SAP Transactions

Transaction Text
F99D Preparation Early Account Balancing
F99E Closing: Settled Accounts
F99F Single Acct. Balancing: Restart
F99G Check Account Balancing Ext. Data
F9A0 BCA: Block Checks
F9A1 Create Check
F9A10 Edit Lock
F9A11 Delete Check
F9A12 Creat Check Stack
F9A13 Request Check Stack (Customer)
F9A16 BCA: Delete Stack Creation
F9A18 BCA: Request Checks from Location
F9A19 BCA: Release Check Stack
F9A20 Display Check Stack
F9A21 BCA: Block Check Stack
F9A23 Lift Block
F9A25 BCA: Location Maintenance Pos. Mgmt
F9A26 BCA: Stack Location Settings
F9A4 BCA: Request Check
F9A5 Number Range Maintenance: BCA_ACC_EX
F9A50 Change Check Status
F9A7 BCA: Revoke Check Block
F9A8 Check Locks
F9A9 BCA: Display Checks
F9AUTH Maintain Authorization Groups
F9B1 BCA: Posting cut-off paym. transact.
F9B2 Posting Cut-Off Pay. Trans. Batch
F9B3 User Log Currency Changeover
F9B4 BCA: Report Currency Conversion
F9BENCH0 Benchmark Payment Transactions
F9BENCH1 Benchmark Account Balancing
F9BENCH10 Benchmark Payt Transactions Online
F9BENCH2 Benchmark Bank Statement
F9BENCHG1 Generate Settings
F9BENCHG2 Generate Pay. Trans. Master Data
F9BENCHG3 Generate Acct. Balanc. Master Data
F9BENCHG4 Generated Postings for Balancing
F9BENCHG4Q Generate Trans.Figures for Balancing
F9BENCHG5 Generate Postings for Online Entry
F9BENCHM0 Monitor Benchmark: Paym. Transaction
F9BENCHM1 Monitor Benchmark: Posted Data
F9BENCHU0 Benchmark: Delete Blocked Items
F9BENCHU1 Benchmark: Reset Account Balancing
F9BENCHU3 Benchmark: Change BKKM2 for Restart
F9BENCHU4 Benchmark: Collect Statistics
F9BENCHU5 Reset Benchmark
F9BENCHV0 Maintain Number Range Parameters
F9BENCHV1 Maintain Global Benchmark Parameters
F9BKST_CORR Correction Report for Bank Statement
F9BKST_CORR_LOG Log for Correction Report of Bank St
F9BTEINFO BCA: BTE Info System (P&S)
F9C% Job Distribution on Server
F9C0_PAR_DETAIL Par.Process. Item Postings: Detail
F9C0_PAR_MODE Par.Process. Item Postings: General
F9C11 Maintain Reports End of Day Process.
F9C12 Scheduling Reports End of Day Proc.
F9C3 Number Range Maintenance: BCA_PAORN
F9C4 Authorization types
F9C6 BCA: Field Modification Account Type
F9C7 BCA: Field Modification Activity
F9CAPPLREL Relationships Betw. Applic. Types
F9CARCPERIODS Retention Periods
F9CB Old:Allowed Acct.Types per Bank Area
F9CC1 Authorizations for Field Groups
F9CC2 Screen Configuration
F9CCHGRCV Recipient in A-Sentence
F9CD Crete Cond.Cat.<->Diff. Type
F9CE Display Cond.Cat.<-> Diff.Type
F9CF Change Cond Type<->Diff Type
F9CG Create Bank Condition Categories
F9CH Change Bank Condition Categories
F9CI Display Bank Condition Categories
F9CICC Change Compensation Methods
F9CICD Change Compensation Methods
F9CJ Create Differentiation Types
F9CK Change Differentiation Types
F9CL Display Differentiation Types
F9CL1 Create Creditor Limit
F9CL2 Change Creditor Limit
F9CL3 Display Creditor Limit
F9CL4 Delete Creditor Limit
F9CN Change Condition Groups
F9CO Display Condition Groups
F9COGR1 Create Condition Group
F9COGR2 Edit Condition Group
F9COGR3 Display Condition Group
F9COL1 Correction of SubFinPayt Balance
F9CORRDISPMAP Corresp: Bank Stat Dispatch Mapping
F9CORRMIGRATE Migrate BKK45 Entries
F9CPP Settings for Parallel Processing
F9CSA BCA Ref. Interest Rate Maintenance
F9CSO00 SO: Field Modification Activity
F9CSO01 SO: Field Modification Trans. Type
F9CSO02 SO: Authorization Types
F9CSO03 SO: Authorizations for Field Groups
F9CSO04 SO Cust: Screen Configuration
F9CSO1 SO Control: Applications
F9CSO2 SO Control: Field Groups
F9CSO3 SO Control: Views
F9CSO4 SO Control: Sections
Lines 12601 to 12700 of 91333 entries
1 125 126 127 128 129 914