Transaction | Text |
F99D | Preparation Early Account Balancing |
F99E | Closing: Settled Accounts |
F99F | Single Acct. Balancing: Restart |
F99G | Check Account Balancing Ext. Data |
F9A0 | BCA: Block Checks |
F9A1 | Create Check |
F9A10 | Edit Lock |
F9A11 | Delete Check |
F9A12 | Creat Check Stack |
F9A13 | Request Check Stack (Customer) |
F9A16 | BCA: Delete Stack Creation |
F9A18 | BCA: Request Checks from Location |
F9A19 | BCA: Release Check Stack |
F9A20 | Display Check Stack |
F9A21 | BCA: Block Check Stack |
F9A23 | Lift Block |
F9A25 | BCA: Location Maintenance Pos. Mgmt |
F9A26 | BCA: Stack Location Settings |
F9A4 | BCA: Request Check |
F9A5 | Number Range Maintenance: BCA_ACC_EX |
F9A50 | Change Check Status |
F9A7 | BCA: Revoke Check Block |
F9A8 | Check Locks |
F9A9 | BCA: Display Checks |
F9AUTH | Maintain Authorization Groups |
F9B1 | BCA: Posting cut-off paym. transact. |
F9B2 | Posting Cut-Off Pay. Trans. Batch |
F9B3 | User Log Currency Changeover |
F9B4 | BCA: Report Currency Conversion |
F9BENCH0 | Benchmark Payment Transactions |
F9BENCH1 | Benchmark Account Balancing |
F9BENCH10 | Benchmark Payt Transactions Online |
F9BENCH2 | Benchmark Bank Statement |
F9BENCHG1 | Generate Settings |
F9BENCHG2 | Generate Pay. Trans. Master Data |
F9BENCHG3 | Generate Acct. Balanc. Master Data |
F9BENCHG4 | Generated Postings for Balancing |
F9BENCHG4Q | Generate Trans.Figures for Balancing |
F9BENCHG5 | Generate Postings for Online Entry |
F9BENCHM0 | Monitor Benchmark: Paym. Transaction |
F9BENCHM1 | Monitor Benchmark: Posted Data |
F9BENCHU0 | Benchmark: Delete Blocked Items |
F9BENCHU1 | Benchmark: Reset Account Balancing |
F9BENCHU3 | Benchmark: Change BKKM2 for Restart |
F9BENCHU4 | Benchmark: Collect Statistics |
F9BENCHU5 | Reset Benchmark |
F9BENCHV0 | Maintain Number Range Parameters |
F9BENCHV1 | Maintain Global Benchmark Parameters |
F9BKST_CORR | Correction Report for Bank Statement |
F9BKST_CORR_LOG | Log for Correction Report of Bank St |
F9BTEINFO | BCA: BTE Info System (P&S) |
F9C% | Job Distribution on Server |
F9C0_PAR_DETAIL | Par.Process. Item Postings: Detail |
F9C0_PAR_MODE | Par.Process. Item Postings: General |
F9C11 | Maintain Reports End of Day Process. |
F9C12 | Scheduling Reports End of Day Proc. |
F9C3 | Number Range Maintenance: BCA_PAORN |
F9C4 | Authorization types |
F9C6 | BCA: Field Modification Account Type |
F9C7 | BCA: Field Modification Activity |
F9CAPPLREL | Relationships Betw. Applic. Types |
F9CARCPERIODS | Retention Periods |
F9CB | Old:Allowed Acct.Types per Bank Area |
F9CC1 | Authorizations for Field Groups |
F9CC2 | Screen Configuration |
F9CCHGRCV | Recipient in A-Sentence |
F9CD | Crete Cond.Cat.<->Diff. Type |
F9CE | Display Cond.Cat.<-> Diff.Type |
F9CF | Change Cond Type<->Diff Type |
F9CG | Create Bank Condition Categories |
F9CH | Change Bank Condition Categories |
F9CI | Display Bank Condition Categories |
F9CICC | Change Compensation Methods |
F9CICD | Change Compensation Methods |
F9CJ | Create Differentiation Types |
F9CK | Change Differentiation Types |
F9CL | Display Differentiation Types |
F9CL1 | Create Creditor Limit |
F9CL2 | Change Creditor Limit |
F9CL3 | Display Creditor Limit |
F9CL4 | Delete Creditor Limit |
F9CN | Change Condition Groups |
F9CO | Display Condition Groups |
F9COGR1 | Create Condition Group |
F9COGR2 | Edit Condition Group |
F9COGR3 | Display Condition Group |
F9COL1 | Correction of SubFinPayt Balance |
F9CORRDISPMAP | Corresp: Bank Stat Dispatch Mapping |
F9CORRMIGRATE | Migrate BKK45 Entries |
F9CPP | Settings for Parallel Processing |
F9CSA | BCA Ref. Interest Rate Maintenance |
F9CSO00 | SO: Field Modification Activity |
F9CSO01 | SO: Field Modification Trans. Type |
F9CSO02 | SO: Authorization Types |
F9CSO03 | SO: Authorizations for Field Groups |
F9CSO04 | SO Cust: Screen Configuration |
F9CSO1 | SO Control: Applications |
F9CSO2 | SO Control: Field Groups |
F9CSO3 | SO Control: Views |
F9CSO4 | SO Control: Sections |