164901 | Only posting on a/c related to contract not poss. |
176965 | Cash payments: All G/L account items in lot |
146001 | FPE3:Bank data from payment lot for IS-U cash desk |
170553 | Cash desk: Error >4036 with payment on account |
151240 | Cash desk/EK05 Error message SG105 prevents payment |
177940 | Payment on account: Determination of data incorrect |
161391 | Entry of business area in Transaction EK05 |
172660 | Reconciliation key for lot from paymt. at cash desk |
172522 | General reconciliation key lock through cash desk |
170754 | User-spc. default print parameters f. receipt print |
146936 | Cash desk, division w/o contract, Transaction EK05 |
151188 | Cash desk/EK05 Display address:first column missing |
175588 | Cash desk, incorrect amount written to lot |
190807 | Cash desk: Receipt reprint |
178604 | Cash payment:SET/GET prmtr not filled for recon key |
305092 | Payments on account on contract |
171159 | Manual payments, error message >0072 |
203510 | Cash desk, IS-U, IS-T reconciliation key closed |
160778 | User exit 0110, EK05: Interface not used completely |
162076 | Sttlmt cntrl:No tolerance considered for cash disct |
192807 | Cash desk, no BA with payt on a/c from initial scrn |
164993 | User exit 0110 called differently in EK05 and FP05 |
204673 | Cash desk: Subroutine add_line_items not processed |
192845 | Message EK300 with posting of payment on account |
146891 | SET/GET parameter business area for cash payments |
306584 | Error message >0031 when creating payments |
186320 | No prompt for reconciliation key with cash payments |
170790 | No receipts printed when document number specified |
199857 | Exchange rate for payment on account not considered |
165728 | Doc. type of cash desk not transferred to pymt. lot |
153063 | Short dump if amount too long in cash desk (EK05) |
157048 | Copying business area to G/L account items |
161295 | Error in selection of open items (cash desk, EK05) |
178751 | Cash desk: No currency check for lot entries |
200138 | Payment, on account, business area not transferred |
169318 | Barkasse, Überzahlung auf Belegnummer, Fehler >4 036 |
146890 | Proposal of value date for paymnts by check w. EK05 |
169244 | Transaction EK05, no standard search help for VKONT |
160256 | Cash desk; wrong contents in SET/GET parameter 8BV |
184901 | Payt - ChDk:Payt amt changed in dialog w. exit 0110 |
175056 | Message SG105: posting to contract accts receivable |
151251 | EK05/cash desk: Missing check for cash receipt a/c |
190878 | EK05, FPB0: Document type in field WAERS |
175113 | Payment differences when clearing instalment plans |