Transaction | Text |
EWACO12 | Allocate CO Service Type to Material |
EWACONNTESTBED | EEWA Connector Test Bed |
EWACONSLO | Min. Time Frame Deliv./Remov. Order |
EWACONTS | Container Transport |
EWAEL01 | Delivery Locks |
EWAEL02 | Visual Control |
EWAEL03 | Reserve Sample |
EWAEL04 | Waste Disp. Installation Management |
EWAEL05 | Transaction Group |
EWAEL06 | Transactions Within Facility |
EWAEL07 | Operations Log |
EWAELOCEO_INIT | Structure Container Loc. Allocations |
EWAEL_GEO | Configuration EEWA GenIL Objects |
EWAFAKTOR | Waste Billing Factor |
EWAGG | Guarantor Contract |
EWAGGABR | Allocate Bill.Data to Guarantor Cat. |
EWAOBJTYPE | EEWA Object Types |
EWAOBJTYPEM | EEWA Object Types (Client) |
EWAORBCONFIG | EEWA Connector Configuration |
EWAORDALL | Create Waste Disposal Order |
EWAORDCREA | Create Waste Disposal Orders |
EWAORDDEL | Delete Waste Disposal Order |
EWAORDER | Change/Display Waste Disposal Order |
EWAORDERDOWN | Output Waste Disposal Order |
EWAORDRESL | Confirmation |
EWAPLAN | Planning |
EWAPRICE | Postprocessing Debit Memo Request |
EWAROB | Cleaning Object |
EWAROBTYP | Maintain Cleaning Object Category |
EWAS | IS-U Waste Management |
EWASD | Service Types for Service Product |
EWASERCONT | Implicit Confirmation Mode |
EWASPGCONF | Config. Service Product Generator |
EWASUBCNTRCONF | Configuration Subcontract. Handling |
EWATARA | Tare Weight Validity Categories |
EWAWA01 | Accelerated Weighing Entry |
EWAWA02 | Weighing Transaction |
EWAWA03 | General Cargo Entry |
EWAWA04 | Offline Weighing |
EWAWAFEE | Define Material as Weighing Fee |
EWAWAT001 | Hardware Profile |
EWAWAT002 | Profile Control |
EWAWAT003 | Profile Group |
EWAWAUSER | Allocation of User to Weighing |
EWAWDOC | Waste Disposal Order Cockpit |
EWA_AAT_CHECK | Consistency Check for Billing |
EWA_SALES_CONTRACT | Create/Change Contract |
EWA_SALES_ORDER | Create Order for Waste Disp. Service |
EWA_SALES_QUOTATION | Create Quotn. for Waste Disp.Service |
EWBC | Customizing: Front Office Processes |
EWBE | Customizing: Editor Step |
EWC0 | RKAABR01: Order Settlement Analysis |
EWC1 | CO-PA Reports Translation |
EWC2 | CO Reconciliation Ledger |
EWC4 | Reconciliation of Parked Docs FM |
EWCF | Confirm Euro Currency Customizing |
EWCK | Currency Check BKPF, KONV |
EWCM | Maintain Currency Tables for Euro |
EWCT | Currency Test Converter |
EWEBIAC_1_PAY | ISS Pay Bills |
EWEBIAC_ACCT_INFO | ISS Accounts Information |
EWEBIAC_A_PAY | ISS Direct Debit Mandate |
EWEBIAC_A_PAY_CIC | ISS Direct Debit Mandate as ESS |
EWEBIAC_CALLBACK | ISS Initiate Callback |
EWEBIAC_CH_MD | ISS Change Bill Address |
EWEBIAC_CH_MD_CIC | ISS Change Bill Address ESS |
EWEBIAC_CONSUMP_HIST | ISS Consumption Overview |
EWEBIAC_CONS_HIS_CIC | ISS Consumption Overview in CIC |
EWEBIAC_CONTINUE | Dummy Entry for Service Usage |
EWEBIAC_CPUSER | Customer Portal - User |
EWEBIAC_ENROLLMEN | ISS Initial Data Creation |
EWEBIAC_ENROLLMENT | ISS Initial Data Creation |
EWEBIAC_ENROLL_CIC | ISS Initial Data Creation as ESS |
EWEBIAC_INFO | ISS Accounts Information |
EWEBIAC_INFO_CIC | ISS Account Information ESS |
EWEBIAC_LOGIN | ISS Internet Account |
EWEBIAC_METER_CIC | ISS Meter Reading Entry from CIC |
EWEBIAC_METER_READ | ISS Meter Reading Entry |
EWEBIAC_PASSWD | ISS Change Internet Password |
EWEBIAC_PASSWD_NEW | ISS Password Forgotten |
EWEBIAC_PREMISE_SEL | ISS Premise Selection |
EWEBIAC_PREM_SEL_CIC | ISS Premise Selection |
EWEBIAC_SHOW_PROFIL | ISS Display Profile Values |
EWF1 | Display FI/AA Adjustment Differences |
EWF2 | Display Open Item Total at Key Date |
EWF3 | Display Critical Documents |
EWF4 | Display Clearing Proced.Adjustment |
EWF7 | Delete Table EWUFI_SOP |
EWF8 | Compare Index w.Transaction Figures |
EWF9 | Compare Index w.Transaction Figures |
EWFC | IS-U Front Office Configuration |
EWFC0 | Action Box Configuration |
EWFC1 | Action Config. for HTML Operation |
EWFG | Add Up Totals Records |