILA_RE_TRANCHE_PR | Post Return Transaction Tranche |
FILA_RE_TRANS_POST | Repost Customer/Vendor G/L Accounts |
FILA_WRITE_DOWN | Adjustment of Residual Value |
FILA_WRITE_DOWN_UNDO | Undo Adjustment of Residual Value |
FILE | Cross-Client File Names/Paths |
FILEEDIT | File Editor |
FILINV_WF_CUST | Store Inventory:Workflow Customizing |
FILUCBR | Transaction for CBR Luxembourg |