SAP Transactions

Transaction Text
FICBR_REP_TYP Transaction For Reporting Type View
FICD Cash deconcentration
FICOBDT Financial Conditions
FICOBDT01 FICO Config. - BDT - Applications
FICOBDT0104 FICO Config - BDT - Screen Config.
FICOBDT013 FICO Config. - BDT - Roles
FICOBDT014 FICO Config. - Role Category Groups
FICOBDT02 FICO Config. - BDT - Field Groups
FICOBDT03 FICO Config. - BDT - Views
FICOBDT04 FICO Config. - BDT - Section
FICOBDT05 FICO Config. - BDT - Screens
FICOBDT06 FICO Config. - BDT - Screen Sequence
FICOBDT07 FICO Config. - BDT - Event
FICOBDT08 FICO Config.- BDT - GUI Std Funct.
FICOBDT09 FICO Config.- BDT - GUI Add. Funct.
FICOBDT100 FICO Config - BDT - Fmod per Acct
FICOBDT102 FICO Config. - BDT - Authoriz. type
FICOBDT103 FICO Config - BDT - Fld Grp Authoriz
FICOBDT105 FICO Config. BDT -Fmod Ext. Applic.
FICOBDT11 FICO Config - BDT - ScrnFld ->DB Fld
FICOBDT12 FICO Config. - BDT - Fmod. Criteria
FICOBDT15 FICO Config. - BDT - Appl. Transact.
FICOBDT16 FICO Configuration - BDT - Tables
FICOBDT17 FICO Config.- BDT -Ext. Applications
FICOBDT18 FICO Config. - BDT - Activities
FICOBDT19 FICO Config. - BDT - Authoriz. Type
FICOBDT_31 Define Condition Type
FICOMAIN Menu for New Conditions Log
FICO_123 Create Basic Setting - Conditions
FICO_124 Create Basic Setting - Conditions
FICO_CG Define Condition Group Type
FICO_CUS_LIST_BCA Customizing for Condition Group Type
FICO_FOBU_OPERATOR Define Formula Operators
FIEH01 Process Contracts with Errors
FIEUVC_GEN_SAFT SAF-T Generic Settings
FIEU_BC Maintain SAF-T Bussiness Cases
FIEU_BCP Business Case
FIEU_BCP_LU Business Case
FIEU_GEN Maintain SAF-T Generic Customization
FIEU_MFI Set Document Types for FI Invoices
FIEU_PAYM Maintain Payment Mechanism for SAF-T
FIEU_PTYPE Maintain Product Type for SAF-T
FIEU_SDGEN Maintain Invoice for SAF-T SD Inv
FIEU_VAT_RCPT Payment Receipt
FIHB In-house bank
FIHB0 Number Range Maintenance
FIHB1 Assignment of Bnk Statement to IHB
FIHB4 Assignment of IHB to Bookkeeping
FIHB5 Data for Automatic Payments
FIHB6 Assignment of Bnk Statement to IHB
FIHB7 Reversal of IHC Payment Requests
FIHB8 Transfer Recipient Items
FIHBC Settings for In-House Bank
FIHC Create In-House Cash Center
FILAACETRANS Transfer ACE Documents to Accounting
FILAADJ Manual Changes to Value ID Contents
FILAADJREV Reverse Value ID Change
FILAADJREV_2 Reverse Value ID Change
FILAADJ_2 Manual Changes to Value ID Contents
FILAADMN Process Processing Initial Screen
FILACHECK List Available Help Programs
FILACUS List Available Help Programs
FILAEXAM Lease: Process Analysis
FILAEXAMX Processing of Process (Enhanced)
FILAEXPL Display Lease
FILAFIRECON Accrual Engine / FI Reconciliation
FILAHELP List Available Help Programs
FILASTRUC_LVS_PARAM Validation Parameter
FILASYST Jump to IMG for System Customizing
FILATEST Process Processing Initial Screen
FILAUF_WF_CUST Store Order: Workflow Customizing
FILAVSRDEF Substitution/Validation Determinat.
FILAVSRDEF_CLASS Check Sequences f. Financ. Classif.
FILAVSRDEF_CRMC Check Sequences f. Pricing Classif.
FILAVSRDEF_VALID Validation Determination
FILAVSRDEF_VALUE Determ. f. Val.Determ. Substitution
FILA_LC_TEST Lease Classification
FILA_RE_C_CAT Define Refinancing Categories
FILA_RE_C_CAT_C Assign Tax ID and Clearing Accounts
FILA_RE_C_CHGPR Assign Change Processes to Clusters
FILA_RE_C_EVENT Assign Processes
FILA_RE_C_RFF Generate Forfaiting Payment Schedule
FILA_RE_C_VAL Assign Value Identifier to Ref. Cat.
FILA_RE_DOC_FLOW Display DocFlow for Refinancing
FILA_RE_MASTER Edit Refinancing Program
FILA_RE_NR1 Number Range Maint: Refinancing
FILA_RE_RETURN Create Return Transaction Tranche
FILA_RE_SELECT Create Refinancing Tranche
FILA_RE_TRANCHE Edit Refinancing Tranche
FILA_RE_TRANCHE_PO Post Refinancing Tranche
FILA_RE_TRANCHE_PR Post Return Transaction Tranche
FILA_RE_TRANS_POST Repost Customer/Vendor G/L Accounts
FILA_WRITE_DOWN Adjustment of Residual Value
FILA_WRITE_DOWN_UNDO Undo Adjustment of Residual Value
FILE Cross-Client File Names/Paths
FILEEDIT File Editor
FILINV_WF_CUST Store Inventory:Workflow Customizing
FILUCBR Transaction for CBR Luxembourg
Lines 14101 to 14200 of 91333 entries
1 140 141 142 143 144 914